Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche

Updated 9 Dec 2022


I am a physical volcanologist. My research field focuses on the dynamics of explosive volcanism, and the role of pre-eruptive processes in the onset and style of eruptions. I am focusing on active volcanoes, with the aim of understanding and quantifying the main factors controlling eruptive style, paroxysmal events and their precursors. My primary goal is to improve our capability of forecasting explosive behavior and produce more accurate hazard assessment models. In particular, I am interested in studying shallow processes acting within the main volcanic edifice which can be recorded in the pyroclasts, and monitored by seismic, infrasound and geochemical arrays. My objective is to make fundamental steps forward in the quantification and understanding of explosive volcanism through the implementation of multidisciplinary strategies, coupling monitoring, fluid dynamic models and stratigraphic studies.


2003-PhD, Earth Sciences, Università di Pisa
1998-Degree, Geology, Università di Pisa


From 2021 Associate professor, Università di Cagliari

2018-2021 Lecturer (RTB) Università di Cagliari

2018 Collaborateur Scientifique, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

2017 Visiting Professor, Universitè Clermont Auvergne (Francia)

2012-2018 Maitre assistante University of Geneva (Switzerland)

2013 Visiting Scientist, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo (Japan)

2011-2012 Adjunct Lecturer, Seavers College, Pepperdine University, California (Lausanne program)

2008-2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

2006-2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oregon (US)

2004-2006 Research Associate, University of Pisa (Italy)

2003-2004 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Siena

1999-2002 Consultant, Progemisa s.p.a., Cagliari (Italy)

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