Department of Economics and Business Sciences

I am Lecturer (art.24 3 comma, lett. b, L 30.12.2010 n. 240) since December 2021 at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Cagliari.

My research interests include corporate governance, directors' compensation, and the management accounting systems’ adoption in start-ups. For a list of publications click here.

My teaching activity focuses on business economics, accounting, and corporate governance at undergraduate and MSc levels.

November 2019 - December 2021
Lecturer (art.24 3 comma, lett. a, L 30.12.2010 n. 240)

February 2019 - November 2019
Research fellow in the project “Governo aziendale, informazione esterna e mercati finanziari: uno studio internazionale” funded by Fondazione di Sardegna

January 2018 - January 2019
Research fellow in the project “Gli strumenti manageriali di programmazione e controllo nelle start up” funded by Legge Regionale 7

November 2014 – March 2018
PhD in Economics and Business Sciences, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari (Italia), Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Melis

November 2015 - May 2016      
Research trainéé, Department of Accounting Studies, HEC Montréal, Montréal (Canada), Supervisor: Prof. Claude Francoeur

October 2012 - July 2014
Master Degree (cum laude), Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari (Italia) 

Referee at Corporate Governance: An International Review (since 2021) and Journal of Management And Governance (since 2020)
Member of SIDREA since July 2016
Member of European Accounting Association since February 2017
Member of International Corporate Governance Society since September 2017
Member of British Accounting & Finance Association since August 2018

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