Dipartimento di Ingegneria meccanica, chimica e dei materiali

Professor Mohamad El Mehtedi, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ancona.

Since July 1, 2021, he has been the Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering study program.

From September 8, 2023, he holds the position of Full Professor.

He obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of the Marche in Ancona (2002-2005).

His research activities have been mainly focused on the following topics:

  • Manufacturing processes, with a specific emphasis on hot and cold plastic deformation processes and rheological models.
  • Sheet metal forming processes and characterization using experimental techniques and artificial intelligence.
  • Welding processes and solid-state recycling of light alloys.
  • Additive manufacturing processes and prototyping.
  • Application of innovative models in the field of statistical process control.

This research has resulted in the publication of over 120 articles in international and national journals, as well as in proceedings of international and national conferences.

Professor El Mehtedi has served as the scientific coordinator and participated in European and international projects, as well as research agreements. He is also a member of Scientific Committees for International Conferences."

last update 07/03/2024

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