Department of Economics and Business Sciences

Examples of supervised theses

- Corruption and wallet voting. An experimental analysis

- Rewards vs Incentives

- Obedience. An Empirical Analysis of the Experimenter Demand Effect

- The problem of parallelism. An experimental test on the generalizability of laboratory data

- Charitable giving. transparency and redistribution. An experimental analysis

- What reciprocity? An experimental analysis of the Dufwenberg-Kirchsteiger model

- Efficiency vs Equity as determinants of pro-social behavior. An experimental analysis

- Empathy and pro-social behaviors. An experimental analysis

- Psychological incentives and sanctions in financial relations. An experimental analysis

- Social Preferences and Intentionality. An experimental analysis with autistic subjects

- Frames as a coordination mechanism in psychological game theory

- Hierarchies of beliefs and Framing problems

- Microcredit and adverse selection

- The role of trust in micro-credit institutions

- Long-term contracts and relational contracts

- Analytical Narratives: the merchant guilds as an endogenous enforcement mechanism

- Coordination games and macroeconomic policies

- The limits of arbitration: the case of the LTCM

- Intrinsic motivations and crowding-out

- Overreaction and investor psychology

- Economics and Psychology: a methodological comparison

- Adam Smith's relational anthropology as the foundation of civil economy

- User involvement in personal services: the case of Law 162/98

- The participatory planning process as a tool for the accumulation of social capital

- Non-profit organizations and co-planning

- The economic approach to share capital

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