Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Michele Nitti is a Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy, since 2021. He received an M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering with full marks in 2009. In 2014, he was awarded a PhD degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering with Doctor Europaeus mention. In 2013, he has been a visiting student at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He has been an Assistant Professor since 2015 and he is qualified for the position of full professor according to (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) with validity from 17/12/2023 to 17/12/2034 (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) disciplinary sector ING-INF/03, Telecommunication.

His main research interests are on the Internet of Things (IoT), particularly in the creation of a network infrastructure to allow the objects to organize themselves according to a social structure in Smart City scenarios.

Michele Nitti has been the PI of the project “Feedback Analysis and blockchain-based trust Evaluation” (FAKE), funded by the European Community in the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program as Cascade Call of the Grant Agreement No. 957228 (Total Budget: 175 k€). Furthermore, he is Co-Principal Investigator of the "models and algoriThms fOr 6G Era digital Twin orcHEstratoR" (TOGETHER) project, financed by the RESEARCH PROJECTS OF RELEVANT NATIONAL INTEREST - Call 2022 (Total Budget: 188 k€) and of the "Metaverse & Human Digital Twin: digital identity, Biometrics and Privacy in the future virtual worlds" (METATwin), funded by the RESEARCH PROJECTS OF RELEVANT NATIONAL INTEREST – 2022 PNRR Call (Total Budget: 223 k€). He has been the Work Package Leader (WP: Design of a logistic model and development of the infrastructure for the Port of Cagliari) of the project Cagliari Port 2020, funded by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE) in the PON Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation (Total Budget: 9M€).

He is the co-founder of the company GreenShare Srl, which mainly deals with offering services related to info mobility, mobile payment, and mobile applications. The most successful services developed by GreenShare are Smarticket, TeseoApp, and Clacsoon.

Michele Nitti was Vertical and Topical Program Chair for the 8th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things 2022 which was held in Yokohama in Japan. Furthermore, he was General Chair of the organizing committee for IEEE IoT Vertical and Topical Summit for Tourism 2021 and Technical Chair of the organizing committee for IEEE IoT Vertical and Topical Summit for Tourism 2022. He was invited speaker for the seminar organized by the IEEE ComSoc Social Internet of Anything – Special Interest Group entitled: "Trustworthy cooperation among socially enhanced digital twins" and at the thematic day relating to Trust and Privacy in Networks (TRUSTNET DAY) which took place on 16 June 2023 in Avignon (France). He was workshop chair for the 1st and 2nd Workshop on Smart Building and Internet of Things (SBIoT). He was invited speaker for the Topical Area Track "Green Technologies - Environment, Sustainability and the Circular Economy" of IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 2019 and invited keynote speaker at the "International Workshop of Trends and Challenges in Social Internet of Things" held during the 29th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018. He was technical Program Co-Chair and Session Chair at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB ) in 2017. Finally, he was invited speaker on the topic "Can the Wearables be Social?" at the 2016 International Summit on Smart Wearables Systems. He has been a member of the technical committee and a speaker at numerous international conferences.

He is currently an editor for Elsevier Computer Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, MDPI IoT and Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Recent Advances in Social Internet of Things" of MDPI Sensors magazine. More information can be found on the personal page of the Net4U website.

Academic indicator for M. Nitti (Scopus May 2024):

- Citations: 2932;

- H-index: 24;

- Journal articles since 2012: 23 (in Q1: 15);

For more information, see the Google Scholar profile.

This CV is updated as of the 14th of May 2024.

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