Greta Cestari is a B Type Researcher under a non-renewable contract in Business Economics at the Department of Economic and Management Sciences of the University of Cagliari.

On January 29th, 2015 she granted the National Scientific Habilitation for the role of Associate Professor.

During her carrier, she has been Researcher under a non-renewable contract at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara and at the MechLav (Advance Mechanics Laboratory) of Ferrara Technopole (2011-2014).

She was also Research grant holder for the following projects:

“Creazione di impresa e valorizzazione del territorio: gli strumenti di valutazione e di sostenibilità economico-finanziaria” (Business Creation and Local Development: tools for the evaluation and the economic and financial sustainability) at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara (06/01/2014 – 09/30/2015);

“Tecniche e strumenti evoluti per il controllo di gestione nelle piccole e medie imprese” (Advance Techniques and Tools for Management Control in Small and Medium Enterprises) at the Department of Business Economics “E. Giannessi” of the University of Pisa (12/17/2009 – 12/16/2010);

“Nuovi modelli di trasferimento tecnologico tra creazione di impresa, economicità della ricerca e valorizzazione della ricerca” (New Technology Transfer Models between Business Creation, Research Economy and Research Enhancement) at the Department of Economics, Institutions and Territory of the University of Ferrara (03/01/2009 – 12/16/2009);

“L’efficienza per la competitività: nuovi strumenti per l’analisi dei costi nella piccola e media impresa” (Efficiency for Competitiveness: new tools for the cost analysis in Small and Medium Enterprises) at the Department of Business Economics “E. Giannessi” of the University of Pisa (03/01/2007 – 02/28/2009).


She has been teaching in the following courses:

  • General and Applied Accounting (University of Ferrara and University of Cagliari);
  • Financial Statement Analysis (University of Ferrara);
  • Professional Technique (University of Ferrara);
  • Business Economics (University of Cagliari).

She has also been teaching in the following Master’s programs:

  • Business and Administration (University of Pisa);
  • Finance and Management Control (University of Pisa);
  • Local Institutions and Public Administrations Performance Improvement (University of Ferrara); and in the Higher Education Institution for Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts Lazio Umbria Sardinia.

She has been a member of:

  • SIDREA – Società italiana dei docenti di ragioneria e di economia aziendale (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Economics Professors) since 2016;
  • SISR – Società italiana di storia della ragioneria (Italian Society of Accounting History) since 2013;
  • AIDEA – Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (Italian Academy of Business Economics) since 2005.

Since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial board of RIREA Historica.

Her research mainly focuses on corporate crisis, bankruptcy prediction models and accounting history.

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