Ezio Carboni was born on February 16th 1955 in Seui (NU)Italy; citizenship Italian, married (1983) address: Via Forlanini 28, 09126 Cagliari, Italia.

Education:1973 High school certificate in Chemistry.1980 Laurea in Pharmacy (grade: 110/110 e laude ). 1990 Ph.D. in Toxicology grade: 70/70 e lode.  1997 TOEFL certificate Univ. of California USA (grade 617/650)

Positions: 1980-1990: Postgraduate Technician. 1990-2000 Researcher associate in Pharmacology. 2000-2006 Associate Professor of Pharmacology. 2006 Today Full professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy. Joined the Dip. of Toxicology, Univ. of Cagliari , Viale Ospedale 72, 09124 Cagliari since it establishment and up  Dec 2011. From 2012 contributed to the establishment and joined the Department of Biomedical Sciences. 

Teaching activity 1995-96 until 99-2000 Deputy professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology and from 2000 to 2016 Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and from 2016 to present professor of Pharmacotherapy and Phytotherapy,  School of Pharmacy University. of Cagliari. 

1993/1994 - Professor of Toxicology Post-graduate school of Toxicology University of Cagliari.

Publications: 95 papers (78 in international Journals,16 chapters in books of pharmacology or neuroscience 1 in italian; in 56 is first or last author). Presentations of  more than 87 communications at international conferences (including 37 oral presentations and 50 poster).

Research activity abroad: 1981 Guest Researcher at the Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology of the Univ. di Southampton (Great Britain). 1984-85 Researcher at Preclinical Pharmacology Laboratory of the National Institute of Mental Health, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington D.C. USA. 1985-86 Associate Researcher of Pharmacolgy, FIDIA-Georgetown Institute for Neuroscience at Univ. of Georgetown, Washington D.C. USA. 1992-94 e 1997 (Ago-Oct) Associate Researcher at the Dept. of Pharmacology, Shool of Medicine, Univ. of California Irvine USA. Financing/Grants: From 1990 to 2011 he has received a financing from Università di Cagliari as a responsible of research (ex 60 %). Biannual financing in the years 2001-2002, 2005-2006 e 2007-2008 s a responsible of research unit PRIN (Research Project of National Interest. 2007 and 2009 :Financing from Fondazione Banco di Sardegna. 2007, 2010, 2014, 2021 Financing from Regione Autonoma della Sardegna for a research on prenatal stress, alcoholism, and Parkinson's disease..PRIN 2020 and 2022 as participant of research. 

Scientific Societies: 1983 Italian Society of Neuroscience. 1986 Italian Society of Pharmacology. 1992 American Society for Neuroscience

Awards obtained in Italy and abroad: 1994: Fulbright-Hays Award. TOEFL Certificate TOEFL (grade 617/650) Univ. of California. 1997 National Center for Research (CNR) Award. 2000: Listed among the 50 most cited Italian researcher in psychology and psychiatry (L' Espresso n°40 5/10/2000). 2001: Listed in the 25 most cited Italian researcher in Neuroscience 1076 citations (L'Espresso n°3 18.1.2001)

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