Applicazione di un metodo di analisi geomorfometrica a supporto della cartografia pedologica in Sardegna



The Autonomous Region of Sardinia has recently funded the first batch of the " Land Unit and Soil Capability Map of Sardinia " at scale 1:50,000, as a support tool for spatial planning in coastal areas. The morphometric study carried out within the project starts from the need to develop thematic maps describing the physiographic units defined as areal homogeneity with type lithological and geomorphologic process . It is therefore proposed an approach based on geological mapping reclassified in terms of parent material and the elaboration of a DEM. This work is focused on the extraction of morphometric parameters from the DEM , and in particular on the classification of values of steepness integrated in an analysis model with the values of curvature. The product obtained is a classification of the territory in concave and convex shapes with positive and negative values and rising classes with different degrees of steepness .The first results for the two sample areas of Pula - Capoterra and Muravera - Quirra surface, net of flat areas affected by shell debris and Quaternary alluvial , has about 54,800 of which were made 836 observations , show how of parent material consisting metamorphites and plutonites of various types and from lave a composition intermediate - basic distribution of soil types is strongly influenced by the concavity and convexity of the forms .. The values of steepness do not seem to have an influence on the distribution of soil types . It is therefore considered that the methodological approach contributes significantly to the rock types considered , the realization of cards containing semi- detailed soil information and based on soil - landscape paradigm.
Atti 17a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA
Federazione ASITA
17a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA
Comitato scientifico
5-7 novembre 2013
Riva del Garda
4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)::4.1 Contributo in Atti di convegno
Melis, MARIA TERESA; Loddo, S; Vacca, Andrea; Marrone, A.
4.1 Contributo in Atti di convegno
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