Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica

(Last update: June 2024)

Danilo Pani was born in Cagliari in 1978. Since November 2019, Associate Professor of biomedical engineering (SSD ING-INF/06) at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy. He is head of the MeDSP lab (medsp.it), and has been vice director of the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy, from July 2022 to June 2024. Currently, he is the coordinator of the BSc in Biomedical Engineering of the University of Cagliari. He received the national scientific habilitation for the position of full professor of biomedical engineering (IBIO-01/A).

His research activity is focused on medical devices, biomedical signal processing, and machine learning. In particular:
- Cardiac electrophysiology and non-invasive fetal ECG
- Wearable electronics and unconventional electrodes for electrophysiological signals monitoring
- Telemedicine systems design
- Neural engineering and neuromotor rehabilitation

2006 PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Cagliari
2002 MSc (magna cum laude) in Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari

30/11/2016 - 29/11/2019 - Tenure-track assistant professor (art. 24 c.3-b L. 240/10), SSD ING-INF/06, University of Cagliari
29/12/2011 - 29/11/2016 - Non-tenure assistant professor (art. 24 c.3-a L. 240/10), SSD ING-INF/06, University of Cagliari
19/02/2010 - 19/02/2012 - Research assistant (Young Researchers Grant by Regione Sardegna, PO Sardegna FSE 2007-2013, L.R.7/2007) at the University of Cagliari
2/01/2007 - 18/02/2010 - Post-doc at the University of Cagliari
2009 Research consultant in the context of the FetalHeart project DISTRICT - POR SARDEGNA 2000-2006
2005-2006 Research contracts in the context of the EU projects

Since 2022 - Member of IEEE EMB TC on Therapeutic Systems and Technologies (TST)
2016 - June 2023 - Expert member of the Independent Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Cagliari
Since 2015 - Italian Expert in the Technical Committee 251 of CEN, Working Group 2
2017-2021 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian National Bioengineering Group (GNB)
2018-2022 - Co-founder and treasurer of the IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter
2019-2021 - Italian expert for the revision workgroup of ISO WD 13131 - Telehealth services
2013-2020 - Italian expert for the revision workgroup of EN 1064:2005+A1:2007 - Computer-assisted electrocardiography (SCP-ECG)
Since 2013 - Appointed expert in the UNINFO Commission for Health Informatics

IEEE Senior Member, IEEE EMBS, IEEE Sensors Council, GNB, SIAMOC, UNINFO. Member of the Engineers Association of the Province of Cagliari

Member of the board of the PhD School in Bioengineering and Robotics at the University of Genoa
Member of the board of the PhD School "THE HADRON ACADEMY: Risk and complexity in high tech medical innovation" at IUSS - Pavia.
Secretary for the B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari
Supervisor (and co-supervisor) of 9 PhD Students at the University of Cagliari and University of Genoa. Supervisor of more than 160 BSc and MSc students.
AY 2007/2008 to 2010/2011 - Lecturer by a contract of several courses for the BSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari
AY 2011/2012 to present - Professor of Biomedical signal processing and Biomedical instrumentation for the BSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari
AY 2020/2021 - Professor of Electronic and Computer Bioengineering for the BSc in Neuro-physiopathology techniques, University of Cagliari
AY 2023/24 - Professor of Fundamentals of electrophysiological signal analysis for the BSc in Neuro-physiopathology techniques, University of Cagliari
AY 2024/25 - Professor of Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing for the MSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari

INVITED TALKS (selected)
March 2022, "DoMoMEA", SIMFER Sardegna ECM eEvent, Cagliari, IT
June 2021, “Teleriabilitazione per l’ictus cerebrale: il progetto DoMoMEA”, Event Webinar ECM “La Teleriabilitazione nell’era del Covid-19”, Virtual event
June 2021, “ECG sensors: past, present and future”, International Summer School on Wearable Sensors in Sport, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy
September 2018, "EN 1064 SCP-ECG v3.0 - the latest innovations introduced by the revision of the standard", Scientific School Interoperability in Healthcare: standards, guidelines and challenges, Pula, Italy
May 2017, "Electronic textiles for ambient and body monitoring", 2017 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, Strasbourg (France)
October 2017, "Telerehabilitation: design, technological and infrastructural aspects", Pre-conference ECM course at SIAMOC 2017, Turin, Italy
November 2015, "Fetal Electrocardiography: feasibility and potentialities" ECM course of Fetal Echocardiography and Perinatal Cardiology, Cagliari, Italy
May 2015, Cagliari, Italy, "Development and validation of medical instrumentation in the academia", XV National congress of the Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici - "I dispositivi medici: verso un approccio sempre più integrato"

Reviewer for several Journals and conferences (https://publons.com/a/1341228/), and reviewer committee member of BIOCAS.
Project reviewer for the Program STIC-AmSud (France), Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

2019 Editor of the book "Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine - Volume 2", Springer Nature
2023 Associate Editor of Scientific Data (Springer Nature)
2022 Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
2022 Associate Editor of PLOS Digital Health
2020-2023 Associate Editor of BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (Springer Nature)
2019 Editor of the book "Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine - Volume 1", Springer Nature
2019 Guest Editor "ECG Sensors" MDPI Sensors
2018 Guest Editor "Wearable Sensors in Healthcare: Methods, Algorithms, Applications" MDPI Sensors
2018 Guest Editor "Computer Methods and Programs in Prenatal Medicine" Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering - AIMS Press

2024 Chair and Local Organizer of Signal Processing and Monitoring (SPaM) in Labour Workshop 2024
2024 Session Chair and Organizer at IEEE MeMeA2024 - SS8: Unobtrusive measurements and signal processing for pregnancy monitoring
2022 Scientific committee of the 8th GNB congress 2023
2018 and 2021 Chair and Organizer of the International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine, Pula, Italy
2020-2021 Publication chair of the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT
2019 Organizing committee of the FoodCas 2019 satellite workshop at ISCAS 2019, Sapporo, Japan
2013-2015 Chair and Organizer of the Third International Workshop on Collaboration Technologies and Systems in Healthcare and Biomedical Fields (CoHeB), part of the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS)

AWARDS (recent)
2024 AIIC AWARDS - Digital Health and Telemedicine: “Progetto RiPARTO: tele-riabilitazione mediante perturbazioni del feedback visivo per l’arto superiore” – Giulia Sedda, Danilo Pani, Giulia Olla, Enrico Ariu, Matilde Farci
2024 AIIC AWARDS - Digital Health and Telemedicine – GIURIA POPOLARE: “Progetto RiPARTO: tele-riabilitazione mediante perturbazioni del feedback visivo per l’arto superiore” – Giulia Sedda, Danilo Pani, Giulia Olla, Enrico Ariu, Matilde Farci
2023 BIODEVICES 2023 - Best poster award for "A Modular BLE-Based Body Area Network Embedded into a Smart Garment for Rescuers Real-Time Monitoring in Emergency Scenarios"
2022 AIIC Award - Best work in the category "Innovation (processes, products, services)" - "DoMoMEA: the home telerehabilitation for the post-stroke patients"
2018 BIOSIGNALS 2018 - Best poster award for "Adaptive Filtering for Electromyographic Signal Processing in Scoliosis Indexes Estimation"
2016 XVII SIAMOC 2016 Congress - Best methodological work for "Identificazione del centro di rotazione della spalla tramite sensori magneto-inerziali"
2015 DASIP 2015 - Best paper award for "Exploring Custom Heterogeneous MPSoCs for Real-Time Neural Signal Decoding"
2013 Biodevices 2014 - Best student paper award for "VLSI Wavelet Denoising of Neural Signals, Critical Appraisal of Different Algorithmic Solutions for Threshold Estimation"
2008 Computers in Cardiology 2008 - 35° annual Conference: Best Poster Presentation award for "A DSP Algorithm and System for Real-Time Fetal ECG Extraction"

Overall direct fundraising (PI or AI) for about 2 M€ to the research unit.
Involved in the following projects as principal investigator (PI), unit coordinator (AI), research team member (RM), work-package leader (WPL)
PI PNRR Project "STOPme - Supporting Termination Of stereotyPies in patients with Rett syndrome by advanced ambient intelligence" (Call RAISE Ecosystem 2024)
PI PRIN 2022 "VISIONARY – Advanced VISual feedback for neurorehabilitatION systems based on virtuAl RealitY" (MIUR, bando 2022)
AI Horizon Europe "MYRTUS - Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestrion and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems" (Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027))
RM "RiPARTO – Tele-rehabilitation by visual feedback perturbations for the upper limb" (funded by Sardegna Ricerche - Proof of Concept - Valorization of research results in biomedicine) – starting on June 29, 2022 
RM H2020 "Search and Rescue - Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations" (H2020-EU.3.7.5.) - July 1, 2020
AI PRIN2017 "ICT4MOMs - An integrated approach to monitor and manage pregnancy development" (MIUR - bando 2017) - January 27, 2020
RM PON TEX-STYLE ARS01_00996 "Nuovi tessuti intelligenti e sostenibili multi-settoriali per design creativo e stile made-in-Italy" (PNR 2015-2020) - February 1, 2019
PI Sardegna Ricerche, the POR FESR 2014/2020 "DoMoMEA - Home neuromotor telerehabilitation for stroke patients with mild impairment through advanced electronic devices" - March 2018
RM H2020 "FITOPTIVIS" (H2020-ECSEL JU 783162) - June 1, 2018
AI H2020 "CONVERGENCE - Frictionless Energy Efficient Convergent Wearables for Healthcare and Lifestyle Applications" (ERA-NET - a H2020 instrument) - April 2017
RM PON INSIEME "Intelligent Systems for Integrated health Management" (PON Imprese e competitività 2014-2020)
RM H2020 "NEBIAS - Neurocontrolled BIdirectional Artificial upper limb and hand prosthesiS", EU Seventh Framework Programme, ICT-2013.9.6 FET Proactive EVLIT
WPL H2020 "HEREiAM - An interoperable platform for self-care, social networking and managing of daily activities at home", Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme, call AAL-2012-5
PI Regional Project, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R.7/2007 Fundamental Research, year 2012 "ELoRA - Low-power Real-time processing of neural signals for prosthetic aids", CRP-60544
RM PRIN2011 "HandBot - Protesi di mano biomeccatroniche dotate di percezione tattile bioispirata, interfacce neurali bi-direzionali e controllo sensori-motorio", MIUR
RM BANDO GIOVANI RICERCATORI 2009 - "NEMESIS - Neurocontrolled mechatronic prosthesis" Project of the Health Ministry - Direzione Generale della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
PI Young Researchers Grant by Regione Sardegna, PO Sardegna FSE 2007-2013, L.R.7/2007 "Conception and development of advanced algorithms for real-time extraction of fetal electrocardiogram from non-invasive biopotential recordings"
RM Regional Project, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R.7/2007 Fundamental Research, year 2008 "RE.MO.TO. - Recovery of movement and telemonitoring for rheumatologic patients with hand disability"

Author of more than 130 indexed publications in journals, books and conferences. Scopus

D. Pani, G. Barabino, A. Dessì, A. Mathieu, L. Raffo, "Apparatus, a system and a relating method for local or remote rehabilitation and functional evaluation of the hands", U.S. Patent No. US 9,089,734 B2, Jul. 28, 2015
I. Tomassini Barbarossa, R.M. Crnjar, G. Sollai, M. Melis, D. Pani, P. Cosseddu, A. Bonfiglio, "Device, system and relating method for the quantitative assessment of taste sensitivity", Italian Patent Application No. 102016000057785, WIPO (PCT) WO2017212377A1
A. Usai, D. Pani, A. Bonfiglio, E. Sulas, B. Fraboni, M. Tessarolo, "Indumento sensorizzato" application n. 102018000010886, 07/12/2018
G.A. Usai, E. Scavetta, I. Gualandi, B. Fraboni, M. Tessarolo, A. Bonfiglio, D. Pani, E. Sulas, "Composizione polimerica conduttiva e metodo per preparare la composizione polimerica conduttiva", application n. 102019000006437, 29/04/2019
A. Spanu, A. Bonfiglio, S. Lai, P. Cosseddu, D. Pani, "METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING AN ULTRA-THIN EPIDERMAL SENSOR AND SENSOR OBTAINED", application n. PCT/IB2019/058726
Pani D, Sedda G., Olla G., Zedda A. “METODO E APPARATO PER LA RIABILITAZIONE NEUROMOTORIA” Application number 102023000013161 

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