Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali

(CV updated in February 2022) 


Alessandro Fiori Maccioni is a Research Fellow of the University of Cagliari since 2021, specialized in Mathematical Methods for Economics, Finance and Actuarial Science. He has a decade of research experience in academic and governmental institutions in the field of social security and health care, which he analyses from an economic, actuarial and game-theoretic point of view.

Dr. Fiori Maccioni has served as a scientific advisor in international cooperation programs and has extensive research experience in social security institutions, such as the Ministries of Labour and Social Security of Jordan, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Lithuania. In the latter two countries, he has actively participated in the design of proposed reforms to the private pension system. Among his main research interests is the application of quantitative methods for the design and evaluation of public policies, with a focus on social security and health care.


  • Master's degree in Economics and Commerce - University di Sassari. Final grade 110/110 cum laude (2003)
  • Master in Management and Regulation of Risk - London School of Economics. Final grade 'Merit' (2007)
  • Ph.D. in Law and Economics - University of Sassari. Final grade 'Excellent' (2003)
  • Public Auditor and Certified Chartered Accountant - Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance (2009)


  • Mathematics for Economics
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Public Economics


  • Public Economics
  • Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Game Theory


  • Antoci A, Fiori Maccioni A, Russu P, Sacco PL (2021) Curing is Caring? Liability Reforms, Defensive Medicine and Malpractice Litigation in a Post-Pandemic World. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (in press). ISSN 0038–0121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2021.101164
  • Bitinas A, Fiori Maccioni A (2020) Framework for introducing a second-pillar pension system in Azerbaijan. Journal of International Business and Economics, Volume 20, pp. 61–70. ISSN: 1544–8037. http://dx.doi.org/10.18374/JIBE-20-2.6
  • Antoci A, Fiori Maccioni A, Galeotti M, Russu P (2019) Defensive medicine, liability insurance and malpractice litigation in an evolutionary model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. Volume 47, pp. 414–435. ISSN: 1468–1218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nonrwa.2018.08.012
  • Fiori Maccioni A (2018) Environmental depletion, defensive consumption and negative externalities. Decisions in Economics and Finance. Volume 41, Issue 2, pp. 203–218. ISSN: 1593–8883. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10203-018-0226-z
  • Antoci A, Fiori Maccioni A, Russu P (2018) Medical Practice and Malpractice Litigation in an Evolutionary Context. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 915–928. ISSN: 0936–9937. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-018-0578-0
  • Antoci A, Fiori Maccioni A, Sacco PL, Sodini M (2017) Self-Protection, Psychological Externalities and the Social Dynamics of Fear. Journal of Conflict Resolution. Volume 61, No. 2, pp. 349–371. ISSN: 0022–0027. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26363886
  • Antoci A, Fiori Maccioni A, Russu P (2016) The Ecology of Defensive Medicine and Malpractice Litigation. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150523, ISSN: 1932–6203. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0150523
  • Fiori Maccioni A, Gudaitis T (2015). Which choice of participation level is the rational one for second-pillar pension funds in Lithuania? Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume 2, pp. 64−71. ISSN: 1553-1392
  • Bitinas A, Fiori Maccioni A (2014) Lithuanian Pension System’s Reforms Transformations and Forecasts. Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 13−23. ISSN: 2332−3329. doi: 10.13189/ujibm.2014.020103
  • Fiori Maccioni A, Gudaitis T (2014) Contribution Options and Individual Returns after the Second Pillar Pension Reform in Lithuania. Transformations In Business & Economics, Volume 13, No. 2B, pp. 591–603. ISSN: 1648−4460
  • Bitinas A, Fiori Maccioni A (2014) Pension System in Lithuania: Development Processes, Perspectives, New Priorities. Public Administration – Viešasis administravimas. Nr. 3–4, (43–44), pp. 73-87. ISSN: 1648-4541


  • Defensive Medicine and liability insurance as self-protective tools against the risk of medical malpractice litigation. Funded by R.A.S. & EU Development and Cohesion Fund. (2018–2020)
  • Social capital and regional disparities. Funded by R.A.S. L.R. 7/2007. (2016)
  • Risk Management System for healthcare institutions. Funded by R.A.S. & EU Research Framework Program. (2012-2015)
  • Economic and actuarial analyses of the Lithuanian pension system. Funded by UNDP Lithuania. (2012-2013)
  • Development, Management and Regulation of Capital Markets at the Time of the Crisis. Funded by R.A.S. & European Social Fund. (2010-2012)
  • Research and Development Software 'DemRisk' for actuarial calculations. Funded by Sardegna Ricerche. (2008-2009)


  • Support to Sustainable Reform of Social Work Injury Insurance in Jordan. Twinning EU ENI/2020/441–883. (2021-ongoing)
  • Technical Assistance to the Social Welfare system in Georgia. Ministry of Labour, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia. (2019-2021)
  • Support to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population in Reforming Pension System in Azerbaijan. Twinning EU AZ/15/ENP/SO/38. (2017-2019)
  • Pension System in Lithuania: Development Processes, Perspectives, New Priorities. Ministry of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania. (2012-2013)


  • 41st annual meeting of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES). Cagliari, Sept. 14-16, 2017. Member of the Organizing Committee.
  • CMAD 2016 – Contenzioso Medico-Legale, Assicurazioni e Medicina Difensiva. Alghero, Sept. 23, 2016. Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees.
  • Conference ‘Capitale sociale e divari economici regionali’. Cagliari, June 10-11, 2016. Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees.

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