Dipartimento di Fisica


Date of birth: September 29, 1966
Place of birth: Rome (Italy).
Marital status: unmarried.
Italian nationality.
Address: Department of Physics, University of Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria, S.P. Monserrato-Sestu Km 0.700, I-09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy.
Telephone: ++39-070-6754829
FAX: ++39-070-510171
e-mail: fabio.bernardini at dsf.unica.it

1990: University of Tor Vergata (Rome II) – Degree in Physics.
1994: University of Modena – PhD in Physics.

1994-1995: European Human Capital and Mobility Scholarship at the Helsinki Polytechnic.
1996-1999: Various scholarships at the University of Cagliari.
1999-2003: Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari.
2004-2015: Permanent University Researcher of the Department of Physics of the University of Cagliari.
2015-present: Associate Professor of the Department of Physics of the University of Cagliari. (SD FIS/03, SC 02/B2)

Teaching activity:
2004-2013: Course in Solid State Physics for the CdS in Materials Science (9 CFU).
2013-2015: Course in Semiconductor Physics for the CdS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (6 credits).
2015-2020: Course on Foundations of Structure of Matter for the Degree Course in Physics (9CFU).
2016-today: Physics Course for the Degree Course in Biology (6 CFU).
2021-today: Course in Quantum Theory of matter for the LM in Physics (6CFU)

Degree Thesis Supervisor at the Courses of Materials Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Physics.

Scientific interests:
Physics of Matter with a theoretical-computational address. In particular electronic structure with the First Principles approach based on the Density Functional (DFT). My works have concerned: the properties of surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors, the pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties of III-V nitrides, the superconducting properties of conventional (BCS) and unconventional (Iron based SC) superconductors. At present, my activity focuses on the electronic, magnetic and transport properties of unconventional superconducting materials. A new project on topological and 2D Van der Waals materials has just begun.

Scientific production:
90 papers, one book chapter entitled Spontaneous and Piezoelectric Polarization: Basic Theory vs. Practical Recipes in Nitride Semiconductor Devices: Principles and Simulations, Joachim Piprek (Ed.) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, ISBN: 978-3-527-40667-8 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com /doi/10.1002/9783527610723.ch3/summary )
The complete list of my publications is available at the site http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-1633-2012.
My h-index is 32.
I have 10 invited talks at international conferences.

Organizational activities:
1) Scientific Program Committee of the Fourth International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (ISBLLED-2002 ) March 11-15, 2002, Cordoba, Spain, (http://www2.die.upm.es/research/isblled2002.htm #comites).
2) Organizing Committee of the XIII Workshop on computational material science, 13-18 September 2003, Geremeas (CA) (http://www.psi-k.org/workshops/wp2003 cms.shtml)
3) Organizing Committee of the XIV Workshop on computational material science, 18-23 September 2004, Geremeas (CA) (http://www.psi-k.org/workshops/wp2004 cms.shtml)
4) Local Organizing Committee of the Workshop Superconductors by the Mediterranean Sea: Classic and Novel Materials, Electronic States and Critical Properties, Hotel Porte Conto, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy 7-11 September 2009
5) Local Organizing Committee of SATT-15, National Superconductivity Conference, 13-15 September 2010, Alghero.
6) Local Organizing Committee of the Workshop Superconductivity 100 Years Later: A computational Approach (SYLCA100), 15-18 September 2011, Alghero.

Research Project Manager:
1) Vice-responsible for the Cagliari unit of the P.R.I.N. 2008. Title: ”Electronic, dynamic, magnetic and superconducting properties of FeAs-based superconductors from First Principles calculations.” Coordinator: Prof.ssa M. Putti (Genoa) Head of unit: Prof. S. Massima
2) Head of the Master and Back Project of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia at the Physics Department of the University of Cagliari.
Title : ”Study of the electronic properties of superconducting materials.”
Candidate : Dr. M. Monni.
3) Responsible for the partnership research grant financed by the POR SARDEGNA FSE 2007-2013 of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia at the Physics Department of the University of Cagliari.
Title : ”Computational study of iron-based superconductors.”
Candidate : Dr. M. Monni.
4) Responsible of the national project "Implementation of the Nudget elastic band and Dimer method in the CMPTool package" at the parallel computing center CASPUR (Rome).
5) Responsible of the national project HP10CH09C3 of parallel Supercomputing at CINECA.
Title: ”Hubbard TB Hamiltonians for the investigation of LaOFeAs band structure topology and Dirac cones”.
6) Principal Investigator of the European parallel supercomputing project PRACE A (2010PA1408). Title: "Muon site analysis".
7) Principal Investigator of the national parallel supercomputing project ISCRA C (HP10CH09C3).
Title: ”Investigation on muon stopping sites in potassium/ammonium dihydrogen phosphate using a DFT first principles approach.”
8) Principal Investigator of the European parallel supercomputing project PRACE A (2010PA2221) Title: ”MuLCO”.                                                                          9) Local cordinator of the PRIN 2022 project SUBLI (P.I. Iaria Pallecchi CNR-SPIN, Genova)


Last update 02/05/2024

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