Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche

                                (update June 14 2023)

Guido Ennas:

Personal data

Date of birth:  23/01/1959

Place: Cagliari, Italy

Citizenship: Italian


Work address

Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences

University of Cagliari

Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, 09042 Monserrato (ITALY)

phone +39 0706754364

e-mail: ennas@unica.it


Actual Position: Associate Professor


Bibliometric indicators related to publications and citations:

95 publications in scientific journals all within PE – Physical Sciences and Engineering, PE5-“ Synthetic Chemistry and Materials”  macrosector;

H-index = 28    Citations = 2448   data according to Scopus database (Scopus ID = 6701537330)

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-2467-1514



  • 1986: Chemistry Degree; University of Cagliari (Italy); Title of the thesis: “Coordination Studies of the Ag+ ion in the Glass System AgI-Ag2O-B2O3 by X-Ray Diffraction ”; Mark 110/110
  • 1988 Master’s degree in Materials Science at the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy);
  • 1991: Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Cagliari (Italy); Title of the Thesis: “Synthesis and Characterization of Amorphous Metallic Alloys”.
  • 20048- 2008 Master in “Laboratory of Teaching Education -Laboratorio Didattico Caralitano “, University of Cagliari (Italy).


Professional experience, research activity and research lines

  • 1/10/1988-1/10/1989: Associate Researcher at the ENEA (National Agengy for the New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma (Italy);
  • 1992-2001 Researcher, University of Cagliari;
  • 2001-today: Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cagliari;
  • 2018 – 2027: Qualified as Full Professor in Inorganic Chemistry (SSD CHIM/03 – SC 03/B1).
  • May 31 2023: won the selective procedure for Full Professor in Inorganic Chemistry (SSD CHIM/03 – SC 03/B1).


Prof. Ennas is the responsible of the Micro- and Nanostructured Materials Research Group at University of Cagliari (UNICA), having more than 30-year research experience in design, synthesis and characterization of nanostructured, micro and mesoporous materials, with particular relevance to the development of different inorganic materials and coordination polymers by mechanochemical approach. Prof. Ennas research lines include the synthesis, with traditional and advanced chemical synthetic techniques (mechanochemistry, sonochemistry, microwave) of:

  • transition metal-boron amorphous metallic alloys;
  • nanophasic materials, including nanostructured low-melting metal alloys, ferrites and oxides;
  • mesoporous nanocomposites (metal doped-silica, metal alloys -silica, metal oxides-silica/alumina);
  • Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs);

as well as their microstructural, analytical, thermal, textural and magnetic characterization;

  • Since 2001 he deals with the inertisation of materials containing asbestos.
  • He collaborates with the Pharmaceutical Technological Application Group of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cagliari (DiSVA), in the structural, morphological and thermal characterization of formulations and nanoparticulate systems (liposomes, nanoparticles) for the delivery of drugs and bioactive molecules, and for dermal and transdermal drug targeting.
  • Since 2018 he collaborates with DiSVA and with the Department of Biomedical Science of the University of Cagliari (DiSB) on the development of formulations, which could be used for the coating of medical devices (masks, gloves, etc.) and especially of “high touch” surfaces and objects” present in public places.
  • Since 2020 he collaborates with ITM-CNR to improve PLA membrane separation properties by incorporating MOFs into polymer matrices.


Service activity for the communities

  • 2004-2011 and 2012-2018: Member of the Self-Assessment Commission (CAV) of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Cagliari (UNICA);
  • 2006 – today: Member of the Faculty Board of the Doctorate in Chemical Science at UNICA;
  • 2008-2011: Coordinator of the School of Pharmacy at UNICA;
  • 1991-today: Member of the Dept. of Chemical Science – current Dept. of Chemical and Geological Science Council – at UNICA;
  • 2014-2015: Deputy Director of the Department of Chemical Science at UNICA;
  • 2018-2021: Member of the Self-Assessment Commission (CAV) of the Department of Chemical and Geological Science at UNICA;
  • 2008-2015: Member of the Joint Commission (Students-Teachers) of the School of Pharmacy at UNICA;
  • 2013-2019: Responsible of Orientation Commission of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy at UNICA;
  • 2020 – today Scientific Manager (Lab CS19- X-Ray Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction) of the University Research Center (CeSAR) at UNICA.


Research projects as coordinator


  • Responsible of the research project funded by MIUR (2003-2004) “Inertization of materials containing asbestos”;
  • Responsible of the Regional Project RRI 2008: UMI-OM-IMACA “Use of Inert Materials Obtained by Inertization of Asbestos Containing Materials;
  • Local unit responsible of the FISR project – DM 17/12/2002 (2005-2008) “Innovative technologies and processes to face the transition and prepare the future of the hydrogen system (TEPSI)”;
  • Responsible for the regional research project LR.7 / 2007 (2010-11) “Design of nanostructured alloys – new lead-free solders”.


Research projects as partecipant


  • PRIN 1997 “Preparazione e caratterizzazione di nanocompositi a matrice di ossidi vetrosi o ceramici”;
  • PRIN 1999 “Proprieta’ magnetiche di materiali nanostrutturati”;
  • PRIN 2001 “Sintesi e Caratterizzazione di Nanocompositi aventi proprietà magnetiche e di ottica non-lineare di interesse tecnologico”;
  • PRIN 2003 Approccio multitecnica per la caratterizzazione di materiali nanofasici
  • COST Action MP0602 project “Advanced Solder Materials for High Temperature Application (HISOLD, 2007-2010)”;
  • COST Action MP0903 “Nanoalloys” on the thermodynamic characterization of lead-free low melting alloys (2010-2014);
  • Research project “Innovative Molecular Functional Materials for Environmental and Biomedical Applications“University Projects Funded by the Foundation of Sardinia – (2016-2017);
  • Research project “Innovative Nanosized Systems Bearing Supramolecular Functions: Recognition and Sensing -University Projects Funded by the Foundation of Sardinia – (2018-2019);
  • Research project “Coating4Cov”, (2020-21) regional contract “Sardegna Ricerche- RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN SARDINIA”.
  • Research project “Fit4CoV” (2022-23) regional contract “Sardegna Ricerche- RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN SARDINIA”.

National and International congress Organization

INSTM National Congress (Cagliari, 2005-Local Organization);

4th Workshop Italiano Sol-Gel (Iglesias (CA) 2004, Local Organization);

IX National Congress “Materiali Nanofasici” (Iglesias(CA), Local Organization 2009).




Supervisor of 54 Bachelor Students and Master Course Students;

Supervisor of 5 PhD students.




  • Padella , A.La Barbera, G.Ennas, C.Alvani, L.Petrucci, C.Colella, Metodo di Preparazione Meccanochimica di Ferriti Miste Nanostrutturate da Utilizzare per la Produzione di Idrogeno da Acqua. Brevetto Italiano N°RM2003A00032 del 27 Giugno 2003;
  • Alvani, G. Ennas, A.La Barbera, F.Padella, F.Varsano, Procedimento Termolitico per la Produzione di Idrogeno dall’Acqua mediante Miscele Reagenti di Ferriti Miste e Carbonati. Brevetto Italiano N°RM2004A000440 del 17 Settembre 2004;
  • Scano , G. Ennas, F. Esposito, E. Tramontano, F. Angius, COATING WITH ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES, PCT patent P3250PC00 of University of Cagliari, 2020;
  • Ennas, A.Scano, G.Giallongo, M.Pilloni, V.Cabras, Inertization of Asbestos Containing Materials, Submitted 2021 (accepted by UNICA Industrial Liaison Office in preparation).



  • He is Co-Editor of the Book “Mechanochemistry- A Practical Introduction from Soft to Hard Materials “, Colacino, Evelina; Ennas, Guido; Halasz, Ivan; Porcheddu, Andrea; Alessandra Scano, 2021, De Gruyter, Berlin (D);
  • He is Guest Editor of the in press Special Issue “Recent Advances in Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications” of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, May 2021;
  • 2020-April 2021 Associate Editor of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.



Partecipation as speaker at more than 80 national / international conferences;

Speaker and Chairman at International Sol-Gel Congress conference, Padova (2000);

Speaker and Chairman at International Workshop, Hybrid Molecular Materials, Cagliari (2018).


Scientific society membership

2010-2018 Governing Council Member of INSTM (National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology).


Degree of success in previous Italian or international projects



Teaching Activity

  • 1993-today: General and Inorganic Chemistry – School of Pharmacy at University of Cagliari (UNICA);
  • 2020-today: Crystallography in Chemistry Graduate school (UNICA);
  • 2000-2009: General and Inorganic Chemistry- Herbal Sciences Undergraduate school (UNICA);
  • 2001-2004: Chemistry Laboratory- Material Science Undergraduate school (UNICA);
  • 2003: Lecture at PhD Inorganic Chemistry National School (Genova);
  • 2005-08: Structuristic Chemistry- Material Science Graduate school (UNICA);
  • 2010-12 and 2018-2012: General and Inorganic Chemistry- Toxicology Undergraduate school (UNICA);
  • 2011-2014 Chemical Education (TFA, PAS, Teaching for high school teachers);
  • 2018-today Thermal Analysis Techniques for Nanophase Materials, Cagliari-Sassari PhD School.

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