Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche

CURRENT POSITION: Assistant Professor of Microbiology (SSD BIO/19) at the Dept. of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cagliari

She coordinates the Environmental microbiology and Microbial biotechnology Group. Her research activity focuses on sustainable development and circular economy. More specifically, her current research interests deal with the following topics:

  • innovative biotechnological processes for environmental protection and restoration of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems,
  • microbial ecology of terrestrial and marine anthropized environments (i.e., ports, mines, aquaculture),
  • role of microbial communities in phytoremediation and plant-microbes interaction mechanisms in contaminated environments,
  • strain selection (i.e., metal tolerant microorganisms, hydrocarbon degraders, halophiles, acidophiles, alkaliphiles) for industrial productions (i.e., surfactants, carotenoids, enzymes),
  • microbial bioleaching of valuable elements from mining wastes (i.e., mine tailings, red muds).

For over twenty years, she has been providing technical-scientific consultancy and services to private companies operating in the sectors of reclamation and green economy (i.e., landscaping, green building).

She teaches Microbial biotechnology in the Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree and Environmental microbiology in the Marine bio-ecology Master Degree.

She actively works on public engagement by organizing and participating in initiatives for the dissemination of scientific culture to a non-academic audience as part of the Third Mission.

The list of publications is available on ORCID (ID: 0000-0002-2902-2612).


2006 - today Assistant Professor of Microbiology (SSD BIO/19) at the Dept. Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cagliari.

2004 - 2006 Research collaboration on the development of novel potential therapeutic agents with antimicrobial activities for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cagliari.

2002 - 2004 Postdoc Research fellow on the in-vitro evaluation of novel potential therapeutic agents with antimicrobial activities at the Dept. Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cagliari.

2000 - 2002 Postdoc Research fellow at the Dept. Animal Biology and Genetics of the University of Florence. The activities deal with the following research fields:

  • development of retting processes for the production of textile fibres based on pectinolytic bacteria,
  • study of the calcium carbonate bio-mineralization processes for artwork restoration,
  • study of genes involved in calcium carbonate bio-mineralization in Bacillus subtilis.

1996 - 1999 PhD Student at University of Pavia (the experimental activity was carried out at the Dept. Animal Biology and Genetics of the University of Florence). The activities deal with the following research fields:

  • physiological and molecular characterization of microorganisms for applications in the textile industry,
  • study of hydrolytic enzymes (i.e., pectinases, cellulases) in environmental bacteria,
  • regulation of cellulase genes in environmental streptomycetes. 

1994 - 1996 Thesis internship at the Dept. Animal Biology and Genetics of the University of Florence. The activities deal with the following research fields:

  • Study of the histidine biosynthetic pathway and evolution of metabolic pathways.
  • Genetic cloning in Escherichia coli.


1999 Doctor of Research in Genetic Sciences at University of Pavia

PhD Thesis “Biological and evolutional role of bacterial cryptic genes. The bgl operon in Escherichia coli as model” Coordinator Prof. A. Galizzi, Supervisor Prof. G. Mastromei

1996 Degree cum laude in Biological Sciences at University of Florence

Experimental thesis “Origin and evolution of the histidine biosynthetic pathway”. Supervisor Prof. R. Fani


2001 Research activity on the Taxonomy of the Clostridium felsineum species at the DSMZ German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (Braunschweig, Germany) in the laboratory of Prof. Erko Stackebrandt.

1999 Research activity for the PhD thesis on the development cycle of strepomycetes at the Dept. Cellular Biology and Development of the University of Palermo in the laboratory of Prof. A. M. Puglia.


2021 - today Member of the Self-Assessment Commission of the Dept. Biomedical sciences as Delegate for the third mission.

2021 - today President of the Third Mission Commission of the Dept. Biomedical Sciences.

2021 - today Member of the Communication and Media Commission of the Biology and Pharmacy Faculty.

2021 - today Member of the International Relations Commission of the Biology Class.

2017 - today Member of the Steering Committee of the Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree.

2006 - 2011 Member of the Accreditation and Evaluation Group (GAV) responsible for preparing and submitting the Self-Evaluation Report of the Industrial Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree (2006/07, 2007/08 e 2008/09).


Sette Green Awards 2016. “The Italy that knows how to innovate”. She was selected by the Corriere della Sera among the top twelve excellence Italian research centres in the Green Economy Business thanks to the innovative results obtained in the BIOLANCLEAN Project of which she was the Principal Investigator.


Agronomy, Biotechnology Reports, Chemosphere, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Frontiers in Marine Science, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Marine Pollution Bulletin, New Biotechnology, Scientific African, Scientific Reports, Sustainability, Agriculture, Annals of Microbiology, Atmosphere, BMC Biotechnology, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, MicrobiologyOpen, Minerals, Processes


2002 - 2006 Contract professor of Applied Microbiology in the Industrial Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree of the University of Cagliari.

2001 - 2002 Contract professor of Microbiology in the Environmental toxicology Bachelor's Degree of the University of Florence.

2004 - today Member of the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (SIMGBM).

2001 Examination committee member for the scientific sector of “General microbiology” BIO/19.

2000 Qualified as a Professional Biologist.


Set 2022 - Set 2024 - MEMBRANE “Microplastics Effects on Microbial BiodiveRsity ANd Ecosystem functioning: from knowledge to possible solutions” with the role of Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by the Foundation of Sardinia within the Agreement between the Foundation and the Sardinian Universities and coordinated by the Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cagliari. The project aims at improving the basic knowledge on the impacts of microplastics on microbial communities and the role of microorganisms in plastic degradation for future potential applications.

Nov 2020 - Nov 2022 - S-layer “Analysis of S-layer proteins and their carotenoids: from fundamental research to industrial applications” with the role of Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by the Foundation of Sardinia in the Agreement between the Foundation and the Sardinian Universities and coordinated by the Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cagliari. The project was aimed at improving the understanding of the S layer in Bacteria and Archaea and evaluating bacterial and archaeal strains previously isolated from Sardinian extreme environments as sources of S layer proteins and carotenoids.

Feb 2019 - Feb 2021 - SARdNAF “Advenced systems for nitrate removal from groundwaters” with the role of Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by the Sardinian Autonomous Region - Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione 2014-2020. Patto per lo sviluppo della Regione Sardegna - Area Tematica 3 - Linea d’ Azione 3.1 "Interventi di sostegno alla ricerca" and coordinated by the Dept. Environmental Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. Other project partner was the National Research Council Dept. of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering. The project was aimed at improving the basic knowledge on the application of bio-electrochemical advanced systems for the removal of nitrates from groundwater, identifying the most effective treatment scheme, and characterizing the microbial communities involved in the process.

Jan 2019 - Jan 2021 - BICAP “Hydrocarbon bioremediation with natural soil amendments and vascular plants” with the role of Operative Unit Coordinator. The project was funded by the Sardegna Ricerche - Research and Development Project within the Operational Programme POR FESR Sardegna 2014 – 2020 (Asse 1 Azione 1.1.3). The Dept. Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cagliari coordinated the scientific activities in partnership with Green Land S.r.l. Sgaravatti, as private company. The general objective of BICAP was to develop cost efficient and sustainable technologies for landscaping and reclamation of sites chronically contaminated by hydrocarbons using pioneer plant species, wood chips, and plant associated microorganisms.

2018 - 2021 - GRRinPORT “Sustainable management of wastes and wastewaters in ports” with the role of Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by Programme Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2014-2020 and coordinated by the University of Cagliari. Other project partners were the Sardinian Autonomous Region, MEDSEA-Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation, University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli, Transport Office of Corsica, University of Pisa, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ISPRA. The general objective of the project was to improve water quality in ports and to limit the impact of port activities and maritime traffic on the surrounding environment by the definition of a set of best practices for the management of wastes and wastewaters in port areas of the Programme territories (and in prospective to the whole Mediterranean basin). Project initiatives were addressed to managing bodies and end-users according to the principles of resource efficiency and circular economy.

2014-2015 - BIOLANCLEAN “Innovative products in 100% Sardinian pure virgin wool for the sorption and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons” with the role of Principal Investigator. The project was funded by Intervento INNOVA.RE - INNOVAzione in REte funded within the Operational Programme PO FESR Regione Sardegna 2007-2013. The project general objective was the development of novel environmental friendly raw materials, available on Sardinian territory, for the containment, absorption, and remediation of oil spills in aquatic environments and for applications in the nautical sector. During the project implementation, products made with 100% pure virgin Sardinian wool were developed as sorbent materials for hydrocarbons and validated according to the official procedures established by the Ministry of the Environment. Other project partner was the Dept. Civil - Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

2013 - 2015 - S.ME.RI “Development of methodologies for the design of remediation operations” with the role of WP Leader and Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by Sardinian Autonomous Region Top-down cluster activities operational Programme FESR Sardegna 2007-2013 and coordinated by the Dept. Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Cagliari. Other project partners were the Unit of characterization, environmental prevention and remediation of ENEA and the Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland). The project was aimed at transferring technologies and tools for the bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated mine sites to a cluster of private companies. In the project, she carried out the characterization of autochthonous bacterial strains for the ability to produce biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers as inocula for phytoremediation treatments.

2011 - 2015 - MAPMED “MAnagement of Port areas in the MEDiterranean Sea Basin” with the role of WP Leader and Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by ENPI CBCMED Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean. Other partners of the project were the University of Florence, Hellenic Centre for marine research (Greece, Crete), Regional Agency of the Sardinian Hydrographic District, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (Tunisia), University of Alexandria (Egypt). The project objective was the optimization, validation, and transfer of tools to guide institutional authorities in the sustainable management of tourist ports/harbours with regard to monitoring and reduction of marine pollution through an integrated multidisciplinary approach based on existing cross-thematic innovative scientific, technological, socio-economic and legal skills and know-how.

2010 - 2012 - BIOPHYTO “Integration and optimization of phytoremediation and bioremediation processes of abondoned mining sites” with the role of WP leader and Operative Unit Coordinator for the Dept. Biomedical Sciences. The project was funded by Sardinian Autonomous Region in the Programme L.R.7/2007 "Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia" and coordinated by the Dept. Civil - Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. Other project partners were the Biodiversity Conservation Centre (CCB) and the Dept. Earth Sciences. The project general objective was the development of innovative approaches and tools for the bioremediation of mining sites polluted by heavy metals.

2010 - 2012 SALINE “Study of the microbial biodiversity of Sardinian hypersaline wetlands” with the role of Scientific coordinator. The project was funded by Sardinian Autonomous Region in the Programme L.R.7/2007 “Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia". The research activity was carried out with the scientific collaboration with the Regional Nature Park of Molentargius – Saline.

2010 - 2012 Gordonia “Genetics of emulsifier biosynthesis in Gordonia” with the role of Scientific coordinator. The project was funded by Sardinian Autonomous Region in the Programme L.R.7/2007 “Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia".

2006 Biomedicina “Technological Laboratories in the Biomedicine and Health Technology District Laboratory of modelling and screening of bioactive molecules (A.1.5)” with the role of participant. The project was funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

2010 - 2006 ex 60% Project “Development of cost-efficient production processes of extracellular microbial biopolymers for environmental applications” with the role of Principal Investigator. The project was funded by the University of Cagliari.


2023 IMC Foundation – International Marine Centre “Research activity on Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas”. Role: Principal Investigator

2017 - 2023 Saras Ricerche e Tecnologie (SARAS group) “Evaluation of the applicability of an innovative amendment for the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils”. Role: Principal Investigator

2016 - 2022 IVI PETROLIFERA SpA “Microbial monitoring of the biological remediation of the ex SIPSA site in Brabau, Torregrande (OR, Italy)”. Role: Principal Investigator

2016 ESSEDI SRL  “Analysis of the buoyancy and sorbent properties of products in 100% Sardinian pure virgin wool”. Role: Principal Investigator


2006 Young Researcher Project “Novel microbial surfactants and emulsifiers isolation, properties and applications in the biomediacal and environmental sectors”. University of Cagliari. Fund for support of basic research and start-up of young researchers.

2000 Young Researcher Project “Regulation of the expression of cellulose genes in streptomycetes during development cycle”. University of Florence


2020/21 - today Course Microbial biotechnology with laboratory (CFU 4) in the Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree, University of Cagliari

2010/11 - today Course Environmental Microbiology (6 CFU) in the Marine Bio-Ecology Master Degree, University of Cagliari

2006/07 - 2019/20 Course Microbial biotechnology with laboratory (CFU 4+3) in the Industrial Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree, University of Cagliari

2006/07 - 2009/10 Course Environmental Microbiology (5 CFU) in the Marine Biology Master Degrees, University of Cagliari

2006/07 - 2009/10 Course Environmental Biotechnology (3 CFU) in the Experimental and Applied Biology Master Degree, University of Cagliari

2006/07 - 2009/10 Course Laboratories of Environmental Biotechnology II (4 CFU) in the Experimental and Applied Biology Master Degree, University of Cagliari

2006/07 - 2007/08 Course Laboratories of Environmental Biotechnology I (1 CFU), Laboratories of recombinant DNA I and II (1+1 CFU) in the Experimental and Applied Biology Master Degree, University of Cagliari

2004/05 and 2005/06 Contract Professor of Applied Microbiology with practical exercises (CFU 3+3 BIO/19) in the Industrial Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree, University of Cagliari

2002/03 and 2003/04 Contract Professor of Applied Microbiology (CFU 3) in the Industrial Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree, University of Cagliari

2001/02 Contract of Professor of Microbiology in the Environmental Toxicology Bachelor's Degree, University of Florence


2015 - today Teacher in the Specialization School of “Microbiology and Virology” for University of Cagliari.

2010 - 2016 Teacher in the PhD Course “Development and experimentation of anti-infective compounds” for the University of Cagliari.


Teacher in the learning guidance program “Programma di Orientamento attivo nella transizione Scuola-Università 2022/2023. Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)“. In the practical course “Multidisciplinary approach to scientific research”, she carried out laboratory activities on the applications of microorganisms in bioremediation with high school students. Sanluri and Senorbì (CA), Apr. 2023.

Teacher in the learning guidance program “POR FSE Regione Sardegna 2014-2020 - Asse III Istruzione e Formazione - Azione 10.5.1 - Azioni di raccordo tra scuole e istituti di istruzione universitaria o equivalente per corsi preparatori di orientamento all’iscrizione universitaria o equivalente, anche in rapporto alle esigenze del mondo del lavoro PROGETTO ORIENTAMENTO UNICA_ORIENTA”. She held the lecture “Biotechnology and restoration in the marine environment” to high school students in the theoretical monographic course “Biology in the 3rd millennium: from DNA to Biotechnology”. 18 Nov. 2021.

During the European Biotech Week, she held the training course for high school teachers “Microbial biotechnology applied to conservation of cultural heritage”. Oristano, 01 Oct. 2021.

During the European Biotech Week, she held the training course for high school teachers “Experiments and models for biotechnology at school: laboratory course on bacteria and fungi for environmental and industrial applications”. Oristano, 27 Sep. 2017.

She held the theoretical and practical lecture “The role of the infinitely small is infinitely great” in the teaching training course “I Lincei for novel didactics at school”. Sassari, 10 Feb. 2016.

2010/2011 She held the theoretical and practical lecture “Biomineralization of carbonate by bacteria and its biotechnological applications” in the learning guidance program “Piano Lauree Scientifiche”.

2008/2009 Teacher in the Master of Scientific Communication (Module “Technology”) for the University of Cagliari. She held lectures on environmental bioremediation.

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