Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche

Dr Daniela Medas, dmedas@unica.it

Geologist specialized in environmental mineralogy and geochemistry. The main research activities are aimed to investigate: the interaction between the geosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere, the chemical and structural evolution of minerals, the incorporation of harmful chemical species into minerals and biominerals.

Current position

Temporary Research (type b), 04/A1, GEO/06. Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences (DSCG), University of Cagliari (November 2020-present).

Education at the DSCG, University of Cagliari (Italy)

PhD in Earth Science, GEO/06. March 2012.

Master’s Degree in Geological Sciences, GEO/06 and 08. October 2008.

Bachelor's Degree in Earth Sciences, GEO/08. October 2006.

Research experiences at the DSCG, University of Cagliari (Italy), GEO/06, 08 and 09

Research and postdoctoral fellows, 2018-2020. Innovative technologies for the abatement and recovery of metals in mine environment, CESA.

Self-employment contract, ARSELLA project, 2018. Zn K-edge XAS data analysis.

Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2017. Synchrotron techniques applied to the incorporation of Zn and other transition metals during biomineralization processes.

Term-contract worker, 2016. Zn K-edge XAS data analysis of biominerals.

Postdoctoral fellow, 2014-2015. Minerals and biosphere, PRIN 2010-2011. Investigation of biomineralization processes. Field study, SEM, TEM, X-ray microscopy, IR, NMR, XAS investigation, and isotopic (Fe, Zn) analysis.

Postdoctoral fellow, 2012-2014. Carbon dioxide uptake and stabilization of alkaline residues via enhanced carbonation. Accelerated carbonation of CKD and Waelz slag, mineralogical study, geochemical modelling.

Term-contract worker, 2012. Sampling of geological samples, ICP-OES, ICP-MS and XRD; characterization of biominerals.

Participation in the activities of a research group characterized by collaborations at national or international level

Research group UNICA-IGEA-AUSI, CESA project, RAS, grant number: E58C16000080003, 2017-present. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of mining wastes and weathering processes; pilot experiments for the development of biogeochemical barriers; synchrotron experiments.

Research group of the P7 ERANETMED2 72094 SUPREME (UNICA-CRS4-ENEA, Italy; Agricultural Research Institute, Ricerca e sviluppo, Cyprus; National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension, Jordan), 2017-present. Mineralogical and geochemical studies. Green-house experiments.

Research group of the cluster top down TESTARE project (TEcnologie e STrumenti di cARatterizzazione e gestione avanzata dell'ambientE) CUP F21B17000790005, 2018-present. Synchrotron characterization of the investigated materials.

Research group of Dr Richard B. Wanty (U.S.G.S.), Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (Poland) and ENEA (Rome, Italy), 2009-present. Organization of synoptic sampling and tracer-injection technique, and analysis. Investigation of geo-bio interaction processes.

Research group of Prof. Pilario Costagliola and Dr Valentina Rimondi (University of Florence), 2017-present. As and Hg mobility and speciation in different environmental matrices.

Research group of Prof. Carlo Meneghini (University of Rome 3), 2009-present. Analysis and elaboration of XAS and XRF data.

Research group of Prof. Giovanna Cappai (DICAAR, Cagliari) for several projects and PhD theses, 2012-present.

Research group of the SMERI project, 2013-2015, Sviluppo di MEtodologie per bio Rimedio, Sardegna Ricerche. Geo-bio interaction investigation.

Scientific responsibility for international and national research projects

Scientific responsible of the research unit UNICA in the PRIN 2020EEMH5R - bIogeochemiCal fate of emerging Anthropogenic pollutants in the sedimentary Record: a model based on foraminifEra (ICare): UNIVPM and UNICA (CUP F73C22000230001), 2022-2025.

Main proposer, 20200302 XRF Elettra project: Microscopic processes ruling the attenuation of pollutants in the hyporheic zone of mine-polluted rivers. November 2020.

Main proposer, 20192072 CERIC project: Fate of metals and pollutants in marine benthic micro- and macrofauna. XAS, IR and STXM. November 2019.

Co-proposer for several projects at the ESRF (France), Elettra (Italy), Alba (Spain) and Diamond Light Source (UK). XRD, XAS, IR, XRF, STXM.

Scientific responsibility for research activities in international and national projects

- FdS2020 - Sustainable land management: the tools of geology for the environment (2021-2023).

- P7 ERANETMED2 72094 SUPREME (UNICA-CRS4-ENEA, Italy; Agricultural Research Institute, Ricerca e sviluppo, Cyprus; National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension, Jordan), 2017-present.

- CESA - Eccellenza per la Sostenibilità Ambientale, RAS-IGEA, 2016-present.

- TESTARE (TEcnologie e STrumenti di cARatterizzazione e gestione avanzata dell'ambientE) CUP F21B17000790005, 2018-present.

- UMBRELLA project (Using MicroBes for the REgulation of heavy metaL mobiLity at ecosystem and landscape scAle: an integrative approach for soil remediation by geobiological processes, grant number 226870), 2008-2012.

- Carbon dioxide uptake and stabilization of alkaline residues via enhanced carbonation, RAS grant CRP 25 659, 2012-2014.

- Minerals and biosphere, PRIN 2010-2011.

- SMERI, Sviluppo di Metodologie per la progettazione di interventi di biorimedio, trasferimento tecnologico di approcci e strumenti innovativi per il biorisanamento” POR FESR SARDEGNA 2007/2013.

Assignment of teaching assignments, within the research doctorates accredited by the Ministry and other teaching experiences

PhD teaching (PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies): Synchrotron light techniques in the field of environmental sciences (2018-present); ICP-MS course (ay 2017-2018).

Teaching Assistant in mineralogy (2018) and environmental mineralogy (2012-2014).

Co-advisor and advisor for Master and PhD theses.

Teaching in biomineralogy (ay 2020-2021).

Orientation activities (2017-present).

Organization or participation as a speaker at scientific conferences in Italy or abroad

Talk, EGU General Assembly 2020, May 4-8, 2020, (online). Synchrotron microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to reveal the fate of Zn in pioneer plants from abandoned mining sites, Medas et al.

Invited talk, 3rd International Conference PTIM, November 4-7, 2019, Caparica, Portugal. Biominerals: sinks for pollutants, Medas et al.

Talk, SIMP-SGI-SOGEI conference 2019, September 16-19, Parma (Italy). Laboratory and synchrotron radiation-based techniques to investigate the soil-plant system in Zn-extreme environments, Medas et al.

Talk, SILS conference 2019, September 9-11, Camerino (Italy). Zinc chemical speciation in bivalve shells from a polluted site, Medas et al.

Talk, EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7-12, 2019, Wien. Bacterial biomineralizations as natural attenuation processes, Medas et al.

Talk, SGI-SIMP, Geosciences for the environment, natural hazard and cultural heritage, September 12-14, 2018, Catania. Mineral evolution at geosphere-biosphere interface: investigation on the endemic shrub Helichrysum microphyllum Cambess. subsp. tyrrhenicum Bacch., Brullo & Giusso growing in abandoned mining area, Medas et al.

Talk, SGI-SIMP, Geosciences for the environment, natural hazard and cultural heritage, September 12-14, 2018. Zinc incorporation in marine bivalve shells grown in mine polluted seabed sediments, Medas et al.

Talk, 3rd Joint AIC-SILS conference, Rome, June 25-28, 2018. From pressure to impact of metals to the environment: synchrotron techniques to unravel biomineralization mechanisms, Medas et al.

Invited talk, Workshop Premi “Gianni Licheri” 2018, Monserrato (CA), Italy, June 22, 2018. Tecniche di Sincrotrone per Investigare i Processi di Biomineralizzazione, Medas.

Invited talk, 2nd International Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules, PTIM2017, November 6-9, 2017, Caparica, Portugal. Soil-plant transfer of Zn in polluted environments: investigation of Juncus acutus, Medas et al.

Keynote, SIMP-SGI-SOGEI, Geosciences: a tool in a changing world, September 3-6, 2017, Pisa, Italy. Supergene non-sulfide Zn deposits: could hemimorphite have a biological origin? Medas et al.

Talk, Second European Mineralogical Congress, Minerals, rocks, and fluids: alphabet and words of planet Earth, SIMP. September 11-15, 2016, Rimini, Italy. Zinc behaviour at the mineral root-interface: plant response to zinc extreme environments, Medas et al.

Talk, XIV International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction. June 9-14, 2013, Avignone, Francia. Geochemical behaviour of rare earth elements in mining environments under non acidic conditions, Medas et al.

Invited talk (and contribution to the organization of the conference), Giornate di Studio SoGeI, May 27-28, 2013, Cagliari, Italy. Biomineralizzazioni del Naracauli: il contributo della spettroscopia di assorbimento X, Medas.

Talk, the 8th Symposium on remediation in Jena, September 28-29, 2009, Jena (Germania). Hydrozincite biomineralization at Naracauli (Sardinia): mineralogical investigation from macroscale to nanoscale, Medas et al.

Talk (and contribution to the organization of the conference), IMWA 2007, May 27-31, 2007, Cagliari (Italy). The Fluminese mining district (SW Sardinia): Impact of the past Pb-Zn exploitation on the aquatic system, Cidu et al.

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