Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  • Family name, PILO, First name: Fabrizio G. L.
  • Researcher unique identifier(s):
  • Nationality: ITALIAN
  • Date of birth: 23/01/1966


  • 1998 PhD, Thesis on Algorithms and models for distribution planning, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Automation, University of Pisa, Italy • 1993 Master (magna cum laude), Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Electro-technics, University of Cagliari, Ialy
  • 1986 High School Diploma (60/60), High School “G. Spano”, Sassari, Italy


  • 2014 – to date Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering/ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 2015 – to date Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 2009 – to date Member of the Director Council and Executive Board of the Italian University Consortium on Energy and Power System (ENSIEL)


  • 2019 – 2021 Member of the Academic Senate
  • 2015 – 2021 Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 2006 – 2012 Head of Department of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 2012 – 2014 Director of the PhD School in Industrial Engineering
  • 2012 – 2014 Vice Dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture
  • 2001 – 2014 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering/ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 1996 – 2001 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering/ Department of Electrical and Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy
  • 1995 – 1998 Ph. D. Student, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Automation, University of Pisa, Italy
  • 1993 – 1995 Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering/ Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy


  • 1998 Scholarship from Sardinia Regional Government
  • 2013 IEEE Senior Member
  • 2018 CIGRE Distinguished member
  • 2021 Member of the CIRED board of Directors

TEACHING ACTIVITIES (last ten years) 

  • 2005 – to date Professor of Power System Fundamentals, Bachelor, Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy
  • 2011 – to date Professor of AC and DC transmission systems, Master, Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy 
  • 2013 – to date Professor of Power Distribution and Smart Grids, Bachelor, Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy • 2005 – 2012 Professor of Power Distribution Systems, Bachelor, Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy
  • 2005 – 2011 Professor of Electrical Safety Fundamentals, Master, Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy
  • 2005 – 2011 Professor of Electric Power Generation, Master, Energy Engineering, University of Cagliari, DIEE, Italy 
  • 2006 – 2011 Professor of Electrical Safety Fundamentals in Hospitals, Bachelor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy 


  • Since 2010, Chairman of S5 CIRED (Distribution System Development)
  • Since 2010, Chairman of CIGRE WG SC C6.19, WG SC C6.25, WG SC C6.37
  • Since 2005, Technical Committee of CIRED (Special Reporter Session 5 System Development)
  • Member of the EU EES-UETP Directing Committee
  • 2016 – to date ISGAN Annex 3 Operating Agent


  • 2010 International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliari, Italy, 13-17 September 2010, 350 delegates
  • 2012 IET Conference, MEDPOWER 2012, Cagliari, Italy, 1-3 October 2012, 200 delegates

Fabrizio Pilo has authored or co-authored more than 180 papers; SCOPUS h-index is 30 with 3884 citations; GOOGLE Scholar h-index is 36 with 6546 citations. He has been responsible for projects and grants for more than 10 M€. He was responsible for consultancies on power distribution modernization in Jordan, Uzbekistan and Brazil in cooperation with CESI. Research partners are ENEL, EDF, JRC, EPRI, EPFL, UMIST, NTUA and the most important Italian Universities.

  • ITALIAN NATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECT PRIN 2017, Planning and flexible operation of micro-grids with generation, storage and demand control as a support to sustainable and efficient electrical power systems: regulatory aspects, modelling and experimental validation, Local responsible
  • EU H2020 INTERREG-MED 2014-2020 STORES - ID: 695/1MED15_2.2_M2_184. Local Responsible from 01-11-2016 
  • EU H2020 OSMOSE (Project No. 773406): Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity, Third party, Coordinator from 01-01-2018 
  • ERASMUS+ - KA2, 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048289 - Developing advanced master’s education based on Smart Grid technology, Project Investigator 
  • ENI CBC MED, “Cost-effective rehabilitation of public buildings into smart and resilient nano-grids using storage «BERLIN»”, Local Responsible
  • ATLANTIDE Italian Ministry of Development, 2012-2015, Project Scientific Coordinator/ Local Principal Investigator
  • E-distribuzione, Research project, Study on the utilization of DER Flexibilities for DSO Network Management, Principal Investigator
  • ENEL Research project, WISE 2014-2015 Principal Investigator
  • EDF, Research project, Strategic Planning of Smart distribution 200.000 2016-2018 Principal Investigator
  • EVISION Sardinia Regional Government 2012-2015 Principal Investigator
  • SMEEA Sardinia Regional Government 2014-2015 Principal Investigator


  1. Operation and planning of electric power distribution - Distribution planning has been dealt with using evolutionary and meta-heuristics algorithms, multi-objective programming, probabilistic methods and theory of decision Prof. Pilo pioneered the optimal allocation of DG in distribution networks with multi-objective and genetic algorithms. More recently, Prof. Pilo investigated the operation of distribution networks and how to exploit flexibility in power system development. Energy Management Systems algorithms have been developed for application in MV and LV active distribution systems.
  2. Co-simulation of power and communication systems - Prof. Pilo co-developed algorithms for the reliability assessment of Smart Grids. The impact of communication system in Smart Grid has been studied with pseudo sequential Monte Carlo. More recently algorithms and programs for cyber-physical simulation of power and communication systems have been developed. The final goal is the integrated planning of communication and power systems.
  3. Distribution System State Estimation Modern distribution systems will be based on real time operation. Distribution system state estimation will be an essential part of distribution operation. The most significant contribution is on the optimal location of measurement devices for distribution system state estimation. 


  • Local Organizing Committee Chairman, International Conference on Lightning Protection, Cagliari, Italy, 13-17 September 2010 • TC Member, S5 Chairman, CIRED 2011, Frankfurt, Germany, 6-9 June 2011
  • Session Chairman, CIGRE Symposium, Bologna, 13-15 September 2011
  • TC Member, Chairman, CIRED Workshop 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, 29-30 May 2012 
  • Conference Co-Chairman, IET MEDPOWER 2012, Cagliari, Italy, 1-3 October 2012
  • Session Chairman, CIGRE-CIRED Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal – April 22-24, 2013
  • TC Member, S5 Chairman CIRED 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 10-13 June 2013,
  • International Advisory Committee Member, Session Chairman, IEEE POWERTECH, Grenoble, France, 16-20 June 2013 • Session Chairman, ISGT EUROPE 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-9 October 2013 
  • TC, Chairman, CIRED Workshop 2014, Rome, Italy 11-12 June 2014
  • Honorary Co-Chairman, IET MEDPOWER 2014, Athens, Greece, 2-5 November 2014
  • TC Member, S5 Chairman CIRED 2015, Lyon, France, 15-18 June 2015
  • TC Member, S5 Chairman CIRED WORKSHOP 2016, Helsinki, Finland, 15-18 June 2016
  • TC Member, S5 Chairman CIRED, Glasgow, UK, 10-15 June 2017
  • TC Member, Committee Member and Theme Chairman, CIRED WORKSHOP 2018, Lubjana, Slovenia, 7-8 June 2018
  • TC Member, S5 Chairman CIRED, Madrid, Spain, 3-6 June 2019


  • 2011 Planning the Future of Power Distribution, Advanced School on ICT for future energy systems, (8 hours), Trento, Italy
  • 2011 Planning in the era of smartgrids, CIGRE Tutorial: Smart technologies for Supergrids and Microgrids, Bologna, Italy, Invited Tutorial
  • 2012 Integrated power and ICT risk models and analysis for Smart Cities, University of Manchester, International EES-UETP Course on Smart Cities: Planning and operation of future urban energy systems, Manchester, UK, Invited Lecture
  • 2012 Modern trends in planning for active distribution networks, NTUA, Athens, Greece, Invited Lecture
  • 2012 Modern trends in planning for active distribution networks, IET Cyprus, Nicosia
  • 2012 CIGRE WG C6.19 planning and optimization methods for active distribution systems, CICED 2012, Shanghai, Invited Round Table
  • 2013 Models and tools for ICT simulation in Active Distribution Networks Round Table, Joint simulation of cyber infrastructure and power system for smart grid planning and operation studies”, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2013 Modern trends in planning for active distribution networks, Tutorial at CIRED 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 2016 Planning and optimization methods for smart grid, CICED 2016, Xi’an, Invited Speech
  • 2016, CIGRE C6 tutorial ‘Planning and Operation of Distribution Systems with High Shares of Renewables’


  • Associate Editor:
    • International Journal of Electrical Power System
    • Journal on Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks.
  • Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transactions on: Power Systems, Power Delivery, Smart Grids, Industrial Informatics e Industrial Electronics
    • Journal of Electric Power Research
    • The Scientific World Journal
    • International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems
    • Energy strategy reviews 


  • Giuditta  Pisano,  Assistant  Professor, University  of  Cagliari,  Qualified  for  Associate  Professor
  • Susanna Mocci, Research Fellow, University of Cagliari, Qualified for Associate Professor
  • Gian Giuseppe Soma, Research Fellow, University of Cagliari, Qualified for Associate Professor
  • Simona Ruggeri, Postdoctoral, University of Cagliari
  • Matteo Troncia, Postdoctoral, University of Comillas, Spain
  • Nayeem Chowdury, Ph.D., Engineer – Planning, Operations & Innovation, EIRGRID

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