Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e delle istituzioni

Domenica Farinella


Office Address:

Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e delle Istituzioni

Università di Cagliari

Viale S. Ignazio, 78 – 09123 Cagliari (Italy)

Office: +39 0706753737

Cell. +39 349 6809501;

Email: farinella@unica.it



Research Interests_______________________________________________

Mezzogiorno and Southern Question; Informal Economy and precarious work in the South of Italy; Local and Rural Studies; Change in Pastoralism and Agriculture; Multifunctionality in Agriculture; Public service and public sector reform, development policies.



February 2004.  Ph.D in Sociology of Innovation Processes, University Of Naples “Federico II”. Dissertation: La ridefinizione della soggettività nel lavoro dei servizi pubblici il caso di un centro di smistamento postale (The Redefinition of Subjectivity Between Public Servants – a Case Study of a Sorting Center Supply), Advisor: Prof. Francesco Paolo Cerase.

2001. Master in Management and Innovation of Public Administration (Innovazione e semplificazione nella Pubblica Amministrazione), University of Naples “L’Orientale”, (1 year).

2000. M.A. in Sociology, University Of Naples “Federico II”. Dissertation: La liberazione del mercato elettrico in Europa: il caso di EDF in Francia. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude (with honours)

Professional Development__________________________________________

2015. Innovative Digital Technologies and Visual Methods for Social Research, Pre-Congress Workshop of the XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), at the University of Aberdeen (UK), 17-18 August.

2013. Using essays in social research: Theory and practice, with J. Elliot (Institute of Education, University of London), D. Lyon (University of Kent), Workshop at the University of Cagliari (Italy).

2007. Summer School in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Lisrel – the Use for the Social Sciences, (School of Management for Enterprise and Public Adminstration (SDIPA), University of Calabria, July.

2007. Annual Workshop on “Social Network Analysis”; Tutorial on Analysis of textual data and social network analysis for the study of communication flows, November, University of Salerno (taly).

2003. Essex Summer School in Social Science e Data Analysis and Collection. I attended the courses: Social Network Analysis, prof. Steve Borgatti; Multivariate Analysis: Research Problems and Business Practice, Prof. Jacques Tacq, at the University of Essex (UK). July- August.

2001-2002.  Eurex Project, European online seminar on Urban Transformations, Poverty, Spatial Segregation and Social Exclusion. International coordinator : Prof. Yuri Kazepov, University of Urbino (Italy).

1999-2000.  Université de Paris VII – Denis Diderot  (France). Erasmus Program (Attended courses also at EHESS and Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne.

Main Professional Experience_______________________________________

October 2012-  present      Lecturer in Environmental and Economic Sociology,   Member of the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions, University of Cagliari, Italy

2016-      Domestic partner in the project “The Frontier of Sustainability Transitions. Cultural adaptations of sustainability policies in Northern peripheral regions”, coordinator: Dr. Simo Häyrynen, University of Eastern Finland, finance by Finnish Academy (Sub-project 1 – Investigating multifunctionalilty under the strain of strategy and tradition: evidence from the peripheries of Eastern Finland and Southern Italy).

2016-   Research Project on “Migrant workers and Pastoralism”, University of Cagliari, Italy

2015-    Member of the Sociological team in the “Regional Study Group” on the Countryside Change in Sardinia, general coordinator: Prof. Antonello Sanna, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Autonomous Region of Sardinia), Italy

2013-present ,  Senior Researcher in the project “Piano particolareggiato del centro storico delle zone ricadenti all’interno del perimetro del centro di antica e prima formazione”, Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture and Department of Social and Institutional Science (University of Cagliari), Municipality of Villasor (Italy).

2013-present   Researcher in the Project “Food and Quality”, coordinator. Prof. Benedetto Meloni. The research analyzes the four main local agri-food chains in Sardinia: milk, wine, bread, oil. Chambres of Commerce of Sardinia, Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, University of Cagliari (Italy)

2013 – 2014. Member of local research unit for the Project “The Governance of Rural Policies in Italy”. National coordinator: Dr. Franco Mantino. INEA (National Institution Economic Agriculture) – Italy

2011- 2012.   Sociologist in the project; “Epidemiological and Statistical Approaches to Risk Communication in Areas at High Environmental Hazard”, coordinated by prof. Michela Baccini,ISPO, National Institute of Oncological Prevention, Region of Toscana (Italy), University of Firenze, Department of Statistics.

2012- 2015. Researcher in the project “Rural Development Policies in Sardinia: an Empirical Research on the Leader Approach- Coordinator: Prof. Benedetto Meloni, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Autonomous Region of Sardinia), University of Cagliari, Italy

 2012 – 2013.  Member of local research unit for the Project “The Areas of Economic Vitality of Southern Italy”. National coordinator: Prof. Carlo Trigilia. Local case study: The dairy chain in Oristano”, Ministero della Coesione Territoriale(Ministry of Territorial Cohesion)/Fondazione RES – Italy

 2010 – 2012. Researcher in the National Project “Socio-economic Aspects of Environmental and Health Risk and its Perception and Communication”. National coordinator: prof. Guido Signorino,University of Messina – Italy, Project financed by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research (PRIN).

 February- July  2010. Researcher in the Project “Social, Economic and Environmental Monitoring of the Strait of Messina”, commissioned from EURISKO to prof. Ferdinando Ofria, University of Messina – Italy

October 2009- January 2010. Researcher in the Qualitative Study “Communication Strategies of Trade Unions: Expectations, Needs of workers and citizens”, UIL (National Trade Union of Italy).

2009- 2011.   Coordinator and Researcher in the qualitative study “Temporary workers in the Sicilian Public Sector: Life Conditions, Precariousness, Marginality and Survival Strategies”. In collaboration with the CGIL, The Left National Trade Union of Italy. 

2009-2010.  Senior Researcher in the study “Promoting Stroke Units: An Assessment of the Organization of Hospitals in Six Italian Regions”. Director: Prof. Domenico Inzitari  (University of Florence), Italian Department of Public Health.

2009. Researcher for the study “Profile of the Offenders on Parole in the Messina Court District”. Coordinator: Dr. Pietro Saitta, University of Messina.  Department of Justice (UEPE) and University of Messina

2008-2006.     Member in the local unit research in the national project Implementation and Performance of Public Policies: How Interests, Motivations, and the Actor’s Strategies affect the reality. National coordinator: Prof. Francesco Paolo Cerase, University of Naples “Federico II”. Research linked to the International Network on Public Personnel Policies, EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) and financed by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research (PRIN).

2005-2007.     Post-Doctoral Research Fellow,  Topics: processes of tertiarization in Italy;  PSM (Public Service Motivation) and public servants.  University of Naples “Federico II” – Faculty of Sociology, Italy,  Advisor: Prof. Francesco Paolo Cerase

2004. Researcher in the Study “Investigation on the Neapolitan Underclass”. Italia Lavoro (An Agency of the Ministry of Labor).

2004-2003.   Member of local unit research in the National project “Local Development and Public Action in Southern Italy: The Perspectives of “Negotiated Programming” in Campania”. National coordinator Prof. Francesco Paolo Cerase, University of Naples “Federico II”. Project financed by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research (PRIN). 

2003. Expert Consultant in the field of job analysis, evaluation of skills on the jobs.Istat (National Institute of Statistics) – Italy

2000-2001.  Researcher in the Study “New Skills in Public Administration”. Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Paolo Cerase, University of Naples “Federico II”.   Financed by CNR (National Center of Research) – Italy

Teaching experiences__________________________________________

Semester   Institution Course
Fall 2015, Spring 2015; 2014; 2013 University of Cagliari Sociology of Territory  (B.S. in “Political Science)
Spring 2014 Regione Autonoma di Sardegna Environmental Sociology (Professional Course in Environmental Planning and countryside management)
Spring 2014 University of Nuoro Rural Development (Master in “Local Development”)
Fall 2015; Spring 2015; 2014; 2013  University of Cagliari Environmental Sociology (M.A. in “Pedagogy”).
Spring 2012; University of Messina Sociology of Work (B.A. in “Economic Consulting”).
Spring 2012 University of Messina Economic Sociology (B.A. in “Sociocultural mediation”)
Spring 2014; 2012;Fall 2013



University of Messina Sociology of Organization (Master in “Philosophical Counseling and Ethical development of Human Resources”)
Spring 2011 University of Messina Economic Sociology (B.A. in Social Work)
Spring 2010



LEGACOOP – National Association of Cooperatives. Sociology of Organization (Master in “Economic and Cooperation”)
Spring 2010 University of Messina Sociology (B.A. in “Ostetrician Sciences”)
Fall 2009 University of Naples Federico II Economic Sociology  (B.A. in Sociology)
Spring 2009 University of Messina Organizations of Social Work (B.A. in Social Work)
Spring 2009



University of Messina Methods and Techniques of Social Research(B.A. in “Political Science)
Fall 2008 University of Naples Federico II Models of organizational analysis (B.A. in Social Work)



University of Messina Teaching Assistant and Member of the boards for the courses  of:  Sociology of Deviance; Social policy.
2004-2010 University of Naples Federico II Teaching Assistant and Member of the boards for the courses of: Economic Sociology; Sociology of Administration.

Awards and Grants_______________________________________________

2016.  Invited Visiting Researcher at ’Université Paris VII (France), Laboratoire de Changement Social et Politique (funded from Université Paris VII)

2014. Invited Visiting Researcher at University of Kentucky (UK), funded from the UK Appalachian Center – College of Arts & Science of Agriculture, director: Dr. A. Kingsolver. During the visiting period She also visits and works with the Hindman Settlement School, in the County of Hindman (Appalachian Region), October/November.

2013.  Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus – Financed Short visit for research and teaching to the CSRPRP (Centre de Sociologie des Pratiques et des Répresentations Politiques), Université de Paris VII, Denis Diderot, Paris (France), 15 days.

2011. Selected as finalist in the Best Young Italian Sociologists Competition 2011, by AIS (Italian Sociological Society) (only 15 sociologists selected)

2005. University of Naples “Federico II”, Post-Doctoral Fellowship (two years).

2001. University of Naples “Federico II”, PhD Fellowship (three years).

2000. University of Naples “Federico II”, Fellowship as Erasmus Visiting Scholar at the Université de Paris VII Denis Diderot, 1 semester.

1996. Fellowship for European Youth Seminar on “European Community”, EU– House Europe, International Education Center, Bad Marienberg (Germany).

Publications ____________________________________________________


Meloni B, Farinella D (eds) (2016). Valutare per apprendere. Esperienza LEADER 2007-2013. p. 1-311, TORINO:Rosenberg & Sellier, ISBN: 978-88-7885-401-7

Meloni B, Farinella D (eds) (2013). Sviluppo rurale alla prova, dal territorio alle politiche. p. 1-252, TORINO:Rosenberg & Sellier, ISBN: 978-88-7885-220-4

Farinella D., Saitta P., Signorino G. (2012). Sanità e governance territoriale: Il caso dell’assistenza integrata all’ictus . p. 1-288, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 9788856848199

Farinella D. (2010). Mezzogiorno alla finestra. ROMA:Aracne Editrice, ISBN: 978-88-548-3442-2

Farinella D. (2005). Privatizzazione e cambiamento nel servizio pubblico. MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-7472-4


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles :

 Farinella D. (2015), L’État italien et la corruption. Causes historiques et inflexions contemporaines, in Tumultes, n.45, p.57-73, ISSN: 1243-549X

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), Cambiamenti ed evoluzione del pastoralismo in Sardegna, in AGRIREGIONIEUROPA, n.43, p.89-93, ISSN: 1828-5880

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), Pastoralismo e filiera lattiero casearia, tra continuità e innovazione: un’analisi di caso, in Meridiana, n.84, p.1-26,  ISSN: 1973-2244

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), I nuovi contadini tra tradizione e innovazione, in Sociologia del Lavoro, numero monografico 2015,  n.139, p.153-165, DOI: 10.3280/SL2015-139012, ISSN 0392-5048

Farinella D, Baccini M, Biggeri A (2014). Approcci statistici ed epidemiologici alla comunicazione del rischio in aree ad alto rischio ambientale. CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ, ANNO VII – N. 13/2014 – I semestre: 278-289 – DOI 10.7402/CdS.13.059, ISBN 9788885313378, ISSN 1972-5817 (print), 1973-2511 (online).

 Farinella D, Irrera O (2014). Eterotopie della resistenza e classi subalterne. Infrapolitica e mobilitazione per il lavoro in un’azienda sanitaria del Mezzogiorno. ETNOGRAFIA E RICERCA QUALITATIVA, p. 195-218, ISSN: 1973-3194, DOI: 10.3240/77328

Farinella D, Saitta P (2013). La riproduzione di uno spazio subalterno. Abitazione, classi marginali e resistenza in una città del Sud. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA, vol. 3, p. 423-448, ISSN: 0486-0349

Farinella D (2013). Tra formale e informale. Lavoro formale e strategie di sussistenza nel Mezzogiorno. ETNOGRAFIA E RICERCA QUALITATIVA, p. 13-34, ISSN: 1973-3194, doi: 10.3240/73065

Ofria F, Farinella D (2011). The Impact of Criminality on the Productivity of the Southern Italian Economy: A Review of the Empirical Studies. MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, vol. 15, p. 215-238, ISSN: 1027-4375

Farinella D, Saitta P, Signorino G (2011). The Regionalization of the Public Health System and New Governance Models for Healthcare: The Stroke Network Case in Italy. WORLD MEDICAL & HEALTH POLICY, vol. 3, p. 1-23, ISSN: 1948-4682, doi: 10.2202/1948-4682.1139

Farinella D, Saitta P, Signorino G (2010). I nuovi modelli di assistenza integrata. Il caso della rete stroke. AUTONOMIE LOCALI E SERVIZI SOCIALI, vol. 1, p. 5-24, ISSN: 0392-2278, doi: 10.1447/32391

Centorrino M, Ofria F, Farinella D (2010). Processi di convergenza e divergenza tra Mezzogiorno e Centro-Nord a dieci anni dall’adozione dell’UME. RIVISTA ECONOMICA DEL MEZZOGIORNO, p. 453-485, ISSN: 1120-9534, doi: 10.1432/33282

 Cerase F P, Farinella D (2009). Public Service Motivation: How Does it Relate to Management Reforms and Changes in the Working Situation of Public Organizations? A Case Study of the Italian Revenue Agency. PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, vol. 24, p. 281-308, ISSN: 0952-0767, doi: 10.1177/0952076709103812

Farinella D (2007). Dalla retorica del NPM al cambiamento in concreto: il caso di un centro di smistamento. SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, vol. 1, p. 121-132, ISSN: 0392-5048

Cerase F P, Farinella D (2007). La teoria della “motivazione per il lavoro pubblico”: un caso italiano. AMMINISTRARE, vol. 3, p. 423-467, ISSN: 0044-8141

Farinella D (2004). il ceto medio nella società post-fordista, tra transizione e marginalizzazione. SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE, vol. 75, p. 95-112, ISSN: 1121-1148

Farinella D (2001). Il servizio pubblico tra monopolio e concorrenza. AMMINISTRARE, vol. 2, p. 299-322, ISSN: 0044-8141


Chapters in books:

Farinella D. (2016), Lezioni apprese ed indicazioni di policy per la programmazione 2014-2020. ‘evoluzione dei modelli agropastorali in Sardegna dagli anni cinquanta ad oggi, in Meloni B, Farinella D (eds) (2016). Valutare per apprendere. Esperienza LEADER 2007-2013, p.251-298, TORINO:Rosenberg & Sellier, ISBN: 978-88-7885-401-7

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), L’evoluzione dei modelli agropastorali in Sardegna dagli anni cinquanta ad oggi, in Marrocu L., Bachis F., Deplano V.. (eds),  La Sardegna contemporanea,p.447-473. Roma: Donzelli Editore,ISBN: 9788868432447

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), Il pastoralismo come risorsa per le aree interne, in Meloni B., (eds),Aree interne e progetti d’area, p.223-255.Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier,ISBN: 978-88-7885-372-0

Meloni B., Farinella D. (2015), Modelli di pastoralismo in evoluzione, in Saderi A. (eds),  Formaggio e pastoralismo in Sardegna. Storia, cultura, tradizione e innovazione, p.629-644, Nuoro: Illisso, ISBN: 978-88-6202-337-5

Farinella D., Saitta P., Signorino G. (2013), Regionalization of the Public Health System and New Governance Models for Healthcare, in Stabile B. (eds), Policy Diagnosis: Public Policy Insights for Public Health Cures, p. 123-141, Washington: Westphalia Press, ISBN: 9781935907145

Farinella D (2013). Cambiamenti organizzativi nella pubblica amministrazione italiana: note dal campo. In: Casula C (eds), Riorganizzare: l’economia, la società. Scritti in onore di Franco Cerase. p. 141-152, ROMA: Carocci Editore, ISBN:978-88-430-067251

Farinella D (2013). Costruendo un lavoro “sicuro”: informalità, lavoratori precari e strategie di sussistenza nel Mezzogiorno. In: Agodi M C, Boccia Artieri G, Borrelli D. (eds), Emergenze dal presente. Prospettive di futuro. Forum AIS Giovani 2012. p. 101-112, MILANO:EGEA, ISBN: 978-88-238-4386-8

Farinella D, Meloni B (2013). Dalla tradizione all’innovazione: prospettive e opportunità delle filiere agroalimentari territorializzate, in Meloni B, Farinella D. (eds), Sviluppo rurale alla prova, dal territorio alle politiche. p. 127-154, TORINO: Rosenberg & Sellier, ISBN: 978-88-7885-220-4

Farinella D (2013). Getting by in a Postfordian Age: Survival Strategies and Temporary Workers in the Sicilian Public Sector, in Saitta P, Shapland J, Verhage A. (eds), Getting by or Getting Rich? The Formal, Informal and Criminal Economy in a Globalised World. p. 95-115, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, ISBN: 978-94-6236-056-3

Farinella D (2013). Lo sviluppo rurale alla prova: dal territorio alle politiche, in Meloni B, Farinella D. (eds), Lo sviluppo rurale alla prova, dal territorio alle politiche. p. 7-16, TORINO: Rosenberg & Sellier, ISBN: 978-88-7885-220-4

Farinella D, Saitta P, Signorino G (2013). Regionalization of the Public Health System and New Governance Models for Healthcare: The Stroke Network Case in Italy, in Bonnie Stabile (eds), Conflicts in Health Policy. p. 123-141, Washington: Westphalia Press, ISBN: 9781935907145

Farinella D (2010). Le polemiche sulla spesa per il Sud, in Centorrino M., Russo A. (eds), Mezzogiorno fai da te?. p. 121-163, SOVERIA MANNELLI: Rubbettino, ISBN: 978-88-498-2650-0

Farinella D (2010). Le politiche per il Sud, in Centorrino M., Russo A. (eds), Mezzogiorno fai da te?. p. 165-224, SOVERIA MANNELLI: Rubbettino, ISBN: 978-88-498-2650-0

Farinella D (2009). Messina, un’economia in transizione, tra cambiamento e marginalità, in Centorrino M., David P. (eds) Le città della fata morgana. p. 47-84, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-568-0726-4

Cerase F P, Farinella D (2006). Nuove divisioni ‘di classe’ in un impiego pubblico che cambia?., in Cerase F.P (eds), Amministrare: l’economia, la società. p. 125-154, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-7463-5

Farinella D (2005). L’accesso al credito e il rapporto con gli attori bancari nell’esperienza dei patti campani, in Cerase F.P. (eds), Azione pubblica e imprenditorialità. p. 132-161, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-6653-5

Farinella D (2002). Competenze e profili lavorativi, in Cerase F.P. (eds), L’analisi delle competenze nel lavoro amministrativo. p. 90-125, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-3856-6

Farinella D (2002). Il dibattito sulle competenze: contenuti, rappresentazioni, approcci, in Cerase F. P. (eds), L’analisi delle competenze nel lavoro amministrativo. p. 28-40, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-3856-6

Farinella D (2002). L’analisi delle competenze attraverso i sistemi di informazione sulle professioni, in Cerase F.P. (eds), L’analisi delle competenze nel lavoro amministrativo. p. 41-79, MILANO: FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-3856-6



Farinella D., Kingsolver A. (2015), The Role of Regional Policy in Reimagining the Rural: Comparing Contexts in Sardinia, Italy and Appalachia, USA, XXVh Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology,  Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, University of Aberdeen,  ISBN 978-0-902701-14-4

Meloni B., Farinella D., Cois E. (2015), Food and territory: local strategies of the Sardinian family farms in the dairy and wine sectors, XXVIh Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, University of Aberdeen,  ISBN 978-0-902701-14-4

Cataldi S., Acocella I., Farinella D., Interviewing as a power game: the power of social researcher and the power of social actor. ESA & IS  CAS – Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, ESA 12th Conference “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Immagination, ISBN 978-80-7330-271-9

Meloni B, Farinella D, Piras V., Porru E, Salis M, Podda S (2013). Leader approach in Sardinia: from Empirical Research to Theoretical Suggestions for the Future Reform of European Policies . In: (a cura di): European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis . p. 235-236, Pisa: Laboratorio di studi rurali Sismondi, ISBN: 978-8-8908-9600-2, Florence, 29 August -1st July 2013

Farinella D, Meloni B, Locci M, Salis M (2013). Sheep breeding in Sardinia: a resource for quality supply chains. In: (a cura di): European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis. p. 297-298, Pisa: Laboratorio di studi rurali Sismondi, ISBN: 978-8-8908-9600-2, Florence, 29 August -1st July 2013


Selected Presentations________________________________________________

Serra G., Kingsolver A., Farinella D. (2015), Young farmers in Sardinia, Italy and Appalachia, U.S.: A comparison of policies and possibilities for young farmers in comparable regions.. Poster presented in the Kentucky Academy of Sciences conference, Covington, KY, November 13-14.

Ofria F., Farinella D. (2015), Convergence in Italy between the South and the Centre-North: After The Euro (Years 2002-2013). Paper presented at AISRE (Associazione Italiana Scienze Regionali) XXVIth Annual Meeting – Università della Calabria, Cosenza, September, 11-13.

Farinella D., Kingsolver A. (2015), The Role of Regional Policy in Reimagining the Rural: Comparing Contexts in Sardinia, Italy and Appalachia, USA. Paper presented  at  XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology,  Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, University of Aberdeen, August, 18-21.

Meloni B., Farinella D., Cois E. (2015), Food and territory: local strategies of the Sardinian family farms in the dairy and wine sectors. Paper presented at XXVIth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology,  Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, University of Aberdeen, August, 18-21.

Farinella D. (2015),  La corruption au sein de l’État italien, Invited Speaker  at  «La corruption dans l’Etat », Université de Paris VII Denis Diderot, May, 6.

Farinella D. (2014), Biodiverstiy Lost and Regained in Sardinian Agriculture, Invited Speaker at SWAP (Sharing Work on Appalachia in Progress) Meeting, Appalachian Center – University of Kentucky, October, 23.

Farinella D., Meloni B. (2014), Il pastoralismo in evoluzione (Pastoralism in evolution). Paper presented at XI Summer School in Local Development “Sebastiano Brusco”, Senegne (Italy), September, 22-23.

Farinella D., Meloni B. (2014), Nuovi contadini, tra innovazione e regolazione (New Peasantries: between innovation and regolation). Paper presented at Nationa Conference AIS-ELo (Italian Association of Sociology, section Economy, Work and Organization) “La regolazione dell’economia tra formale ed informale”,  University of Milano “Bicocca”, September, 11-12.

Farinella D., Baccini M., Biggeri A. (2013), Approcci statistici ed epidemiologici alla comunicazione del rischio in aree al alto rischio ambientale (Epidemiological and Statistical Approaches to Risk Communication in Areas at High Environmental Hazard). Paper presented at  IX Italian National Conference of Environmental Sociologists, University of Naples “Federico II”, October, 4-5.

Farinella D., Saitta P. (2013), Space of their own. Marginal forms of dwelling in a Southern-Italian Town. Paper presented at ESA (European Sociological Association), XIth  Conference, Working Group: RS12 – Urban Sociology and Public Spaces, University of  Turin, August, 28-31.

Farinella D., Meloni B., Locci M., Salis M. (2013), Sheep breading in Oristano: a resource for quality supply chains. Paper presented at XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), “Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis”, University of Florence, July, 29 – August, 1.

Meloni B., Farinella D., Porru E., Piras V.,  Salis M., Podda S. (2013), Leader approach in Sardinia: from Empirical  Research to Theoretical Suggestions for the Future Reform of European Policies. Paper presented at XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), “Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis”,University of Florence, July, 29 – August, 1.

Farinella D. (2012). Costruendo un lavoro sicuro: precarietà e strategie di sussistenza nel Mezzogiorno (Getting by in a Post-Fordian Age: Survival Strategies and Temporary Workers in the Mezzogiorno). Selected paper for the AIS (Italian Sociological Society) Forum Giovani Ricercatori 2011 (Forum of Best Young Researchers  2011), University of Salento, Brindisi, December, 17-18.

Farinella D., Ofria F. (2012), Spesa pubblica e Mezzogiorno: un contributo al dibattito. (Public Expenditure in the Mezzogiorno). Invited Lecture at  AISRE (Associazione Italiana di Studi Regionali, Italian Association of Regional Studies), XXIIIth National Congress,, Roma, University of  Tor Vergata, September, 13-15.

Farinella D. (2011), L’Italia allo specchio: smarrimento, nuove povertà e precarietà. (Italy in Front of the Mirror: New Poverty and Job Insecurity). Invited Lecture at Accademia Nazionale della Politica (National Academy of Politics ,  IV Course of Political Studies, Palazzo Chiaramonte, Enna, March, 17.

Farinella D. (2011), Getting By in a Postfordian Age: Temporary Workers In The Sicilian Public Sector. Invited Lecture in the International Workshop “Formal, Informal, and Criminal Economy. An Outlook on Northern and Southern Europe”, University of Messina, October, 21.

Farinella D. (2011), Politiche di sviluppo e Mezzogiorno: storia di una narrazione ambivalente (Development  Policies and “Mezzogiorno”: History of an Ambivalent Narration). Invited Lecture at Accademia Nazionale della Politica (National Academy of Politics ,  III Course of Political Studies, Palazzo Chiaramonte, Enna, June, 10.

Farinella D., Saitta P., Signorino G. (2010), Regionalization of the Health Systems and New Models of Governance of Assistance: The Stroke Network’s. Paper presented at  Espanet Italia (The Network for European Social Policy Analysis), National Conference on Without Welfare State? Federalism and Citizenship in the Mediterranean Model, University of Napoli “Federico II”,September 30, October 1

Farinella D., Saitta P. (2009), New models of integrated assistance. The Stroke Network case. Paper presented at SOIS (Italian Society of Health Sociology), Bologna University, Conference on Global Crisis of Welfare State and socio-sanitary Integration, Rimini, October, 22-24.

Farinella D. (2009), Dal locale al globale: dinamiche di reinnesto globale e forme di polarizzazione sociale in un territorio a “economia dipendente”: il caso di Messina” (From Local to Global: Recoupling Dynamics and Social Polaritazion in a Economic-dependent’Territory”. Paper presented at Annual Conference of AIS-ELO (Italian Association of Sociology, section Economy, Work and Organization), “Sviluppo, istituzioni e qualità totale” (Development, Institutions and Total Quality), University of  Cagliari, September 17-18

Farinella D. (2009), Politiche della fiducia come contesto di crescita socio-istituzionale” (Politicies of Trust as Context of Socio-Institutional Growth). Invited Lecture at CGIL Conference “Oltre la crisi. Superare l’emergenza, Ripensare lo sviluppo” (Beyond the Crisis. Overcoming the Emergency, and Re-thinking the Development), Messina.

Farinella D. (2007). Made in Italy or Made in Ireland? Local competitiveness and institutional patterns. Selected paper at SASE’s 19th   Annual Meeting, Changing Political Economies: Macro Trends and Micro Experiments. International Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen  (Denmark) –  June, 28-30.

Farinella D., Parziale F. (2007). Modelli di terziarizzazione economica e disuguaglianze sociali in Italia, un’analisi a partire dal locale (Models of Economic Tertiarisation and Social inequalities: An analysis by local dimension). Paper presented at   National Congress of Italian Association ofSociology (AIS), Capire le differenze: Integrazioni e conflitti nelle società del XXI secolo(Understanding the Differences: integration and Conflicts in the XXI’Society), University of Urbino September, 13-15.

Cerase F.P, Farinella D. (2006), Explorations in Public service motivation: The Case of the Italian Revenue Agency, paper presented at EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) Annual Conference, Public Managers under Pressure between Politics, Professionalism and Civil Society, Bocconi University, Milan, September, 6-9.

Farinella D. (2006), Dalla retorica del NPM al cambiamento concreto: pratiche e competenze per gli attori (From NPM Rethoric to Change in Action: Practices and Skills for the Actors). Paper presented at Annual Conference of AIS-ELO (Italian Association of Sociology, section Economy, work and organization), Vecchi e Nuovi dualismi nell’analisi dell’economia, del lavoro e delle organizzazioni (Old and New Dualisms in the Analysis of Economy, Work and Organizations), University of Bologna, February, 3-4.

Cerase F.P., Farinella D. (2004), New cleavages in a changing public employment, EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) Annual Conference, Four Months After: Administering the New Europe, University of Ljubljana , September, 1-4.


AIS (Italian Sociological Society) – Section: Environmental Sociology (2012-2016); Economic Sociology (2012-2014);  ESA (European Sociological Society) (2013-2014);      ASA (American Sociological Association): Community and Urban Sociology Section (2013-2014); Section on Marxist Sociologist (2014-2015); ESRS (European Society for Rural Studies), 2014-2015


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES_________________________________________

Referee per: Journal of Rural Studies; Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics ; ANUAC; World Medical and Health Policy; Journal of Modern Italian Studies; African Journal of Political Science and International relations (Ajpsir).

2015-present          Member of Scientific Board for the Series “Sviluppo e territorio”, edited by Rosenberg&Sellier

2012- present            Member of Organizational Board of Summer School “Sebastiano Brusco”, University of Cagliari, University of Torino, University of Piemonte Orientale, University of Calabria.


Main Conference Organizations

2015. Member of Organizational Board of the AIS-ELO National Conference Italian Sociological Association – Economics, Labour and Organization Section, University  of Cagliari, September, 15-17

2014. Convenor with E.Cois for the session: Luoghi di confine: spazi urbani marginali, tra politiche sociali e strategie informali. VII Annual Conference ESPAnet Italia, Sfide alla cittadinanza e trasformazione dei corsi di vita: precarietà, invecchiamento e migrazioni, september, 18-20.

2013. Member of Organizational Board of the Conference “Scienza e critica del mondo sociale. La lezione di Pierre Bourdieu”, University of Cagliari, June, 6-7.


Main Service to the Department

2013.   Member of the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions, University of Cagliari

2014- present, Local Tutor for the Erasmus Program with the University of Paris VII – Denis Diderot

2014   Member of Teaching  Committee

2014        Organizer, Department Research Colloquium, Invited Speaker : P. Cingolani, University of Paris VII – Denis Diderot, Talks:  Précarité et activités populaires; Travail précaires et précaires: histoire d’un dialogue franco-italien

2015    Advisor for Globus-funded graduate student of Cagliari at the University of Kentucky.

2015-    Member of Evaluation Committee

2015    Organizer, Department Research Colloquium, Invited Speaker: Dr. A. Kingsolver, University of Kentucky, Talks:  The Appalachian Region: A Sustainable Future after Centuries of Extraction?  Everyday Encounters with the Neoliberal State in Rural Kentucky


Italian –  Mother tongue English, French

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