Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1999 at the University of Cagliari (Italy) and he holds a PhD in Mechanical Design in 2003 at the same university. He is Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Cagliari. He lectures the “Industrial System Engineering” course (second year of the Master Course in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cagliari). He is member of Commission Traineeship for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

His research interests cover the analysis and design of industrial plants and production systems, with a specific concern to asset management based on technological innovation and digitalization processes, smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 concepts, maintenance management, maintenance services for sustainable manufacturing, statistical and machine learning algorithms for condition-based maintenance and predictive maintenance, human factors and ergonomics in logistic and industrial systems.

He is author and co-author of about 60 publications in relevant national and international journal and research conferences. He has received the prize Best paper award “John Burbidge” in recognition of the paper “Total Cost of Ownership Driven Methodology for Predictive Maintenance Implementation in Industrial Plants” (authors Roda I., Arena S., Macchi M., Orrù P.F.) presented at the 2019 APMS (Advances in Production Management Systems) Conference, Austin, TX, USA

He has been a reviewer for a number of national and international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He has also been guest editor of the Special Issue “Improving sustainability of physical assets with green approaches and digital technologies” in Sustainability (MDPI). He has been and he is involved in several European and National research projects. He has been Scientific Coordinator and Responsible for the organization of the International Summer School “Engineering and Management of Industrial Plants” (2016) and of the Scientific School “Industry 4.0” (2017).

He currently is Technical and Scientific Coordinator for “Advanced course for Digital Innovation Manager within Industry 4.0”, delivered by Sardegna Ricerche and President of ATI – Sardinia (Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, Italian Thermotechnical Association).

He is also a member of:

  • Centro Interdipartimentale di Ingegneria e Scienze Ambientali (CINSA, Interdepartmental Centre of Environmental Science and Engineering)
  • Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Ingegneria delle Georisorse (CINIGeo, National Interuniversity Consortium for Georesources Engineering)
  • Industry 4.0 Working group, innovation Manager, Digital Transformation of the C3i Operational Council – National Council of Engineers (CNI)
  • Scientific Comitee of II Level Specializing Master course of Aerospace Systems Engineering, University of Cagliari;
  • TeSeM Observatory"Technologies and Services for Maintenance delivered by School of Management - Politecnico di Milano
  • AIDI (Associazione Italiana Docenti di Impianti)
  • A.I.MAN. (Associazione Italiana Manutenzione, Italian Maintenance Society)

During his educational activity, he has taught the courses of “Logistic Systems Management” (6 CFU) Master Course in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cagliari, “Mechanicals Plants” (8 CFU) Bachelor Course in Mechanical Engineering and “Design of Industrial Systems” Master Course in Mechanical Engineering. 

He has been lecturer for the “Environmental Technical Physics” and “Industrial Technical Physics” modules of the “Technical Physics and industrial Chemistry” course (Bachelor’s Degree in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques” at Faculty of Medicine and Surgery). He has taught at several seminars for PhD programs, specialization courses, including SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione per gli Insegnanti della scuola Secondaria, Teacher Education programs for Secondary School), TFA (Active Training Internships), IFTS (Higher Technical Education and Training) and company training courses. He has been licensed as a profession engineer and enrolled as a member of the Italian Engineering Society (Cagliari) for Civil, Industrial and Information Engineering sectors since 1999.

(Last Update: April 2024)

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