Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche

The aim of our research is to understand neurobiological underpinnings (e.g., adaptations of both mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway and endocannabinoid system) of resilience and susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., substance use disorder, antisocial behavior, anxiety, depression).
Whether or not these are innate (i.e., temperaments, sex) or induced by early life adverse events (e.g. drug exposure, adverse social events) will be thoroughly investigated via an integrative approach including cellular physiology, neuroanatomy, molecular and behavioral analysis.

This project is based upon my personal interest in neuropsychiatric disorders, which mirror affective imbalances within the brain. Affects are essential for well-being, and once primary physiological needs and safety are satisfied, interpersonal interaction and acceptance represent a need that has to be met, and drives motivation. In fact, they act as natural reinforcers, and are important for social and cognitive development.
The mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, key component of brain reward circuitry, processes value-related signals, and is considered an important circuit for affective functioning. Modulation of pathways determining the strength and direction of synaptic plasticity of such a system is, therefore, crucial in regulating experience-dependent behavioral changes, and viceversa. In particular, the individual response to early life adverse experience depends upon an organism’s innate biological make-up.
The findings will enable to develop new pharmacological strategies for the prevention and treatment of aberrant affective functioning, especially by investigating the mechanisms of resilience.
We began to address this issue by examining the role of sex and temperaments in cannabis and alcohol dependence, respectively, as well as in aggressiveness.

The main goal of my research is deciphering the effects of known risk factors for derangement of neurodevelopmental trajectories to 1) unveil underpinnings of susceptibility during preadolescence and 2) define therapeutic targets to 3) promote resilience (see selected publications below).

  • Sagheddu C, Traccis F, Serra V, Congiu M, Frau R, Cheer JF, Melis M (2021) Mesolimbic dopamine dysregulation as a signature of information processing deficits imposed by prenatal THC exposure. Prog Neuro-psych Bio Psych, Volume 105, DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110128
  • Frau R, Miczán V, Traccis F, Aroni S, Pongor CI, Saba P, Serra V, Sagheddu C, Fanni S, Congiu M, Devoto P, Cheer JF, Katona I, Melis M (2019). Prenatal THC exposure produces a hyperdopaminergic phenotype rescued by pregnenolone. Nature Neuroscience. 22: 1975–1985; DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0512-2.
  • Frau R, Fanni S, Serra V, Simola N, Godar SC, Traccis F, Devoto P, Bortolato M, Melis M (2019) Dysfunctional mesocortical dopamine circuit at pre-adolescence is associated to aggressive behavior in MAO-A hypomorphic mice exposed to early life stress. Neuropharmacol. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.01.032
  • Melis M, Sagheddu C, De Felice M, Casti A, Madeddu C, Spiga S, Muntoni AL, Mackie K, Marsicano G, Colombo G, Castelli MP, Pistis M. (2014) Enhanced endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of rostromedial tegmental nucleus drive onto dopamine neurons in Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(38):12716-24
  • Melis M, De Felice M, Lecca S, Fattore L, Pistis M (2013): Sex-specific tonic 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling at inhibitory inputs onto dopamine neurons of Lister Hooded rats. Frontiers in  Integrative Neuroscience, 7(93):1-13.
  • Bortolato M, Godar S, Melis M, Soggiu A, Roncada P, Casu A, et al. (2012) NMDA receptors mediate the role of monoamine oxidase A in pathological aggression. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(25):8574-82.

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