Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica

Diego Deplano has been an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) since March 2023 at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy.

Personal webpage: click here
Google Scholar: click here
Research gate: click here
Curriculum vitae: click here

Biography: He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering, all of them awarded summa cum laude, from the University of Cagliari, Italy, respectively in ’15, ’17, and ’21. After pursuing his Ph.D., founded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Automatic Control Lab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the same University until March 2023. He was honored with the 2021 SIDRA Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis defended in the field of Systems and Control Engineering at an Italian University. This award was bestowed by the Società Italiana Docenti e Ricercatori in Automatica (SIDRA). Additionally, he received the Best Presentation Award at the national congress "Automatica.it 2019" from the same organization, and was a finalist for the "Best Young Author" award during the IFAC conference on Networked Systems (NecSys) in 2022. During his research activities, he has established international collaboration during his visiting periods at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Grenoble, France, and at the University of Toronto (UofT). 

Research interests: Analysis and control of multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics, with a focus on consensus and dynamic estimation problems; Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory with application to monotone and positive systems; Distributed optimization for online learning and dynamic tracking; Synchronization and desynchronization of oscillator networks; Average state observer design for linear systems; Multi-robot optimal path-planning with collision avoidance.

Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems; Networked Systems; Autonomous Agents; Agent-based Control; Consensus; Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius Theory; Nonlinear Systems; Monotone Systems; Positive Systems; Distributed Estimation; Dynamic Tracking; Multi-Robot Systems; Path-planning; Synchronization.

List of international journal articles (click on the title for preprints)

[J8] N. Bastianello, D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Online distributed learning over random networks", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, under review.

[J7] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Novel Stability Conditions for Nonlinear Monotone Systems and Consensus in Multi-Agent Networks", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2023.

[J6] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Dynamic Min and Max Consensus and Size Estimation of Anonymous Multi-Agent Networks", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2022.

[J5] A. Pilloni, D. Deplano, A. Giua, E. Usai, "A Sliding Mode Observer design for the Average State Estimation in Large-Scale Systems", IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), 2022.

[J4] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, L. Scardovi, "Distributed Fiedler Vector Estimation With Application to Desynchronization of Harmonic Oscillator Networks", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021.

[J3] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "A Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius Approach for Stability and Consensus of Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems", Automatica, 2020.

[J2] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, S. Ware, R. Su, A. Giua, "A Discrete Event Formulation for Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance on Pre-planned Trajectories", IEEE Access, 2020.

[J1] M. U. B. Niazi, D. Deplano, C. Canudas-de-Wit, and A. Y. Kibangou, "Scale-Free Estimation of the Average State in Large-Scale Systems", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2020.

List of international conference proceedings (click on the title for preprints)

[C12] D. Deplano, N. Bastianello, M. Franceschelli, K.H. Johansson, "A unified approach to solve the dynamic consensus on the average, maximum, and median values with linear convergence", 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.

[C11] D. Deplano, C. Congiu, A. Giua, M. Franceschelli, "Distributed Estimation of the Laplacian Spectrum via Wave Equation and Distributed Optimization", 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2023.

[C10] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, C. Seatzu, "Experimental Comparison of Models of the Drying-Cooling Process of Flatbreads for Optimized Automated Production: the Case Study of Carasau Bread", 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 2023.

[C9] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Dynamic max-consensus with local self-tuning", 9th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems, 2022. IFAC Young Author Award finalist.

[C8] Z.A.Z. Sanai Dashti, D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Resilient self-organizing networks in multi-agent systems via approximate random k-regular graphs", 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022.

[C7] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Distributed Tracking of Graph Parameters in Anonymous Networks with Time-varying Topology", 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2021.

[C6] A. Pilloni, D. Deplano, A. Giua, E. Usai, "A Sliding Mode Observer design for the Average State Estimation in Large-Scale Systems", 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2021.

[C5] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, L. Scardovi, "Distributed Fiedler Vector Estimation With Application to Desynchronization of Harmonic Oscillator Networks", 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020.

[C4] M. U. B. Niazi, D. Deplano, C. Canudas-de-Wit, A. Y. Kibangou, "Scale-Free Estimation of the Average State in Large-Scale Systems", 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019.

[C3] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, L. Scardovi, "Discrete-Time Dynamic Consensus on the Max Value", 15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 2019.

[C2] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Lyapunov-free Analysis for Consensus of Nonlinear Discrete-time Multi-Agent Systems", 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2018.

[C1] D. Deplano, S. Ware, R. Su, A. Giua, "A Heuristic Algorithm to Optimize Execution Time of Multi-Robot Path", 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2017.

List of abstracts at national congresses (click on the title for preprints)

[A5] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Dynamic Consensus on the Max/Min Value in Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems", Automatica.it, Catania, Italy, 2023.

[A4] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Type-K Monotone Systems and Consensus in Multi-Agent Networks", Automatica.it, Cagliari, Italy, 2022.

[A3] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, L. Scardovi, "Distributed Fiedler Vector Estimation with Application to Desynchronization of Harmonic Oscillator Networks", Automatica.it, Catania, Italy, 2021.

[A1] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Discrete-Time Dynamic Consensus on the Max Value", Automatica.it, Cagliari, Italy, 2020.

[A2] D. Deplano, M. Franceschelli, A. Giua, "Stability and Consensus Analysis for a Class of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Multi-Agent System", Automatica.it, Ancona, Italy, 2019. Winner of Best Presentation awarded by SIDRA.

Involvement in research projects

[P1] Member of the research unit of WP4 Spoke 7 in the project “e.INS Ecosystem of Innovation for Next Generation Sardinia” – CUP F53C22000430001 – MUR code: ECS00000038 – code selection rtda7S7_23D_1122_09/G1, This position has been financed by the European Union the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPP),

[P2] Member of the research unit of OR3 in the IOT (IAPC) “Ingegnerizzazione e Automazione del Processo di produzione tradizionale del pane Carasau mediante l’utilizzo di tecnologie IOT”. Programma di ricerca e sviluppo: Fondo per la Crescita Sostenibile “AGRIFOOD” PON I&C 2014-2020, 36 months, 02/10/2019-02/10/2022.

Collaborations with companies

[A2]  Member of the development unit in the "Sviluppo di metodi e algoritmi di coordinamento e ottimizzazione multi-agente per la gestione della forza lavoro tramite assegnamento di compiti e instradamento" in collaboration with DEDEM S.p.A.. 2022/2023

Last update: 25/01/2024

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