Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche

Affiliazione: Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Universitá di Cagliari

e-mail: manolocarta@unica.it


March 2000 - Biology degree (5 years), 110/110 cum lode, University of Cagliari, Italy

December 2004 - PhD in Science of nutrition (thesis in nutritional neuroscience), University of Cagliari, Italy

Post–graduate training and positions

May/September 2002 - Short term Marie Curie Fellowship for PhD students at the University of Lund, Sweden. Supervisor Prof. Patrik Brundin

July/December 2003 - Short term Marie Curie Fellowship for PhD students at the University of Lund, Sweden. Supervisor Prof. Angela Cenci-Nilsson

January 2005/January 2007 - Post doctoral position, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, University of Lund, Sweden. Supervisor Prof. Anders Björklund

January 2007/December 2009 - Research position in Prof. Björklund´s laboratory, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, University of Lund, Sweden. Supervisor of one post doc.

January 2010 - Assistant Professorship position at Lund University, Sweden

October 2010 – December 2014 - Permanent research (PI) position at Cagliari University, Italy, Department of Biomedical Sciences

December 2014 – Associate Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cagliari University

March 2021 - Full Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cagliari University


Grants and Awards

2006 - Parkinson´s Disease Foundation IRGP grant for the project “The role of serotonin neurons in the induction and maintenance of dyskinesias in grafted and L-DOPA-primed animals”. 40 000 U.S. dollars awarded. Role: PI

2007 - Parkinsonfonden (Swedish Parkinson Disease Foundation) funding support for investigating the role of the serotonin neurons in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. 200 000 sek awarded (About  20 000 €). Role: PI

2007 - Parkinson´s Disease Foundation IRGP grant for the project “5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors as potential target for anti-dyskinetic therapy”. 40 000 U.S. dollars awarded. Role: PI

2007 - Parkinsonfonden (Swedish Parkinson Disease Foundation) funding support for investigating the effect of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B on L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in MPTP-lesioned monkeys. 50,000 sek awarded (about 5,000 €). Role: PI

2008 - Michael J Fox Foundation “Therapeutic Development Initiative” grant for the project “Pre-clinical characterization of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor agonists for the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia”. 365,000 $  awarded. Role: PI

2008 - Parkinsonfonden (Swedish Parkinson Disease Foundation) funding support for investigating the role of BDNF in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias. 200,000 sek awarded (about  20,000 €). Role: PI

2010 - Research grant from the Swedish Research Council. About 1,800,000 sek awarded for the period 2010-2013 (about 190,000 €). Start-up grant for the Assistantship position.

2010 - Neurofortis Consortium “young investigator” award of 125,000 sek (about 12,000 €), January 2010.

2010 - Crafoord Grant 2010. 275,000 sek awarded (about 29,000 €). Role: PI

2010 - Parkinsonfonden (Swedish Parkinson Disease Foundation) grant 2010. 100,000 sek awarded (about 11,000 €). Role: PI

2011 - Parkinson´s disease Foundation featured researcher, newsletter fall 2011

2012 - Research grant from the Sardinian regional government for investigating a combined 5-HT1/A2A receptors treatment for dyskinesia. 50,000 € awarded. Role: CoPI

2012 - Michael J Fox Foundation research grant for the project “Pharmacological targeting of the 5-HT1, A2A and NMDA receptors: an integrative approach to dyskinesia”. 389 000 $ awarded. Role: PI

2012 – Banco di Sardegna Foundation grant for the project “SSRI as a risk factor for L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia”. 12,850 € awarded. Role: PI

2012 – PRIN research grant from the Italian Ministry of Education and Research for the project “L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease: new mechanisms and molecular targets”. 133,000 € awarded for the period 2012-2015. Role: CoPI

2013 - Michael J Fox Foundation research grant for the project “5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan and eltoprazine for the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia”. 125 000 $ awarded. Role: PI

2014 - Michael J Fox Foundation research grant for the project “5-alpha-reductase inhibition for the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia”. 121,000 000 $ awarded. Role: PI

2017 –Fondazione di Sardegna grant for the project “Neurosteroids as a novel predictive biomarker associated with sleep disorders in PD. Total amount 78,000 €. Role: CoPI

2018 - Research grant from the Sardinian regional government for the project “Terapie farmacologiche innovative e approcci nutrizionali per la neuroinfiammazione in malattie psichiatriche e neurodegenerative”. Total amount 110,000 €. Role: CoPI

2020 - Michael J Fox Foundation research grant for the project “Pregnenolone for the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia”. 92,000 000 $ awarded. Role: PI



2006 - 17th NECTAR meeting, Freiburg, Germany, 30 Nov-02 Dec

2007 - DA 50 years meeting, Goteborg, Sweden, 30 May-02 June

2007 - IBAGS IX meeting, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, September 02-06

2007 - LIMPE seminars, Alghero, Italy, September 23-25

2008 - 10th International Transplantation meeting, Freiburg, Germany, September 10-13

2010 - Serotonin Club meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 9-11

2010 - World Parkinson Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 Sept-01 Oct

2011 - Italian Society for Pharmacology meeting- Bologna, September 14-17

2011 - Italian Society for Physiology meeting, Sorrento, Italy, September 26-27

2012 - Italian Society for Neuroscience meeting, Catania, Italy, April 19-22

2013 - Dopamine 2013 meeting, Alghero, Italy, May 24-28

2013 - Open issues in Parkinson´s disease, Cuglieri, Italy, May 30-31

2013 – LIMPE meeting, Rome, Italy, October 9-11

2014 - Italian Society for Physiology meeting, Anacapri, Italy, September 28-30

2015 - Italian Society for Neuroscience meeting, Cagliari, Italy, October 8-11

2016 - World Parkinson Congress, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 21-23

2017 - Movement Disorder Society meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 4-8

2017 - Italian Society for Neuroscience meeting, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Italy October 1-4

2018 – LIMPE meeting, Rome, Italy, May 23-26

Questionnaire and social

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