Showing results 51 to 68 of 68
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
George Gifford’s A Discourse of the Subtill Practises of Devills by Witches and Sorcerers: Female Figures through Corpus Stylistics 1-Jan-2009 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Aracne
Ben Jonson Across Cultures: Bartholomew Fair’s Italian Adaptation 1-Jan-2008 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Time and the Text of Sex and the City: The Last Conversation among the Four Female Characters in the American TV Series 1-Jan-2008 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA)
Old Models of Power and Gender in David Harrower’s Blackbird: A Conversation Analysis 1-Jan-2008 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Bonacci
"I’m Mary Brady. I go to Saint Agnes in Queens": Il personaggio irlandese di Mary in Sex and the City 1-Jan-2008 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA NAE -
Women and Witches in Scot’s The Discoverie of Witchcraft and in James I’s Daemonologie: A Linguistic Analysis 1-Jan-2008 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - ECIG
Sardinia and Sardinian Women in a 1923 National Geographic Magazine: A Stylistic Analysis 1-Jan-2007 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - CUEC
On David Harrower’s Blackbird Yet Again: Further Linguistic Evidence of Chauvinist Ideology 1-Jan-2007 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Carocci Editore
Women and Devils at War in Jonson’s The Devil Is an Ass and in Machiavelli’s Favola: A Stylistic Analysis 1-Jan-2007 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Carocci Editore
Ricerca e didattica nei Centri Linguistici di Ateneo: Atti delle Giornate di Studi sull’Insegnamento delle Lingue (“University Press Linguistica”, volume no. 5) 1-Jan-2006 Bowles, H; Douthwaite, J; Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - CUEC
Presentazione 1-Jan-2006 Bowles, H; Douthwaite, J; Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - CUEC
Giovanni Papini, Wallace Stevens e l’idea di poesia e di poeta 1-Jan-2005 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA IL LETTORE DI PROVINCIA -
Review of Janice M. Kozma, Grazia Deledda’s Eternal Adolescents: The Pathology of Arrested Maturation, Madison (NJ), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002 1-Jan-2005 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA RIVISTA DI LETTERATURE MODERNE E COMPARATE -
“A spectacle of strangeness”: Diavoli e streghe nel teatro giacomiano 1-Jan-2004 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Sette Città
Il diavolo è un asino, Traduzione, introduzione e note di Daniela Francesca Virdis, Prefazione di Filippo Grazzini, Ristampa anastatica a fronte (“Anglia”, volume no. 4, General Editor A. Graziano) 1-Jan-2003 Jonson, B; Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Sette Città
W. Stevens’ "Reply to Papini" 1-Jan-2003 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA - Otto
Review of F. Troncarelli (ed.), Il flauto magico: Il frammento, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1998 1-Jan-2000 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA IL CRISTALLO -
Review of G.M. Anselmi (ed.), Dal primato allo scacco: I modelli narrativi italiani tra Trecento e Settecento, Roma, Carocci, 1998 1-Jan-1999 Virdis, DANIELA FRANCESCA IL VELTRO -
Showing results 51 to 68 of 68
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