Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali

Simonetta Palmas                                (updated Dec 2020)

Actual position: Full Professor (Industrial Chemistry and Technology (ING-IND/27)


1987 - Master Degree in Chemical Engineering - University of Cagliari.
1992 - PhD in Chemical Engineering - University of Bologna
1990 - Visiting researcher - University of Exeter, UK,
1991-2001: “Tecnico Laureato” - Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials
2001–2014: Assistant Professor in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Technology (ING-IND 27)
2014 - Associate Professor in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Technology (ING-IND 27)
2018 – Full Professor in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Technology (ING-IND 27)  


Advanced Oxidation Processes for the demolition of biorefractory organics and wastewater treatment;
Preparation and characterisation of catalysts for oxidative and reductive processes;
Development and characterisation of electrochemical reactors for environmental applications;
Development and characterisation of catalysts for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction;
Electrochemical investigation on the behaviour and stability of semiconductors;
Synthesis and characterisation of semiconductor nanostructured materials;
Electrochemical anodisation for synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes;
Application of photoelectrocatalytic processes in the energetic and environmental field.
The research results obtained up to now have been the object of scientific communications presented at national and international congresses (200), and gave rise to several papers (105 papers indicized by SCOPUS), which appeared in the international literature.


- Source: SCOPUS (since 1991-)
Scientific papers: 111
Total citations: 2900
H-index: 26


Since 2001 is the holder of several teaching courses of her scientific sector and related sectors mainly for chemical engineering students. Moreover, has been Tutor of several thesis of Chemical Engineering, I and II level Degree, as well as tutor of PhD students, and assistant researchers.


Italian Delegate in the sitting members of the Working European Party on Electrochemical Engineering

Member of:

International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), and Vice chair of Division 5 (Electrochemical Process Engineering and Technology)

Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Chimica (AIDC)

Società Chimica Italiana- Divisione Elettrochimica (SCI)

GRICU (Gruppo Ricercatori Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università)

The executive board of AIDIC sect. Sardegna

The PhD school of Industrial Engineering

Coordinator of the Chemical Engineering course (Cagliari University 2015-2018)

Vice President of the Engineering Faculty - (Cagliari University2018-2021)


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