Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica

updated May 2023

Education Level

1992 – High School, Liceo Siotto Pintor, Cagliari, grade 60/60

2001 – Master degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cagliari (Italy)

2006 – Ph. D. degree in Industrial Engineering (University of Cagliari- Italy)

Post lauream training

2017 – “Le relazioni tra obiettivi formativi, metodi e strumenti didattici e metodi e criteri di valutazione”, Training course for teachers organized by University of Cagliari (DISCIENTIA project), Cagliari, May-June 2017

2013 –“Co-Simulation of Energy and ICT Systems”, International Course organized by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and KTH (Royal Institute of Technology ), Stockholm, 28-29 November 2013;

2007 -“Electricity Networks of the Future: Theoretical and Practical Issues to Design the New Distribution System”- International Course organized by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and University of Cagliari – Cagliari(Italy), 24-26 September 2007;

2006 – “Grounding Analysis and Techniques: from Industrial to High Frequencies and Lightning”- International Course organized by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership), Methodius University of Skopje, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne and University of Cagliari – Cagliari (Italy), 28-30 June 2006;

2004 – “Planning, Designing and Operating the Distribution Network of the Future for the Exploitation of Distributed Energy Resources”- International Course organized by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and University of Cagliari – POLARIS, Pula, Cagliari (Italy), 27-30 September 2004;

2004 -“Power System State Estimation”, (Prof. A. Abur – TAMU, Texas A&M University), International Course organized by University of Cagliari – Cagliari (Italy), 10-12 May 2004;

2002 – “Understanding Power Quality”, (Prof. M. Bollen – Chalmers University, Sweden), International Course organized by University of Cassino – Cassino (Italy), 27 September 2002;

2002 -“Texas Instruments Special Digital Signal Processing Training Workshop”, (Robert Owen, TI European University Programme Manager), International Workshop organized by Texas Instruments France e University of Bristol – Bristol (UK), 19 September 2002.


11/2022up to now: Associate Professor on powerr systems at University of Cagliari

12/2019 – 11/2022: Fixed term Lecturer in Power Systems at University of Cagliari 

11/2017 – 11/2019: Fixed term Lecturer in Power Systems at University of Cagliari

10/2012 -10/2017: Fixed term Lecturer in Power Systems at University of Cagliari

05/2012-10/2012: Research contract, titled “Active Distribution Networks for the integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles: development of optimal operation control systems”. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering – University of Cagliari.

02/2011 – 03/2012- post-doc scholarship , project title: “Development and implementation of Active Distribution Network operation algorithms for the maximum integration of RES and QoS improvement”

from 04/2010 – up to now- Teaching activity for SICURE srl (Viale Trieste No. 3, 09123 Cagliari) with lectures / tutorials on topics related to energy efficiency in electricity production and consumption. Title of the course: “Energy certification of buildings, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.”

04-07/2011 – Teaching activity for ISFORAPI Istituto di formazione del’API sarda, Project title: “GREEN FUTURE Avviso pubblico di chiamata di operazioni da realizzare con il contributo del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007?2013 Obiettivo 2? Asse Occupabilità”, with lectures / tutorials on topics related to the energy efficiency in electricity final consumption. Title of the course: “SO.S.T.A, Sustainability, Development, Enviromental protection”

03/2011 – 03/2012– Postdoctoral fellow at Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering – University of Cagliari. Project title: “Optimal operation of distribution Microgrids in tertiary and industrial applications”.

12/2003 -11/2005– Ph. D. Course in Industrial Engineering at the University of Cagliari.

from 01/2002 up to now– Research activities with the Power Systems Research Group (scientific coordinator prof. Fabrizio Pilo), at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

from 01/2002 – up to now – Teaching activities within the master degree course in Electrical Engineering of the University of Cagliari. Tutorials and seminars related on specific topics (for instance on the overhead lines design). 

Teaching activity

  • “Power and Electrical safety in Hospital” –  50 hours course, Bachelor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari
  • Seminar titled “Design of overhead power lines”, organized by the University of Cagliari, duration 20 h (Cagliari, 24 ? 29 giugno 2009).
  • Corso NOE’ - “Electrical hazard in medium and low voltage power systems ”, Cagliari (2008);
  • Organization and teaching activity in a course titled “Energy certification of buildings, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources” organized by SICURE srl (Viale Trieste n°3, 09123 Cagliari) (2010?2012).
  • Teaching activity in a course titled: “SO.S.T.A, Sustainability, Development, Enviromental protection”, organized by ISFORAPI? Istituto di formazione di API sarda, Cagliari (2011). 

Scientific Association Membership

  • from 2002 AEIT, Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana (I)
  • from 2003 IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA)
  • from 2020 Secretary/treasurer of CH08372 IEEE Italy Section Chapter, PE31
  • from 2006 CIGRE, International council of large electric systems (F)

Member of CIGRE Working Group C6.11 titled “Development and operation of active distribution networks”, within the CIGRE Scientific Committee C6 “Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation”, that ended its activity and published the technical brochure in 2011 (ISBN : 978-2-85873-146-6).

Member of CIGRE Working Group C6.19 titled “Planning and optimization methods for active distribution systems”, within the CIGRE Scientific Committee C6 “Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation”. 

Editorial Activity

Reviewer of the following International Journals and conference:

  • IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids
  • IEEE PES Trans. on Sustainable Energy
  • IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics,
  • Electric Power System Reasearch Journal (Elsevier)
  • Energies (open access journal, MDPI),
  • Applied Sciences (open access journal, MDPI),
  • International Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Acta Press)
  • Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks – SEGAN (Elsevier),
  • IEEE Access (IEEE) 
  • International Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Acta Press)
  • Asian Journal of Control (Wiley)
  • ISIE 2010, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Bari 4-7 luglio 2010
  • IET Medpower 2012, 8th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 1-3 ottobre 2012, Cagliari (Italia).
  • Powertech 2013, Towards carbon free society through smarter grids, 16-20 June 2013, Grenoble (France)
  • EnergyCon 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2014
  • IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe 2016, 9-12 Oct 2016, Ljubljana – Slovenia
  • Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016, 20 -24 June 2016, Genova
  • AEIT 2018 Bari, October 2018,
  • PSCC 2018, Dublin, Irlanda, Jun 2018
  • EEEIC 2019, Genova, June 2019

Guest Editor of two special issues of Journal Applied Science (MDPI open access), titled:

  • Smart Distribution Grid Modeling
  • Control, Optimization and Planning of Power Distribution Systems

International Conference Organization:

  • International Conference on Lightning Protection (2010), Cagliari, 13-17 September 2010, Local Organizing Committee.
  • IET MEDPOWER 2012, Cagliari, 1-3 October 2012, Local Organizing Committee.
  • FEMMS 2019, International Conference on Financial and Energy Markets: Modeling and Simulation,  Cagliari, 20-22 June 2019, Local Organizing Committee.

International Conference Participation as delegate/chairperson

  • EnergyCon 2014, Delegate and Chairperson of the session titled “Forecasting Models in Distribution Systems”, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 13-16th May 2014;
  • UPEC 2008, 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Delegate and Chairperson of 2A6 session, titled “Renewable Energy Systems & Smart Grids” ,Padova, 1-4 settembre 2008.
  • 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-EU), Invited Panelist of the panel session titled “Novel State Estimation for Smart Distribution and Transmission Network Operation”, Berlin, Germany, 14-17 October, 2012; contribution title: “Impact of Distribution State Estimation on Active Operation of Distribution Systems”.

Delegate in the following International conference

  • IEEE EEEIC 2018, Palermo (IT), 12-15 June 2018;
  • CIRED 2017, IET, Glasgow (Scotland, UK) 12-15 June 2017;
  • CIRED Workshop 2014, “Challenges of implementing Active Distribution System Management”, Roma, 11- 12th Jun 2014.
  • CIRED 2013, Stockholm, 10-13th Jun 2013
  • Energycon 2012, IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition, Firenze, 9-12 September 2012;
  • ICHQP 2008, 13th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, 28th September to 1st October, 2008;
  • UPEC 2008, 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Padova, Italy, 1 – 4 Sep. 2008;
  • PMAPS 2008 – 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Rincon, Puerto Rico, May 25-29, 2008;
  • EPQU 2007 – 9th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, Barcelona, Spain, 09-11 October 2007;
  • INDIN 2007 – 5th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 July 2007;
  • Power Tech 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007;
  • PMAPS 2006 – 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Stockholm, Svezia, 11-15 giugno 2006;
  • CIRED 2005, Turin, 6-9 June 2005;
  • Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, Singapore, Nov. 29th 2005-Dec. 2nd 2005;
  • CIGRE Symposium 2005, Atene (GR), 13-16 aprile 2005;
  • Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. IEEE PES, New York (USA), 10-13 Oct. 2004;

Invited paper to International conference

  • Celli G., Ghiani E., Pilo F., Pisano G., Soma G. G. (2012). Particle Swarm Optimization for Minimizing the Burden of Electric Vehicles in Active Distribution Networks. In: IEEE PES General Meeting. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2727-5, San Diego (California USA), July 22-26 2012, doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2012.6345458.
  • Celli G., Pilo F., Pisano G., Soma G.G:, “Optimal Planning of Active Networks”, in Proc. of 16th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC 2008), Glasgow (UK), 14-18 July, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-947649-28-9.
  • Pilo F., G. Pisano, Soma G. G. (2007). Neural Implementation of MicroGrid Central Controllers. In: Industrial Informatics, 2007 5th IEEE International Conference on. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0851-1, Vienna (Austria), 23-27 luglio 2007, doi: 10.1109/INDIN.2007.4384897

Participation to research projects with responsibility role (year, fund, project title, role):

2018-2021Horizon 2020, “OSMOSE-Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity, Task 2.4.1: “Downscaling method to account for different time and spatial scales”, Task leader

2016-2017 ENEL GLOBAL THERMAL GENERATION INNOVATION,  “WISE-Wide Integrated Simulator for Energy systems 2”. Project leader

2014-2015 ENEL INGEGNERIA E RICERCA,  “WISE-Wide Integrated Simulator for Energy systems”.Task leader

2013 RSE, “Active Distribution Networks and Smart Microgrids Co-simulation”. Task leader

Participation to research projects (year, fund, project title, role):

2017-2019 Fondazione Banco di Sardegna,  “Sardinian electricity market modeling, forecasting and optimization”. Partecipation

2016-2018 Italian DSO: e-distribuzione, “Simulation tool development for energy losses calculation in LV distribuiton networks“. Participation

2015-2017 Italian Regulator: Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica, il Gas e il Sistema Idrico (AEEGSI),  “Cost – Benefit Analysis for energy storage systems owned by Distribution System Operators“. Participation

2012-2015  Sardinia Regional Governmen – “GIEDION- Gestione Intelligente e sicura di sEnsoristica Distribuita e della sua lnterazione uOmo-macchiNa” (“Building automation for energy efficiency”).

2014-2017 Italian Ministry of  University and Research, “CagliariPort2020”, funded by the Programma Operativo Nazionale – Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation. SMART CITIES – SCN_00281. Participation

2015 Sardinia Regional Government,  GIEDION: “Gestione Intelligente e sicura di sEnsoristica Distribuita e della sua lnterazione uOmo-macchiNa”. (“Building automation for energy efficiency”). Participation

2014 Sardinia Regional Government, SMEEA – “Smart Microgrid for industry energy efficiency”. Participation

2012-2015 Sardinia Regional Government – “e-visiØn – electric-vehicle integration for smart innovative Ø-CO2”.Participation

2014  RSE – “Active Distribution Networks and Smart Microgrids Co-simulation”. Participation

2010-2013 Italian Ministry of Development- “ATLANTIDE: “Digital Archive of the Italian Electric Distribuito reference networks”. Participation

2010-2011 Sardinia Regional Government –  “Development of active distribution networks management algorithms for maximizing the renewable sources integration and quality”. Participation

2007?2009 Enel GEM, Smartgrid: Design of the smart grid demonstration project in Livorno”. Participation

2008? 2009 CNR ? Dipartimento Energia e Trasporti, “Economic benefit of fuel cells for small CHP production”. Participation

2007 CESI RICERCA, “Software tools for distribution planning: improvements and consolidation of SPREAD program”.

2007 TISCALI, “Improvement of reliability and QoS in the TISCALI Data Center of Milano-Caldera”. Participation

2005?2007 Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Development of a distribution management system for the optimal management of RES and DG in industrial districts”. Participation

2005 CESI RICERCA, Novel algorithm for distribution network expansion with Distributed Generation”. Participation

2004 CESI RICERCA, Planning for active distribution networks: development of innovative integrated methodologies and definition of general guidelines for planning with active distribution networks”. Participation

2002 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Consorzio 21, “Study and design of a solid state (IGBT) transfer switch with ultra fast relay for improving industrial customers with distributed generation. Realization of both a reduced and full scale proof of concept”. Participation

Scientific activities

The most important research fields investigated by Dr. Pisano are briefly summarized in the following:

  • Flexibility assessment and market participation of Distributed Energy Resources
  • Planning and Operation of innovative Electric Distribution System and smart grids (impact of Distributed Generation, storage device, electrical vehicle and renewable energy sources).
  • Distribution Systems State Estimation (state estimation algorithms, harmonic state estimation, optimal placement of measurement devices, impact on the operation of distribution management systems, dynamic estimation).
  • Co-simulation of power and communication systems (Impact of State Estimation and Communication Media in Smart Grid Operation)
  • Power Quality of Distribution networks (optimal planning algorithms to reduce the voltage dips in distribution networks);
  • Artificial neural networks to optimise the schedule of generators and responsive loads of a group of industrial and commercial customers aggregated in a Microgrid.



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