Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche
Updated 27-07-2023
2021 - today Professor of Petrology (Associate), Department of Chemistry and Geology, Universitá di Cagliari, Italy
2015 – 2021 Post-Doctoral Fellow (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG – Eigene Stelle), Institut für Geowissenschaften (formerly Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften), Universität Potsdam, Germany
2014 – 2021 Guest Visiting Researcher, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions-und Biodiversitätsforschung, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2015 Post-Doctoral Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, Universität Potsdam, Germany
2010 – 2012 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Geoscience Department, University of Padova, Italy. Supervisor: Bernardo Cesare.
2007 – 2010 Ph.D. candidate at the Geoscience Department, University of Padova.Supervisors: B. Cesare, R.J. Bodnar (Virginia Tech), E. Salvioli-Mariani (University of Parma).
2008 – 2009 Visiting Scholar Fluid Research Lab - Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA. Supervisor: R.J. Bodnar.
2003 – 2006 M.A. (Laurea Magistrale) in Geology, University of Torino. Supervisor: P. Rossetti.
2000 – 2003 B.A (Laurea) in Geology, University of Torino. Supervisor: A. Borghi.
- 2020 – 2023 Research Fellowship (3 years extension) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), at the Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Potsdam, Germany. Project title: Nanogranites in migmatites: deciphering the chemical differentiation in the continental crust (FE 1527/2-3).
- 2017 – 2020 Research Fellowship (3 years extension) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), at the Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Potsdam, Germany. Project title: Nanogranites in migmatites: deciphering the chemical differentiation in the continental crust (FE 1527/2-2).
- 2015 – 2017 Research Fellowship funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), at the same institute. Project title: Nanogranites in migmatites: deciphering the chemical differentiation in the continental crust (FE 1527/2-1).
- 2012 – 2015 Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship at the same Institute. Project title: A novel approach to identify unadulterated natural melt compositions: investigation of nanogranites.
- 2023 Project "Deep fluid fluxes during mountain building processes". EDUC-SHARE initiative.
- 2022-2023 Project Regione Sardegna "Integration of new geological data into the characterization of the Einstein Telescope (ET) site of Sos Enattos, Sardinia, Italy"
- 2020 – 2022 Project FE 1527/4-1 „Re-fertilizing the Earth´s mantle: crust-mantle interaction in (ultra)high pressure settings“. PI: Silvio Ferrero (total amount ~130.000 €).
- 2020 Host for 3-months DAAD-funded Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists awarded to Prof. M.TEDESCHI (University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil). Topic: Nanogranitoids in zircons.
- 2020 – 2022 Co-host for a 2 years von Humboldt fellowship to Dr. G. Nicoli (Uni. Cambridge, UK). Project: „Carbon buffering in the continental crust“.
Geology; Journal of Metamorphic Geology; Geological Society of America (GSA) Bulletin; American Mineralogist; Chemical Geology; Journal of Asian Earth Sciences; Mineralogy and Petrology; Geoscience Frontiers; Lithos; Island Arc; Precambrian Research; G3 -Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Canadian Mineralogical Association short courses (2020).
- 2022 Guest editor per Special issue "Probing the Earth: Melt and solid inclusions as probes to understand nature. Editor(s): Elisabetta Rampone, Silvio Ferrero, Matteo Alvaro, and Ross Angel" on the European Journal of Mineralogy, in progress.
- 2021 Associate Editor for the journal Mineralogia (Mineralogical Society of Poland)
- 2019 Corresponding Editor for FERRERO, S., LANARI, P., GONCALVES, P. & GROSCH, E. G. (eds) 2019. Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts. Geological Society, London, Spec. Publ., 478.
- 2023 PhD Committee member, Università di Padova, Italy
- 2018 PhD Committee member, Universitá di Torino, Italy
- 2015 Evaluator of Scientific Projects for ETH, Switzerland, and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- 2023 – 2026 Co-supervision PhD thesis of Kerstin Gresky (Potsdam Universitaet, Deutschland). Title: „Investigation of anatectic melt inclusions to unravel the chemical differentiation of the continental crust.“
- 2020 – 2022 Supervision of a Post doc scientific researcher for the implementation of the project FE 1527/4-1 „Re-fertilizing the Earth´s mantle: crust-mantle interaction in (ultra)high pressure settings“.
- 2016 – 2019 Co-supervision PhD thesis of Alessia Borghini. Title: „Melt inclusions in mafic rocks as witnesses of metasomatism in the bohemian massif“.
- 2019 – 2020 Supervision Master thesis of Rico Fuchs. Title: „Microanalytical investigation of nanogranitoids in Variscan eclogite: implications for crust-mantle interaction"
- 2018 – 2020 Supervision Master thesis of Iris Wannhoff. Title: „Melt inclusion investigation reveals first evidence for partial melting in giant garnets of Gore Mountain (Adirondacks, USA)“.
- 2018 Co-supervision/collaboration Master thesis of Pawel S?upski. Title: „Former melt inclusions in garnets from granulites of the Góry Sowie Block, NE Bohemian Massif. Main institute: AGH, Krakow, Poland“.
- 2017 Supervision Bachelor thesis of Iris Wannhoff. Title: „Evidence for fluid-melt immiscibility during partial melting in the Oberpfalz migmatites, Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)“.
- 2023/2024 BA level course "Applied petrography". 6 CFU.
- 2022/2023 MA level course "Crustal evolution". 6 CFU
- 2022/2023 BA level course "Applied petrography". 6 CFU.
- 2022 Workshop "Lo studio di inclusioni di fluido e fuso come strumento di investigazione dei processi geologici profondi".
- 2020 MA level course online “Petrology and Evolution of the continental crust”
- 2019 MA level course “Petrology of the lower crust”
- 2015 - Now Workshops “Fluids and geological processes: fluid inclusions investigation”
- 2019 Short course “Petrology of the lower crust”, June 3rd-5th, for international PhD and PostDoc students.
- 2024 European Mineralogical Conference - Dublin, Ireland, 18-22 August 2024. Main convener of session ""One drop at a time: fluid, melt and multiphase inclusions as a tool to unravel geological processes".
- 2015 – Now Main convener and Co-convener of several different GMPV sessions at the general assembly of EGU, Vienna (Austria). Session titles: Garnet, the ultimate tool in petrology (2023); Garnet, an invaluable mineral in basement geology (2022); Peering into the past: the power of microstructures to unravel metamorphic and igneous processes (2019); Microstructures as an interpretative tool in igneous and metamorphic petrology (2018); Progress in Metamorphic Geology: Multi-scale Model Testing from Minerals to Tectonic Plates (2018); Progress in Metamorphic Geology: Petrochronology (2017); Progress in Metamorphic Geology: From Ultrahigh-temperature Terrains to Subduction Zones (2016); Contributions to Metamorphic Geology (2015).
- 2019 – Now Science officer of the division GMPV for the general assembly of the European Geological Union (EGU).2021 Co-convener at the upcoming European Mineralogical Conference, Krakow (Poland), September 2020. Session title: Are inclusions petrologists’ best friends?
- 2016 Main Convener “Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth”, 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
- 2016 Co-convener “Host–Inclusions system in geosciences: new methods and applications”, European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini, Italy.
- 2024 Invited Speaker at the Vibrational Spectroscopy meets Geoscience (GeoVibrS), Villa del Grumello (Lake of Como, Italy), June 24th – 28th 2024
- 2022 Invited expert at the Advanced Training Programme on "Granites and related rocks", Kumaun University, Nainital, India (5-15 settembre 2022).
- 2020 Solicited talk at General Assembly EGU 2020 “Strange polymorphs and where to find them: a melt inclusion story“.
- 2018 Invited talk at Goldschmidt 2018 “Mineral growth and metastability phenomena in melt inclusions from metamorphic rocks”.
- S.I.M.P. (Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia) prize for best PhD in 2010.
- Grant from the Foundation “A. Gini” to fund research periods abroad, 2008/2009.
- Prize “Professor Ugo Pognante” 2007 for petrology master thesis on the Alpine-Himalayan orogen.
2010 – Member of E.G.U. (European Geosciences Union)
2007 – Member of S.I.M.P. (Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia)
SEMINAR “Tiny tools for big tasks: the contribution of nanogranites and fluid inclusions studies to understanding crustal melting”
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 18-22 March 2024
- Charles University, Prague, 18-19 October 2023
- Freie Universitaet, Kolloquium - November 17th 2022
- Petrochronics, august 26th 2021 (video available at https://youtu.be/a08M_GywBkg)
- Universitat de Barcelona, February 2019
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, February 2019
- Talks at Vienna. Graz, Leoben and Innsbruck on invitation of, and fully sponsored by, the Mineralogical Society of Austria, April 2018.
- Universität Bern, Switzerland. March 2018
- Université Paris-Diderot, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, January 2017.
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow (Poland), Graduate students programme. December 2016;
- University of Bologna (Italy). March 2016;
- GeoForschung Zentrum-Potsdam (Germany). January 2016;
- Yale University (US), PhD students programme. November 2015;
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany). April 2015;
- Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic). November 2014;
- Stellenbosch University & Uni. of Witwatersrand (South Africa). August 2014;
- Museum für Naturkunde-Berlin (Germany). May 2014;
- The Open University, Milton Keynes (UK). March 2014.
- Angel, R.J., Alvaro, M., and Ferrero, S., (2024). A brief history of solid inclusion piezobarometry. European Journal of Mineralogy, 36, 411–415, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-36-411-2024.
- Ferrero, S., Borghini, A., Remusat. L., Nicoli, G., Wunder, B., and Braga, R., (2023). H2O and Cl in deep crustal melts: the message of melt inclusions in metamorphic rocks. European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 1031–1049, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-35-1031-2023.
- Borghini, A., Ferrero, S., O’Brien, P.J., Wunder, B., Tollan, P. Majka, J., Fuchs, R. and Gresky, K, (2023). Halogen-bearing metasomatizing melt preserved in near ultra-high pressure (UHP) eclogites of Pfaffenberg, Bohemian Massif. European Journal of Mineralogy, accepted.
- Borghini, A., Nicoli, G., Ferrero, S., O’Brien, P.J., Laurent, O., Remusat, L., Borghini, G., and Milani, S., (2023). The role of continental subduction in mantle metasomatism and deep carbon cycle revealed by melt inclusions in UHP eclogites. Science Advances, 9, eabp9482.
- Wannhoff, I., Ferrero, S., Borghini, A., Darling, R., and O´Brien, P.J., (2022). First evidence of dmisteinbergite (CaAl2Si2O8 polymorph) in high grade metamorphic rocks. American Mineralogist, 107, 2315–2319, DOI: 10.2138/am-2022-8505.
- Nicoli, G., Borghini, A. and Ferrero, S. (2022). The carbon budget of crustal reworking during continental collision: Clues from nanorocks and fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology, 608, 121025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121025.
- Nicoli, G., Gresky, K. and Ferrero, S. (2022). Mesoarchean melt and fluid inclusions in garnet from the Kangerlussuaq basement, Southeast Greenland. Mineralogia, 53, 1-9, DOI: 10.2478/mipo-2022-0001.
- Wang, J., Su, B-X, Chen, C., Ferrero,S., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Sakyi, P.A., Yang, Y-H. and Dharmapriya, P., L. (2021) Crustal derivation of the ca. 475-Ma Eppawala carbonatites in Sri Lanka. Journal of Petrology, https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egab075.
- Ghignone, S. , Sudo, M., Balestro, G., Borghi, A., Gattiglio, M., Ferrero, S. and van Schijndel, V. (2021) Timing of exhumation of meta-ophiolite units in the Western Alps: New tectonic implications from 40Ar/39Ar white mica ages from Piedmont Zone (Susa Valley). Lithos, 404–405, 106443, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106443.
- Ferrero, S., Wannhoff, I., Laurent, O., Yakymchuk, C., Darling, R., Wunder, B., Borghini, A., and O´Brien, P.J. (2021) Embryos of TTGs in Gore Mountain garnet megacrysts from water-fluxed melting of the lower crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 569, 117058, doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117058.
- Nicoli, G. & Ferrero, S. (2021): Nanorocks, volatiles and plate tectonics. Geoscience Frontiers, 12, 101188.
- Ferrero, S., Ague, J.J., O’Brien, P.J., Wunder, B., Remusat, L., Ziemann, M.A., Axler, J. (2021): High pressure, halogen-bearing melt preserved in ultra-high temperature felsic granulites of the Central Maine Terrane, Connecticut (US). American Mineralogist, 106, 1225–1236, DOI: doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7690.
- Gianola, O., Bartoli, O., Ferri, F., Galli, A., Ferrero, S., Capizzi, L.S., Liebske, C., Remusat,. L., Poli, S., Cesare, B. (2021): Anatectic melt inclusions in ultra?high temperature granulites. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39, 321–342, DOI: doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12567.
- Ferri, F., Cesare, B., Bartoli, O., Ferrero, S., Palmeri, R., Remusat, L., Poil, S. (2020): Melt inclusions at MT. Edixon (Antarctica): Chemistry, petrology and implications for the evolution of the Lanterman range. Lithos, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105685.
- Borghini, A., Ferrero, S., O'Brien, P.J., Laurent, O., Günter, C., Ziemann, M.A. (2019): Cryptic metasomatic agent measured in situ in Variscan mantlerocks: Melt inclusions in garnet of eclogite, Granulitgebirge,Germany. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi:10.1111/jmg.12519.
- Lanari, P., Ferrero, S., Goncalves, P., Grosch, E.G. (2018): Metamorphic Geology: Progress and Perspectives. In: Ferrero, S., Lanari, P., Goncalves, P. & Grosch, E.G. (eds) Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 478.
- Carvalho, B. B., Bartoli, O. , Ferri, F. , Cesare, B. , Ferrero, S. , Remusat, L. , Capizzi, L. S., Poli, S. (2018): Anatexis and fluid regime of the deep continental crust: new clues from melt and fluid inclusions in metapelitic migmatites from Ivrea Zone (NW Italy). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi:10.1111/jmg.12463
- Berkesi, M., Czuppon, G., Szabó, C., Kovács, I., Ferrero, S., Boiron, M-C., Peiffert, C., (2018): Pargasite in fluid inclusions of mantle xenoliths from northeast Australia (Mt. Quincan): Evidence of interaction with asthenospheric fluid. Chemical Geology, in Press, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.06.022.
- Borghini, A., Ferrero, S., Wunder, B., Laurent, O., O’Brien, P.J., Ziemann, M.A. (2018): Granitoid melt inclusions in orogenic peridotite and origin of garnet clinopyroxenite. Geology, doi.org/10.1130/G45316.1.
- Ferrero, S., O´Brien, P.J., Borghini, A., Wunder, B., Wälle, M., Günter, C., Ziemann, M.A. (2018): A treasure chest full of nanogranitoids: an archive to investigate crustal melting in the Bohemian Massif. Submitted In: FERRERO, S., LANARI, P., GONCALVES, P.&GROSCH, E. G. (eds) Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 478.
- Ferrero, S. & Angel, R.(2018): Micropetrology: are inclusions in minerals grains of truth?. Journal of Petrology, 1–30, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egy075.
- Ferrero, S., Godard, G., Palmeri, R., Wunder, B., Cesare, B. (2018): Partial melting of ultramafic granulites from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: constraints from melt inclusions and thermodynamic modeling. American Mineralogist 103, 610-622.
- Ferrero, S., Wunder, B., Ziemann, M.A., Wälle, M., O´Brien P.J., (2016): Carbonatitic and granitic melts produced under conditions of primary immiscibility during anatexis in the lower crust. Earth Planetary Science Letters 454, 121–131.
- Bartoli, O., Acosta-Vigil, A., Ferrero, S., Cesare, B. (2016): Granitoid magmas preserved as melt inclusions in high-grade metamorphic rocks. American Mineralogist, dx.doi.org/10.2138/am-2015-5541.
- Ferrero, S., Ziemann, M.A., Angel, R., O´Brien P.J., Wunder, B. (2016): Kumdykolite, kokchetavite and cristobalite crystallized in nanogranites from felsic granulites, Orlica-Snieznik Dome (Bohemian Massif): not an evidence for ultrahigh pressure conditions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171, 3. DOI 10.1007/s00410-015-1220-x.
- Cesare, B., Acosta-Vigil, A., Bartoli, O., Ferrero, S. (2015): What can we learn from melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites? Lithos, 239, 186–216.
- Ferrero, S., Wunder, B., Walczak, K, O´Brien, P.J., Ziemann, M. (2015): Preserved near-UHP melt from continental crust subducted to mantle depths. Geology, 43, 447-450.
- Ferrero, S., Braga, R., Berkesi, M., Cesare, B., & Laridhi Ouazaa, N., 2014. Production of metaluminous melt during fluid-present anatexis: an example from the Maghrebian basement, La Galite Archipelago, central Mediterranean. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, DOI:10.1111/jmg.12068.
- Ferrero, S., Bartoli, O., Caesar, B., Salvioli-Mariani, E., Acosta-Vigil, A., Horse, A., Groppo, C. and Battiston, S. (2012): Microstructures of melt anatectic inclusions in metasedimentary rocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30 , 303-322.
- Cesare, B., Acosta-Vigil, A., Ferrero, S. and Bartoli, O. (2011): Melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites. In: The Science of Microstructure - Part II, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Eds. M.A. Forster, and John D. Fitz Gerald, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, 38, paper 2.
- Ferrero, S., Bodnar, R.J., Cesare, B. and Viti, C. (2011): Re-equilibration of primary fluid inclusions in peritectic garnet from metapelitic enclaves, El Hoyazo, Spain. Lithos, 124, 117–131.
- Cesare, B., Ferrero, S., Salvioli-Mariani, E., Pedron, and D. Cavallo, A. (2009): Nanogranite and glassy inclusions: the anatectic melt in migmatites and granulites. Geology 37 , 627-630.
- Rossetti, P. & Ferrero, S. (2008): The Zn–Pb deposits of Casario (Ligurian Alps, NW Italy): late Palaeozoic sedimentary–exhalative bodies affected by the alpine metamorphism. Geodinamica Acta 21,117-137.
Miscellaneous (about my work with anatectic melt inclusions)
- Matthias Zimmermann, Set in stone. Portal Knowledge 2, 2013 universität Potsdam.
- Lilo Berg, Brief Enquires: What´s really going on down there, Mr. Ferrero? Humboldt Kosmos, 101-2013.