Showing results 1 to 50 of 75
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
LOCC convertibility of entangled states in infinite-dimensional systems 1-Jan-2024 Massri, César; Bellomo, Guido; Freytes, Hector; Giuntini, Roberto; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Bosyk, Gustavo M NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS -
Multi-class classification based on quantum state discrimination 1-Jan-2023 Giuntini, R.; Granda Arango, A. C.; Freytes, H.; Holik, F. H.; Sergioli, G. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS -
Heyting $$\kappa $$-Frames 1-Jan-2023 Freytes, Hector; Sergioli, Giuseppe STUDIA LOGICA -
Quantum-inspired algorithm for direct multi-class classification 1-Jan-2023 Giuntini, Roberto; Holik, Federico; Park, Daniel K.; Freytes, Hector; Blank, Carsten; Sergioli, Giuseppe APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING -
Coherence resource power of isocoherent states 1-Jan-2022 Losada, Marcelo; Bosyk, Gustavo M.; Freytes, Hector; Sergioli, Giuseppe SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
Generalized coherence vector applied to coherence transformations and quantifiers 1-Jan-2021 Bosyk, G. M.; Losada, M.; Massri, C.; Freytes, H.; Sergioli, G. PHYSICAL REVIEW A -
Partial orbits of quantum gates and full three-particle entanglement 1-Jan-2021 Holik, F.; Losada, M.; Freytes, H.; Plastino, A.; Sergioli, G. QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING -
Quantum probability: a reliable tool for an agent or a reliable source of reality? 1-Jan-2021 de Ronde, C.; Freytes, H.; Sergioli, G. SYNTHESE -
An Holistic Extension for Classical Logic via Quantum Fredkin Gate 1-Jan-2021 Freytes, Hector; Sergioli, Giuseppe ENTROPY -
Transformations of superpositions by means of incoherent operations 1-Jan-2020 Losada, Marcelo; Bosyk, Gustavo M.; Freytes, Hector; Sergioli, Giuseppe SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
An equational theory for σ -complete orthomodular lattices 1-Jan-2020 Freytes, Hector SOFT COMPUTING -
Special issue: quantum structures and quantum information theory 1-Jan-2020 Bosyk, G. M.; Freytes, H.; Holik, F.; Sergioli, G. SOFT COMPUTING -
A new quantum approach to binary classification 1-Jan-2019 Sergioli, G.; Giuntini, R.; Freytes, H. PLOS ONE -
The Cantor–Bernstein–Schröder theorem via universal algebra 1-Jan-2019 Freytes, Hector ALGEBRA UNIVERSALIS -
Optimal common resource in majorization-based resource theories 1-Jan-2019 Bosyk, G M; Bellomo, G; Holik, FEDERICO HERNAN; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Sergioli, Giuseppe NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS -
Logical structures underlying quantum computing 1-Jan-2019 Holik, Federico; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, Hector; Plastino, Angel ENTROPY -
On an explicit representation of the Łukasiewicz sum as a quantum operation 1-Jan-2019 Freytes, H.; Holik, F.; Bosyk, G. M.; Sergioli, G. SOFT COMPUTING -
Holistic Type Extension for Classical Logic via Toffoli Quantum Gate 1-Jan-2019 Freytes, Hector; Giuntini, Roberto; Sergioli, Giuseppe ENTROPY -
Fuzzy approach to quantum Fredkin gate 1-Jan-2018 Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION -
Fredkin and Toffoli quantum gates: fuzzy representations and comparison 1-Jan-2018 Venkatrama, Ranjith; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Leporini, Roberto - World Scientific
Pattern Recognition in Non-Kolmogorovian Structures 1-Jan-2018 Holik, F; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Plastino, A. FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE -
The lattice of trumping majorization for 4D probability vectors and 2D catalysts 1-Jan-2018 Bosyk, Gustavo M.; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Bellomo, Guido; Sergioli, Giuseppe SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
Probabilities and Epistemic Operations in the Logics of Quantum Computation 1-Jan-2018 DALLA CHIARA, MARIA LUISA; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Giuntini, Roberto; Leporini, Roberto; Sergioli, Giuseppe ENTROPY -
Approximate transformations of bipartite pure-state entanglement from the majorization lattice 1-Jan-2017 Bosyk, G. M.; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Holik, F.; Bellomo, G. PHYSICA. A -
Fuzzy Type Representation of the Fredkin Gate in Quantum Computation with Mixed States 1-Jan-2017 Venkatrama, Ranjith; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Leporini, R. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS -
Semilattices global valuations in the topos approach to quantum mechanics 1-Jan-2017 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; De Ronde, C; Domenech, G. SOFT COMPUTING -
Kripke Style Semantic for the Logic of Two Valued-States 1-Jan-2017 Freytes, Hector; de Ronde, Christian; Domenech, Graciela INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS -
Toffoli gate and quantum correlations: a geometrical approach 1-Jan-2017 Holik, F; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Giuntini, Roberto; Plastino, A. QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING -
Fuzzy approach for C-NOT gate in quantum computation with mixed states 1-Jan-2016 Sergioli, Giuseppe; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS - WORLD SCIENTIFIC
Quantum logic associated to finite dimensional intervals of modular ortholattices 1-Jan-2016 Giuntini, Roberto; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Sergioli, Giuseppe THE JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC -
Entanglement and Quantum Logical Gates. Part I 1-Jan-2015 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Giuntini, Roberto; Leporini, R.; Sergioli, Giuseppe INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS -
Physical properties as modal operators in the intuitionistic approach to quantum mechanics 1-Jan-2014 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; De Ronde, C; Domenech, G. FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS -
A logic-algebraic framework for contextuality and modality in quantum systems 1-Jan-2014 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS - D. Aerts, S. Aerts, C. de Ronde
A categorical equivalence for bounded distributive quasi lattices satisfying: x ∨ 0 = 0 ⇒ x = 0 1-Jan-2014 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Ledda, Antonio MATHEMATICA SLOVACA -
Interpreting the Modal KochenSpecker theorem: Possibility and many worlds in quantum mechanics 1-Jan-2014 De Ronde, C; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Domenech, G. STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS -
Fuzzy approach for Toffoli gate in quantum computation with mixed states 1-Jan-2014 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Sergioli, Giuseppe REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS -
Logical approach for two-valued states on quantum systems 1-Jan-2014 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS -
Probabilistic logics in quantum computation 1-Jan-2013 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Ledda, Antonio; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Giuntini, Roberto - Springer
Two-valued states on Baer semigroups 1-Jan-2013 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; De Ronde, C; Domenech, G. REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS -
Equational type characterization for sigma complete MV-algebras 1-Jan-2013 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS ALGEBRA UNIVERSALIS -
What is fuzzy logic – And why it matters to us 1-Jan-2013 Giuntini, R; Paoli, F; Freytes, H; Ledda, A; Sergioli, G - Springer
Quantum computational logic with mixed states 1-Jan-2013 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Domenech, G. MATHEMATICAL LOGIC QUARTERLY -
Square of opposition in orthomodular quantum systems 1-Jan-2012 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Cristian De, Ronde; Graciela, Domenech - Springer Basel
Equational characterization for two-valued states in orthomodular quantum systems 1-Jan-2011 Domenech, G; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; De Ronde, C. REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS -
Logics from root √' Quasi-MV Algebras 1-Jan-2011 Paoli, Francesco; Ledda, Antonio; Spinks, M; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Giuntini, Roberto INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS -
Completion and amalgamation of bounded distributive quasi lattices 1-Jan-2011 Alizadeh, M; Ledda, Antonio; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL -
Quantum computational structures: Categorical equivalence for square root qMV -algebras 1-Jan-2010 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS STUDIA LOGICA -
Interpretaciones modales y de muchos mundos de la mecánica cuántica: un análisis de las propiedades físicas 1-Jan-2010 Domenech, G.; Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; C., DE RONDE - -
Continuous functions as quantum operations: A probabilistic approximation 1-Jan-2010 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Ledda, Antonio; Sergioli, Giuseppe LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE -
Representing continuous t-norms in quantum computation with mixed states 1-Jan-2010 Freytes, HECTOR CARLOS; Sergioli, Giuseppe; Arico', Antonio JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL -
Showing results 1 to 50 of 75
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