Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali

Antonio M. Corda (Cagliari, 1961) was a tenured researcher from 1996 to 2005 at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Cagliari. He is associate professor (L/ANT-03, Roman History) since January 2005.
Incardinated at the Dept. of History, Cultural Heritage and Territory (Univ. Cagliari), he holds the teachings of Roman History, Latin Epigraphy, History of Roman Sardinia and Societies and Institutions of the Roman world; he holds the teaching of Epigraphy and antiquities of the Roman world at the School of Spec. in Archaeological Heritage of the University of Cagliari.
Since 2003 (XIX cycle) to date he has been a member of the board of professors of research doctorates [he is currently a member of the board of the doctorate "HISTORY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES" of the University of Cagliari].
Since 1999 he has been a visiting professor of Christian Archeology at the Pontifical Faculty of Sardinia (Cagliari).
He was a member of the PhD final examination commissions at the Universities of Caen (France) and Barcelona (Spain).

• In 2009 and 2011 winner of the grant for National Research of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.


• With the Institut National du Patrimonine of Tunis. Joint coordinator of the UNICA and INP archaeological mission from 2000 to 2007 and from 2017- ... [in progress; Uthina].
• 2004: FINANCING ON L.R. 11/04/1996, N. 19 - Cooperation with developing countries. Contribution grant - Uthina
• 2002: Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Tunisia for the project called "CURA AQUARUM - PROJECT OF SAFEGUARDING AND CONSERVATION OF KARTHAGO'S AQUEDUCT . I YEAR: FROM DIAGNOSIS TO THE ELABORATION OF AN INTERVENTION PROTOCOL "financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
• 2002: FINANCING ON L.R. 11/04/1996, N. 19 - Cooperation with developing countries. Contribution grant - Uthina
• 2001: FINANCING ON L.R. 11/04/1996, N. 19 - Cooperation with developing countries. Contribution grant - Uthina
• 2000-2003: Director for the pilot research cooperation project called "Aqua 2000. EXCAVATION, EDITION, CONSERVATION AND VALORISATION OF A URBAN AREA OF THE ROMAN CITY OF UTHINA (OUDNA-TUNISIA)" and financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


• 2010-2013: Scientific responsible for the Department of Archaeological Sciences and Artistic History of the University of Cagliari of the research unit related to the European project "SOUTH-EAST ArcHeritage - Roman Empire Common Heritage in Southern and Eastern ENPI Countries". PARTNER: province of Cagliari (leader), province of Hunedoara (Romania), district of Temryuk (Russian Federation) and the governorate of Nabeul (Tunisia).

• 2012-2016: Coordinator of the Local Research Unit PRIN "Colonies and Municipalities of Roman Italy in the digital age: between local history and general history. The contribution of new technologies for archiving and managing epigraphic data to the study of cities, understood as a fundamental element of Roman civilization "coord.a naz. from prof. G. Paci (University of Macerata).
• 2003-2005: Scientific Coordinator of the local PRIN unit, "Study of the romanization and territorial structures of the Uthina area" coord. Nat. prof. A. Mastino (University of Sassari).
• 2000-2002: Scientific Coordinator of the local unit PRIN AFRICAN CITY. DOSSIERS OF LATIN EPIGRAPHY (The XXX sheet of the AA de la Tunisie - OUDNA) within the national research project entitled "Economy and society in the cities of Roman Africa: some examples" coord. prof. A. Mastino (University of Sassari).

• 2003-2006: Coordinator of the local unit of the FIRB international project Literacy, communication and transmission of the written word in the western Mediterranean. From classical to medieval epigraphy: corpus of Greek, Roman, Christian and Medieval inscriptions of Sardinia and Tunisia; coord. nat. A. Mastino (University of Sassari) in the framework of the general theme "Mediterranean civilizations in the global system" and promoted by the Ministry of the University.





• EDR - EAGLE, Rome;

• 2016- ... He is director and journal manager of the electronic journal Carthage. Studies and Research (CaSteR), Journal of the Scientific Society "Italian Archaeological School of Carthage (SAIC)" published by the University of Cagliari [http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/caster/index]
• 2016- ... Member of the scientific committee of Digital Italian Epigraphic journal published by the University "Sapienza - Rome" [http://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/ied/index]
• 2016- ... Member of the scientific committee of the journal Layers published by the University of Cagliari.
• 2010- ... journal manager, editor and member of the steering committee of the "ArcheoArte" electronic journal of the University of Cagliari
• 2006- ... He is co-director with Attilio Mastino of the "Studies of Ancient History and Archeology" series published by Sandhi-Cagliari.

• Scientific Society "Italian Archaeological School of Carthage (SAIC) - COMPONENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE


• 2018: Member of the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee of the XXI International Conference of Roman Africa [in progress: October 2018]
• 2017: 9-11 October. Instrumenta Inscripta VII. Texts and symbols of the Christian context on objects in common use in collaboration with the Universities of Barcelona, Macerata, Sassari, Verona and with the patronage of the Pont. Institute of Christian Archeology in Rome. Conference site: http://convegni.unica.it/instrumenta7/
• 2016: 7-9 coordinator of the scientific and organizational committee of the XI Free / Libre Workshop and Open Source Software and Open Format in the archaeological and territorial research processes and IX GFOSS DAY - Italian Conference on geographical software and free geographical data [http: //www.archeofoss.org/archeofoss-2016/]
• 2014: Conception, organization and scientific direction of the international conference Spada, Spatha, Epée. Ideology and Practices (Cagliari 20-21 November 2014).
• 2014: Member of the organizing committee XI Congress Naz. of Christian Archeology "Islands and mainland in the first Christianity local identity and cultural, religious and productive interchanges (Cagliari-Sant'Antioco, 23-27 September 2014)
• 2013: Member of the scientific committee and the organizing committee of the XX International Conference of African Africa, "Moments of continuity and rupture: thirty years' report of the Conferences of Roman Africa" (Alghero, Porto Conte Ricerche, 26- September 29, 2013)
• 2010: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XIX International Conference of African Africa, "Transformation of the landscapes of power in North Africa to the end of the ancient world (Sassari, 16-19 December 2010)


From 1993 to today he has been a speaker at 30 conventions
Last 5 years:
• 2017 (8-11 October): Instrumenta Inscripta VII. Texts and symbols of the Christian context on objects in common use in coll. with the Universities of Barcelona, Macerata, Sassari, Verona and with the patronage of the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archeology in Rome. Conference site: http://convegni.unica.it/instrumenta7/. Formulas of deposition of relics on instrumentum, posters [and paper by printed volume].
• 2017 (8-10 June) The hidden inscription, Colloquio Borghesi organized by Epigraphica, Bertinoro, University Residential Center (Univ. Bologna) [report: Antonio M. Corda, Antonio Ibba, Legere et non intellegere negegere est. Reflections on the use of links in Latin epigraphy].
• 2017 (March 17): II Seminar on Archeology and Protection of the Heritage of Carthage: the state of the art and the perspectives of the Tunisian-Italian collaboration, Tunis, Italian Institute of Culture. Nizar Ben Slimene (INP), Antonio Corda (University of Cagliari): Les recherches entre l'INP et l'Université de Cagliari à Uthina.
• 2016 (5-7 September): CVPAE Riletture e novità, International Convention of Studies organized by the universities of Macerata and Sassari. Oristano 5-7 September 2016 [report: The spread of the cupae in the Roman provinces of North Africa
• 2016 (March 18): Archeology and protection of the heritage of Carthage: the state of the art and the perspectives of the Tunisian-Italian collaboration, seminar organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Tunis, Friday, March 18, 2016 [Uthina]
• 2016 (23-25 July): Landscape & Archeology, Uniscape En Route International Seminar in Flaminia, Fano, Fossombrone, Cagli (23-25 July 2016), organized by Centro Studi Vitruviani, Univ. Of the Marche Polytechnic, Uniscape, Univ. of Urbino, Flaminia NextOne [D. Artizzu, V. Bagnolo, A. M. Corda, A. Pirinu: "Textures and warps: the paths of identity (Flussio - Planargia, Sardinia, Italy)"
• 2015: Colonies and Municipalities in the digital age, PRIN 2010-2011, 10-12 December, Macerata. The inscriptions of Sardinia
• 2014: Bosa. The city and its territory from the ancient age to the contemporary world, International Study Conference, Bosa. October 24-55; Univ. Of the Sassari studies; [with D. Artizzu]
• 2011: Instrumenta Inscripta IV. Nulla dies sine littera (bajo el patrocinio de la A.I.E.G.L.), Barcelona from 7 to 9 de septiembre; [D. Artizzu], Contribution for the corpus of the instrumentum domesticum of Sardinia: unpublished documents and information system
• 2007: Orientis radiata fulgore. Sardinia in the Byzantine cultural historical context. Conference of Studies, Cagliari November 30 - December 1, 2007 (Pont Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna); [with D. Artizzu], Organization and control of resources in Byzantine Sardinia: some examples

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