Department of Political and Social Sciences

Degree theses discussed, Master's and Specialist Degree Courses

Batzella Francesca, Development cooperation instrument of Italian and European foreign policy. The case of Tunisia

Coco Francesca, Freedom in diversity: Sarajevo in international relations from the Ottoman Empire to Tito

Corraine Carla, The evolution of NATO between the end of bipolarity and the new international equilibrium, 1989-1991

Flore Stefano, Between reconstruction and foreign policy: Italy, the United States and the Marshall Plan (1947-1952)

Fois Michele, Between ideals and realism. The United States and Development Cooperation, 1947-1963

Gasperini Barbara, Rupture and continuity: Italy, Latin America and the United States between war and postwar period (1938-1947)

Salis Claudia, History of Berlin, a symbol of division and reunification

Salvago Riccardo, The embargo on Cuba

Sini Elisabetta, Story of a Wrong War. The diplomatic origins of the Italo-Greek conflict (1940-41)

Final papers discussed, Bachelor's Degree Course in Political Science

Adamo Pierpaolo, International relations between Italy and Argentina in the Fascist period

Arba Filippo, The National Reconnaissance Office

Arru Antonio, John F. Kennedy, European integration and the defense of the Old Continent

Barranu Giulia, The United States and Iranian nuclear power in the seventies

Billet Silvia Lucina, The American military base of La Maddalena - Santo Stefano

Cabiddu Barbara, The United States and the 'Soviet Vietnam': Cold War in Afghanistan 19768-1991

Cabriolu Sara, The Malta Summit between George H. Bush and Mikhail Gorbacëv (2-3 December 1989)

Cambosu Emma, ??Anglo-Russian diplomatic relations and the St. Petersburg agreement of 31 August 1907

Campus Mauro, The foreign policy of the Soviet Union and the XX Congress of the CPSU

Cappellu Nicola, Reagan, Gorbacev and the reduction of arms in the 1980s

Caramadre Federico, Italy, Europe and the reunification of Germany

Carboni Paola, The Born towards a new 'Strategic Concept'? The Afghan question: ISAF mission

Cardia Alessandra, A succession of fatal errors: the Italian-German alliance negotiations of 1937-'39

Cardia Elisa, Ethiopian enterprise as an international relationship. Mussolini, the Democracies and Germany

Cardu Giomaria, The Project for the New American Century. George W. Bush's Neocons and Foreign Policy

Carta Luisa, The Great Deception. The United States, the war in Iraq and the 'Curveball case'

Castrovilli Francesco, Reflections of the Freedom Doctrine on Italy's foreign policy

Chasuble Jacopo, 1980s. The 'new course' of Italian foreign and military policy

Catholic Silvia, The role of the UN in the Arab-Israeli conflict

Chessa Moreno, Latin America under the cover of the Great Neighbor: Ernesto Guevara's liberation struggles

Luigi Cogoni, The United States and the People's Republic of Korea: the nuclear issue

Colaci Manuela, An ambition cradled over the centuries. Soviet foreign policy and the Mediterranean Sea, 1945-1973

Congiu Fabrizio, Italy in the nuclear adventure

Congiu Marta, The European Federalist Movement between utopia and realism: history, current events, results

Cordeddu Michela, de Gaulle's Europe between sovereignty, integration and security

Corraine Carla, The environmental question and the Kyoto protocol of December 1997

Cossu Laura, The question of Kosovo: the West in the last war in Europe

Cossu Silvia, Japan on the world stage - From post-war collapse to rebirth, 1945-1970

Craba Roberta, The difficult Yugoslav heritage. Kosovo: internal challenges and the independence that divides the world

Cracchiolo Martina, Two biographies compared: the foreign policy of John F. Kennedy and Nikita Kruscëv

Cugia Cristiana, The United States and the Berlin crisis, 1958-1961

Cui Roberto, Rogue States. US geopolitics and accusatory propaganda

In April Claudia, The European Union and today's crisis

Deidda Michela, From Hawaii to the White House: Barack Obama's foreign policy

Demuru Davide, The dissolution of Yugoslavia

Dessì Silvia Martina, Operation Condor - History of US involvement in Chile in the 1970s

Di Martino Noemi, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict between diplomacy and military operations (2003-2010)

Fabbri Benedetta, Between Declino and Grandeur: Charles de Gaulle and French foreign policy

Fadda Giulia, Patrioct Act and Beyond. US foreign policy between the fight against terrorism and the protection of rights

Fancellu Azzurra, “We were born in a free country”. Cuba and the United States: history of a troubled relationship

Fara Sergio, Italian foreign policy in Mediterranean Africa after the anticolonial turn

Fenu Michel, From the Treaty to the North Atlantic Organization - From Washington 1949 to Lisbon 1952

Flore Antongiorgio, Aman, Shin Bet and Mossad in the Arab-Israeli conflict

Floris Mauro, The relations between Italy and the United States from 1947 to 1950

Foddi Laura, Turkey and the European Union: a path that has distant origins

Gambula Sara, Italian foreign policy and commercial strategies in the Mediterranean of the 21st century. The Egyptian factor

Ibba Monica, Italy and the Great Powers between fascism and the republic: Palestine, the Mediterranean (1936-1956)

Idda Michelangelo, The Irish question from its origins to the peace agreements

Iliakova Alesia, Great Britain and Germany 1935-1939: the origins of appeasement

Khair Jasmin, Sharon. Arafat and the Wall of Misunderstanding: Israel's Defense Policy and the Palestinian Question

Kustra Magdalena, Obama versus G.W.Bush: the United States and energy and environmental policy

Lai Corrado, From Bogotà to El Salado: new documentary evidence on the massacres in Colombia (1985-2000)

Lai Giulio, The continuity of Russian foreign policy

Locci Francesca, The background of the 'October crisis'. Kennedy's confidential conversations at the White House (October 16-29, 1962)

Loddo Costanza, Talley's game. Intrigues and diplomatic art by Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord, 1754-1838

Longoni Gianmarco, The United States, Great Britain and the birth of the State of Israel

Mannu Francesco, Damascus 1840: the story of Father Tommaso da Calangianus between ritual practices and international relations

Manunza Flavio, The Nuclear Emergency Support Team

Marrocu Raffaele, Gaetano Martino and the European relaunch (1955-1957)

Mascia Matteo, George Kennan and the origins of the Cold War

Massa Noemi, The Allies and the invasion plans of Italy

Melis Alessandra, The United States and the Vietnam War: Reasons and Consequences

Melis Samuele, Italian-British relations from 1938 to 1940

Meloni Claudia, From the Barcelona process to the Union for the Mediterranean

Meloni Matteo, Born today: structure and new challenges

Mudu Silvio, Galeazzo Ciano's foreign policy

Mulas Elisa, The United States and the Indian atomic bomb

Murgia Chiara Anna, The McCain - Obama duel and the future of US foreign policy

Muscas Gianluigi, Gandhi versus Churchill - Indian independence in the eyes of two opposite characters

Musu Stefano, Italy and Ethiopia from friendship to war, 1889-1896

Olla Nicola, Julian Assange and Wikileaks, cyber activism and the fight for transparency

Olla Samuele, The Lithuanian Baltic Republic - Events of a small country in a broad international context

Onida Nicola, The Central European Initiative

Orrù Cristina, The CIA and the Azorian project: the secrets of the Jennifer protocol

Orrù Roberto, Italian foreign policy in Albania since 1914 1l 1920

Palmas Stefania, Chavez's Venezuela

Peddis Laura, Mikhail Gorbacëv and the end of the Soviet Union (1985-1991)

Perda Marco, The Lost Paths of Peace in Viet Nam. Ambassador Giovanni d’Orlandi and the 'Marigold' operation

Peruzzi Paola, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher: the evolution of a 'special relationship'

Picciau Daniele, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

Piga Federica, Between past and present. Relations between the European Union and Russia, 1992-2012

Pilloni Andrea, Nato and Maddalena - A conflicting relationship

Pinna Stefano, Ronald Reagan, the anti-communist crusader

Pintori Alice, Willy Brandt - Man and Politician

Piras Renata, Between ideal and political realism: Italy and the New Frontier (1960-1964)

Pirisi Roberta, The reduction of arms and the START 2010 treaty

Pittalis Viviana, An accident that becomes an international crisis: the case of the 'Freedom Gaza' flotilla

Plus Luke, Balfour, Zionism and the Great Powers

Poddesu Daniela, FARC. A journey into the forest under the gaze of the international community

Pusceddu Andrea, Europe, Russia, environment. US foreign policy and the Wikileaks revelations

Putzu Matteo, Korea from isolationism to confrontation with imperialism

Racca Francesca, Relations between the United States and Indonesia. The East Timor case

Rosina Giovanni Paolo, The United States and Iraq: from the first to the second Gulf War (1990-2011)

Saba Giuliana, 'The Taliban Biography (1996-2005)'

Sanna Chiara, 'Torturing Democracy' - The CIA Special Review: counterterrorism detection and interrogation activities (2001-2003)

Sanna Emanuela, Israel and nuclear power - Ambiguity and secrecy

Sanna Francesca, The war in Afghanistan and the Taliban involvement (2001-2008)

Sanna Francesca, Negotiations for the European Atomic Energy Community, 1955-1957

Sanna Giovanna, At the origins of the Vatican Ostpolitik: John XXIII, Paul VI and Eastern Europe, 1958-1978

Scalas Simone, After 11 September - New documentary revelations from the US archives

Scardigli Chiara Valentina, Human Rights Watch. Analysis of the organization and its role for Human Rights

Schintu Silvia, Gaetano Martino in Italian foreign policy

Secci Elisa, Italian foreign policy between the 1960s and 1970s

Sirigu Paolo, The Lebanon case: Italy's international framework and political attitude

Soriani Andrea, Gaddafi's Libya and the international community (1969-2011)

Stefano Arnaez Poullette Angely, Between national practices and European integration: the migration issue and the EU yesterday and today

Tolu Francesca, International profiles of the Gaza question

Zedde Enrico, The failure of the appeasement policy

Zichi Gianlorenzo, The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1975-2010

Zucchi Paolo, War and Peace in Central America - Guatemala between military dictatorship and the peace process. The role of international cooperation.

Zuddas Tatiana, Italy at the United Nations. The reform of the Security Council and the dossier on human rights

Zuliani Manuel, Restitutions and reparations: the two Germanys and the problem-Israel

In preparation (provisional titrations):

Baloban Yulija, Belarus’s relations with the European Union - From independence to today

Cabiddu Fabiana, The United States and the start of the peace process in the Middle East

Cabras Chiara, Over two decades of war. Afghanistan in contemporary international relations

Cuccu Luisa, Mattei, Italy and the Mediterranean

Depau Vanessa, Italy and international development cooperation. The Somali case

By Biase Marika, The Irish conflict, the IRA and the international community

Giattino Gabriella, News of the Euro-Med partnership

Irmesi Alessandra, Relations between Germany and Russia after German reunification

Lilliu Francesca, The United States, the Allies and the Iraq War

Missing Anita, Diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Israel

Massa Riccardo, Olympics and international relations

Mei Roberta, Israel-Gaza 2012-13

Milani Valentina, Great depression and international politics

Mura Gabriele, Italy between the Triple Alliance, Great Britain and France

Murru Maria Laura, North Korea and the nuclear issue

Muscas Gianluigi, Olympics and international relations

Onnis Gian Maria, Soviet foreign policy in the time of Mikhail Gorbacev

Palmas Claudia, Climate, Environment and Energy in the background of international relations

Perra Laura, From Eisenhower to Nixon: the United States and the Vietnamese question

Porceddu Stefano, Putin and the Chechens: international profiles and internal debate

Porcu Antonio, United States and Japan, 1939-1941

Rocca Francesco, Change? Barack Obama's foreign policy between conservation and innovation

Solinas Alberto, Friendship, rivalry, oppression. Relations between Italy and Albania from 1914 to 1949

Tumatis Giulia, Jimmy Carter and the Middle East

Zichi Gianlorenzo, The OSCE yesterday and today

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