Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali (DIMCM); https://web.unica.it/unica/it/dip_ingmeccanica.page

Paola Meloni CV

RTI-TP Researcher (Assistant Professor) with National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor (PA) in Materials Science and Technology, SSD Ing/Ind 22, at the University of Cagliari. Associated to the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering (DIMCM). Teaching activities carried out at DICAAR (Department of Environmental, Civil and Architectural Engineering).

-Teacher of the Courses: “Material Science and Technology” Materials for Architecture” and “Materials and Techniques for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (since 2002).

-Graduated with honors in Geological Sciences. Master degree in "Soil and Environmental Defense" from the POLITO. Ph.D. in Mining Prospection Engineering, VI Cycle.

Scientific and cultural training characterized by the following activities:

Qualification as a professional Geologist;

-Awarded scholarship at the National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Mineral Ore Deposits and Mineralurgical Treatment, Cagliari.

-Post Doctoral Biyearly Fellowship, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari.

-Awarded Scholarship at Earth Sciences Department, University of Cagliari.

-Pottery Archaeometry Course at the University of Pavia;

-Awared Scholarship from the PROMEA Inter-University Consortium: Characterization of Black Pottery from the Nuragic age;

-Research contract "University-Restoration Companies operating in Sardinia".

-Relator of more than 50 Thesis and Ph.D.

-Author of about 120 scientific articles published in international and national journals, conference proceedings and book chapters, mainly aimed at the characterization of natural and artificial stone materials, chemical, consolidating and protective additives used in the restoration of cultural heritage, in civil engineering and in bio-architecture.

The teaching activity is documented by the ownership of the following University Courses:

-“Materials Technology” for Civil Engineering, for Building Engineering and Building-Architecture;

-"Materials and Techniques for Restoration" compulsory for the Bachelor's Degree Course in Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (TCRBC), Building Engineering-Architecture and Building Engineering, track B, Recovery and Conservation;

-“Architectural Materials (Module I) for the Master's Degree Course in Architecture LM10;

"Materials and Techniques for Restoration" for the Master's Degree in Architecture LM10;

"Integrated Course of "Diagnostic techniques and materials for architecture", Master's Degree in Architecture;

Elective Course "SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS FOR ARCHITECTURE," Master's Degree in Architecture LM 80/72;

-Relator of Ph.D. Thesis in; Environmental Engineering, Construction Engineering, Materials Engineering, Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Architectural and Environmental Heritage.

-Tutor of Master and Back activities, PhDs, Research Grants and Internships.

-In site experience in the “Decay Mapping and Solution for Conservation” of marble artistic manufact at the Monumental Cemetery of Bonaria in Cagliari.

-Scientific Coordinator of Scientific projects funded by MIUR, L.R. 7 (Region of Sardinia), and by Sardegna Ricerche.

-Associated to the CNR (National Cousil of Researc), ISAC Institute of  Bologna, Im.Peach "Impacts on Environment, Cultural Heritage and Human Health" Working group.

-Scientific Coordinator for many research conventions in agreements with Regional “Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici e per i Beni Architettonici e storico artistici”

-Scientific Responsible, on behalf of the University of Cagliari, of the Cultural Heritage Conservation Laboratory "Colle di Bonaria" in agreement with the Municipality of Cagliari, BAAPSAE Superintendency for the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano and the Regional Directorate for the Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Sardinia.

-Member of the University Spin Off Secured Solutions, University of Cagliari.

-International Prize “Carrara2030”. Competition for innovative ideas to promote the white marble of the Apuan Alps as the material for an ecological future. Section: Materials technology: Innovative applications of material technologies to allow a sustainable use of marble derivatives.

Cagliari 31 08 2023

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