Leave no one Behind. Design Inclusive Motor Activities in Primary Teacher Education Courses

Antonello, Mura
Ilaria, Tatulli;Antioco Luigi Zurru


Educative experience regarding people with disability leads the international debate towards a creation of inclusive learning contexts. Nonetheless, the theoretical and methodological principles of an approach able to ensure the development of inclusive education have to be outlined, as a core question in the field of Special Pedagogy. Data collected using explorative questionnaires during a tree-years survey in the schools of an Italian region show the evolution of the school context. The qualitative investigation on three macro-dimensions (the perception of diversity, the didactical and methodological means, the wellbeing of pupils) reveals an emerging increase in solid awareness among teachers. Results confirm that inclusion processes at school are attainable only throughout a list of clear methodological principles: 1) a valorising attitude towards diversity; 2) the development of an orienting learning process; 3) the plural and flexible use of both methodologies and strategies; 4) the enhancement of a collaborative work style; 5) the engagement in a continuous training process. These principles are the basis for the full actualization of a didactic able to support each student in the manifold itineraries of identity fulfillment, also by expressing their needs and developing personal abilities in a welcoming and stimulating participative context.
Disability; Inclusive Education; Special Pedagogy; Teachers’ Professionalism
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