Dipartimento di Matematica e informatica

Massimo Bartoletti is Associate Professor (SSD INF/01 - Computer Science) since 2018 at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari. He got a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 2005, with a thesis entitled "Language-based security: access control and static analysis".

The research activity of Massimo Bartoletti concerns, in general, the development of tools and techniques for the specification, analysis and verification of properties of software and systems, both from a foundational viewpoint and from an applicative one. The specific problem addressed by his research is how to guarantee secure interactions among mutually distrusting participants. This problem has been tackled by developing various models for contracts (e.g., blockchain-based smart contracts, behavioural types, logics, event structures, Petri nets), and by realising tools to support programmers (e.g., domain-specific languages, static analyses, middlewares for contract-oriented interactions).

Massimo Bartoletti participated in national research projects (PRIN Project Mefisto “Formal Methods for Security and Time”, PRIN Project Sybilla “Systems Biology: modelling, languages, analysis”, PRIN Project Soft “Security-Oriented Formal Techniques”), as well as international ones (EU-FET Global Computing Project IST-2001-32072 Degas “Design Environments for Global Applications”, EU-FETPI Global Computing Project IST-2005-16004 Sensoria “Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers”). He has been scientific coordinator of various research projects (RAS 2008 TESLA "Enforcement Techniques for the Security of Languages and Applications", RAS 2009 TRICS "A Trusted Reservation Infrastructure for Computational Societies", PIA 2010 "Social Glue", PIA 2013 "NOMAD"). He has been local coordinator of the PRIN 2010-11 project "Security Horizons". He is member of the COST Action cHiPSet, and of the COST Action BETTY.

Massimo Bartoletti has published over eighty research papers on refereed journals and international refereed conferences and workshops. He served as chair, program committee member, or organizer for several international conferences and workshops, and external reviewer for several journals and international conferences. He is: Editor in Chief of the "Smart contracts" section of Frontiers in Blockchain; founder of the laboratory "Blockchain@Unica" (http://blockchain.unica.it), one of the first research groups on blockchain technologies in Italy; director of the Cyber Security National Laboratory node at the Universy of Cagliari; core member of the CINI working group on blockchain technologies.

Massimo Bartoletti taught, and still teaches, undergraduate and PhD courses in programming languages, computer architecture, theoretical computer science, foundations, calculi and models for security. Some of his work has been subject of monographic courses at international PhD schools, e.g. "Foundations of Security Analysis and Design" (FOSAD 2006), and "Advanced applications of model-checking techniques" (SEFM School 2010), "Behavioural contracts" (BETTY Summer School 2016).

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