Department of Economics and Business

CV December, 2022

Manuel Castriotta has a PhD in Economics and Business Management and is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies at the University of Cagliari. His research focuses primarily on the theoretical linkages between organizational innovation and entrepreneurial prospects in creative hubs. He focuses on the organizational phenomena of entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurship education as they relate to the generation and development of innovation ecosystems. Furthermore, he has advanced methodological studies of science and technology mapping by using bibliometric approaches such as co-citation, bibliographic coupling, co-classification, and co-word analysis.

  • Associate Professor, Department of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Cagliari – Area: SECS-P/10 –Organization studies. Teaching: Innovation Management (International Management curricula); Innovazione Sociale e Imprenditorialità; Organizzazione Aziendale.
  • Member of University of Cagliari’s Contamination Lab’s research team and, from 2016, member of CREA’s (Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship – University of Cagliari) research team.

  • Visiting Fellow at “UIT - The Arctic University of Norway, School of Business and Economics” – “REU Research on entrepreneurial universities group” 


ISSN OR ISBN (2011-2021)

  • Castriotta, M., Tomo, A., Di Guardo, M.C., Mangia, G. (2022) A Semantic Lens on Smart Working: Unpacking the Theoretical Construct - Academy of Management Proceedings

  • Elmi, M. & Castriotta, M. (2022) Orchestrating Intercultural Entrepreneurship Education Programmes: A Mediterranean Dialogue Attempt
  • Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Marku, E., & Moi, L. (2021). Disentangling the corporate entrepreneurship construct: conceptualizing through co-words. Scientometrics, 1-43.
  • Di Guardo, M. C., Marku, E., Bonivento, W. M., Castriotta, M., Ferroni, F., Galbiati, C. & Loi, M. (2021). When nothing is certain, anything is possible: open innovation and lean approach at MVM. R&D Management.
  • Schillaci, C. E., Marku, E., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2021). Knowledge creation in patent ecosystems: insights from Singapore. Journal of Knowledge Management, ISSN:1367-3270
  • Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2021). Strive towards a good performance or avoid a failure performance in entrepreneurship education: a look into growth and independence-oriented intentions. Education+ Training.
  • Loi, Michela, Castriotta, Manuel, Marku, Elona, Di Guardo, Maria Chiara, Patriotta, Gerardo (2020). Everyday experience and entrepreneurial learning: when ordinary events trigger learning. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research BCERC proceedings. ISBN: 0-910897-45-X, University of Tennessee - Knoxville (US), 3-6 June 2020.
  • Marku, E.; Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Di Guardo M.C. (2020). General Purpose Technology: The Blockchain Domain. International Journal Of Business And Management, vol. 15, p. 192-205, ISSN: 1833-8119, doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v15n11p192.
  • Marku, E.; Zaitsava, M.;  Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Di Guardo M.C., (2020). Big Data and Technology Evolution in the IoT Industry. International Journal of Business and Management, vol.15, p. 94-107, ISSN: 1833-8119, doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v15n10p94.
  • Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Marku, E., and Naitana, L. (2019). What’s in a name? Exploring the conceptual structure of emerging organizations. Scientometrics, 1-31.
  • Castriotta, M., Loi, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship Education and the rise of new organizations. Mapping research and future tendencies, p. 1-112, Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN: 9788891763860.
  • Castriotta, M. (2018). Looking at creativity and entrepreneurship common ground: an organizational approach. A cura di: Paolo Canonico et al. In Organizing in the shadow of power: voices from the Italian community of organization studies. p. 259-293, Roma: Minerva Bancaria. ISBN: 9788898854288.
  • Loi, M., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M.C. (2018). The power of optimism and the adaptive process in a learning context of venture creation. A cura di: Paolo Canonico et al. In Organizing in the shadow of power: voices from the Italian community of organization studies. p. 327-350, Roma: Minerva Bancaria. ISBN: 9788898854288.
  • Loi, M., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M.C. (2016). The Theoretical Foundation of Entrepreneurship Education: How co-citations are shaping the field, International Small Business Journal, 34(7), 948-971. ISSN: 0266-2426.
  • Castriotta, M. & Di Guardo, M.C. (2016). Disentangling the automotive technology structure: a patent co-citation analysis. Scientometrics, 107(2), 819-837. ISSN: 0138-9130.
  • Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Barbosa S., Di Guardo, M.C., Fayolle A., Linan F. (2017). Modes of thought in entrepreneurial intention studies: A collective intelligence perspective. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, p. 1-40. ISSN: 2151-6561.
  • Marku, E., Castriotta, M., & Di Guardo, M.C. (2017). Disentangling the Intellectual Structure of Innovation and M&A Literature. A cura di: Bing Ran. In Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management, and Policy; vol. III, p. 47-73, Penn State Harrisburg: Information Age Publishing. ISBN:9781623960612.
  • Castriotta, M. (2014). Innovation and entrepreneurship in organization studies. [Tesi di dottorato].
  • Castriotta M. & Di Guardo M.C. (2013). The challenge and opportunities of crowdsourcing web communities: An Italian case study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 4(1), 79-92. ISSN: 2073-9729.
  • Castriotta M., Floreddu P.B., Di Guardo M.C., & Cabiddu F. (2013). Disentangling the strategic use of social media in the insurance industry: a value co-creation perspective. A cura di: Miguel R. Olivas- Lujan, Tanya Bondarouk. In Social Media and Management-Advanced Series in Management, volume 11, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978-1-78190-899-0.
  • Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M.C., & Floreddu P.B. (2013). Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing Communities Design: A Cross Case Analysis. A cura di: Spagnoletti P, Baskerville R. and De Marco, M. In Designing organizational systems: an interdisciplinary discourse, vol. 1, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 143-155. ISBN: 978-3-642-33371.
  • Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M.C., Floreddu P.B., & Pettinao D. (2012). Combining Exploration and Exploitation through Crowdsourcing: the case of Starbucks. A cura di: De Marco, M., Te’eni, D., Albano, V., & Za, S. In Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering. Springer, pp 359-366. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2789-7.
  • Castriotta M., Di Guardo M.C. (2011), “Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: the case of Mulino Bianco”, Alessandro D’Atri, Maria Ferrara, Joey F. George, Paolo Spagnoletti in Information Technology and Innovation Trends In Organizations, Springer, Germany, 2011. ISBN 978-3-7908-2632-6

Others with ISSN O ISBN (ART. 7 DM 120/2016)

  • Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Marku, E., Di Guardo, M. C., Patriotta, G. (2021). Prospecting, balancing and reversing: entrepreneurial learning from positive and negative events .
  • Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M. C., & Loi, M. (2021). Mapping innovation in the digital transformation era: The role of technology convergence. In Research Anthology on Digital Transformation, Organizational Change, and the Impact of Remote Work (pp. 761-779). IGI Global.
  • Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M. C., Loi, M., Marku, E. (2020). La strategia. In: Richard M. Burton Børge Obel Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson Marcello Martinez (Eds), Organization design. Principi e metodi per l'adeguatezza dell'assetto organizzativo aziendale (pp. 67-84). TORINO: Giappichelli, ISBN: 9788892135116.
  • Loi, Michela, Castriotta, Manuel, Marku, Elona, Di Guardo, Maria Chiara, Patriotta, Gerardo (2020). Everyday experience and entrepreneurial learning: when ordinary events trigger learning. In: Frontiers of entrepreneurship research BCERC proceedings. ISBN: 0-910897-45-X, University of Tennessee - Knoxville (US), 3-6 June 2020
  • Zaitsava, M., Marku, E., & Castriotta, M. (2020). An Open Innovation Lens on the Digital Transformation Frontiers. In Improving Business Performance Through Innovation in the Digital Economy (pp. 83-104). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1005-6.ch007.
  • Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C., Marku, E. (2020). Mapping Research on Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation. In: Giacomo Camba et al. (a cura di): Aldo Pavan Adriana Di Liberto, Il Mondo che cambia. p. 175-185, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 9788891772763.
  • Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C. (2020). Innovation Quantity and Quality: The Role of Diversification via Mergers and Acquisitions. Nuove Tendenze negli Studi Economico-Aziendali. L’evoluzione dei Rapporti Azienda Società. (Ed.) C.E. Schillaci.
  • Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, E., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2020). Strive or Avoid: A Motivational Perspective of Growth and Independence-Oriented Intentions. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 13725). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M. C., & Loi, M. (2019). Mapping Innovation in the Digital Transformation Era: The Role of Technology Convergence. In Business Transformations in the Era of Digitalization (pp.160-178). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7262-6.ch010.
  • Marku, E., Castriotta, E., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2019, July). General Purpose Technology: The Blockchain Domain. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 17994). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Marku, E., Di Guardo, M.C. (2018). Entrepreneurs’ practical wisdom: entrepreneur-event nexus in the entrepreneurial learning process. RENT, ISSN: 2219-5572.
  • Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C. (2017). Entrepreneurial intention or intentions? An empirical investigation on Douglas’ conceptualization. RENT, ISSN: 2219-5572
  • Castriotta, M; Di Guardo M.C. (2015) “A Collective Reasoning on the Automotive Industry: A Patent Co-citation Analysis”. In 15th ISSI Conference Proceedings, Istanbul (pp. 865-870). ISBN:978-975-518-381-7
  • Castriotta M., Floreddu P.B., (2013) “IT-Based Co-Creation through Social Media: Defining a new business model for Insurance companies” in Proceedings of the XIV Workshop Organizzazione Aziendale. ISBN 978-88-6787-055-4
  • Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M. C., Floreddu P.B., “Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing Communities Design: a Cross Case Analysis” in Spagnoletti P, Baskerville R. and De Marco M. (2013), Designing organizational systems: an interdisciplinary discourse, LNISO, vol. 1, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 143-155. ISBN: 978-3-642-33371
  • Castriotta M., Di Guardo M.C. (2011), “Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: the case of Mulino Bianco”, Alessandro D’Atri, Maria Ferrara, Joey F. George, Paolo Spagnoletti in Information Technology and Innovation Trends In Organizations, Springer, Germany, 2011. ISBN 978-3-7908-2632-6



Conferences, workshops, and seminars

ITAIS (Italian Association of Information Systems) - Participation to the conference: "Italian Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS", Naples (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: the case of Mulino Bianco". Authors: Castriotta, M, Di Guardo, M.C.;

from 08-10-2010 to 09-10-2010

EURAM (European Academy of Management) - Participation in the conference: "Management Culture in 21st Century", Tallinn (Estonia) "Open innovation and Crowdsourcing: mapping motives, modes, and effects". Authors: Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C.;

from 01-06-2011 to 04-06-2011

NET's - Participation in the conference: "International Conference on Internet Studies" - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Title of the paper presented: "The challenge and opportunities of crowdsourcing web communities: an Italian case study". Authors: Castriotta, M, Di Guardo, M.C.;

09-09-2011 to 10-09-2011

ITAIS (Italian Association of Information Systems) - Participation in the conference: "Italian Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS", Rome (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Combining Exploration and Exploitation through Crowdsourcing: the case of Starbucks". Authors: Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M. C., Floreddu P.B., Pettinao D.;

from 07-10-2011 to 08-10-2011

AIDEA Giovani (Associazione Italiana Docenti di Economia Aziendale) - Participation in the conference: "La creazione di Valore: aspetti critici e problematiche di misurazione", Cagliari (Italy). Title of paper presented: "Multichannel and co-creation of value: the case of Geico Spa". Authors: Floreddu, B.P., Castriotta, M.;

from 18-11-2011 to 19-11-2011

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization), Verona (Italy). Title of the paper presented: Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing Communities Design: A Cross Case Analysis". Authors: Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M. C., Floreddu P.B.;

from 28-05-2012 to 29-05-2012

ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management), Barcelona (Spain). Title of the paper presented: "Open Innovation capturing new thinking for insurance companies". Authors: Cabiddu F., Castriotta M., Di Guardo M. C., Floreddu P.B.;

from 09-06-2012 to 09-06-2012

AOM Annual Meeting (Academy of Management Annual Meeting) - Participation in the conference "4th Annual Content Analysis Professional Development Workshop" - Title of paper presented: "Managing online reputation: the role of social media". Authors: Floreddu P.B., Castriotta M.;

03-08-2012 to 07-08-2012

AOM (Academy of Management Annual Meeting) - Participation in the conference "4th Annual Content Analysis Professional Development Workshop" - Title of paper presented: "Disaster management and insurance risk: a co-citation analysis". Authors: Castriotta M.; Floreddu P.;

03-08-2012 to 07-08-2012

WOA Conference (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - Title of the paper presented: Organizing in Turbulent Times: The Challenge Ahead, Rome (Italy). Title of paper presented: "IT-Based Co-Creation of value through Social Media: Defining an open business model for Insurance companies". Authors: Castriotta, M., Floreddu, P.B.;

from 30-05-2013 to 31-05-2013

SMS Conference (Special Conference of Strategic Management Society) - Start up and restart strategies, Tel Aviv (Israel). Title of paper presented: "Displaying the Latent Relationships between Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Academic Research: A Co-citation Analysis". Authors: Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C.;

09-03-2014 to 12-03-2014

INBAM Conference (International Network of Business and Management Journals), Barcelona (Spain). Title of the paper presented: "Drawing the Commingling-Map between Entrepreneurship and Creativity: A Co-Citation Analysis". Authors: Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C.;

24-06-2014 to 27-06-2014

WOA Conference (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - Back to basics: Searching for new forms of organizing - Padova (Italy). Title of paper presented: "The next generation of entrepreneurs: Which theoretical basis for entrepreneurial training?". Authors: Castriotta, M., Loi, M., & Di Guardo M.C.;

20-05-2015 to 22-05-2015.

ISSI (International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics) - Istanbul (Turkey). Title of the paper presented: "A Collective Reasoning on the Automotive Industry: A Patent Co-citation Analysis". Authors: Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Di Guardo, M. C.;

29-06-2015 to 04-07-2015

EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies) - Organizing in the shadow of power - Naples (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "The cartography of creativity and entrepreneurship share lands". Authors: Castriotta, M., Loi, M. & Di Guardo, M. C.;

07-07-2016 to 09-07-2016.

EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies) - Organizing in the shadow of power, Naples (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Optimism and learning process of venture creation". Authors: Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M. C.;

07-07-2016 to 09-07-2016

EPIP - European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, Bordeaux (France). Title of the paper presented: "Visualizing the Knowledge Profile of the U.S. Communications Industry: A Patent Co-Classification Analysis". Authors: Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C., Harrigan, K.R.;

03-09-2016 to 05-09-2016.

Member of the organizing committee of the conference "International Conference on Internet Studies" July 14-16, 2017 - Bali - Indonesia;

from 15-10-2016 to 16-07-2017

Seminar organization entitled "The Entrepreneurial Architecture of Universities - how can it be developed?" held at the University of Cagliari on January 12, 2017. Keynote speaker Prof.ssa Lene Foss, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, School of Business and Economics (Norway);

from 12-01-2017 to 12-01-2017

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - Organizing between reality and appearance in times of change, Pisa (Italy). Title of paper presented: "The positive feedback loop of optimism: Implications for entrepreneurship education". Authors: Loi, M., Castriotta, M. & Di Guardo, M.C.;

16-02-2017 to 17-02-2017.

Seminar organization entitled "Radical invention in multi-technology markets" held at the University of Cagliari on May 29, 2017. Keynote speaker Prof. J.P. Eggers, STERN School of Business, New York University (USA);

from 29-05-2017 to 29-05-2017

Seminar organization entitled "Managing innovation activities: challenges for research" held at the University of Cagliari on May 30, 2017. Keynote speaker Prof. J.P. Eggers, STERN School of Business, New York University (USA);

from 30-05-2017 to 30-05-2017

AOM Annual Meeting (Academy of Management) - At the Interface, Atlanta (USA). Title of the paper presented: "Modes of thought in entrepreneurial intention studies: A collective intelligence perspective". Authors: Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Barbosa, S., Di Guardo, M.C., Fayolle, A., Linan, F.;

04-08-2017 to 08-08-2017

AIDEA - Participation in the National Conference "Tendenze Nuove Negli Studi Economico Aziendali: L'evoluzione Dei Rapporti Azienda-Società" held in Rome (Italy) on September 14-15, 2017. Title of the paper presented "Innovation Quality after Organization Change: The M&A Diversification Impact". Authors: Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C. (2017). Article considered worthy of publication;

14-09-2017 to 15-09-2017

RENT- XXXI Rent Conference, Lund (Sweden). Title of the paper presented: 'Entrepreneurial intention or intentions? An empirical investigation on Douglas' conceptualization". Authors: Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C.;

15-11-2017 to 17-11-2017

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - The resilient organization: design, change and innovation in the globalized economy, Rome (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Are Scholars Aligned and Consistent with Labelling and Defining What Organizational Emergence Is? A Conceptual Structure Point of View". Authors: Castriotta, M., Loi, M., Di Guardo, M.C., Marku, E.;

16-02-2018 to 17-02-2018

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - The resilient organization: design, change and innovation in the globalized economy, Rome (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Growth vs Independence: Exploring Intentions Toward the Venture of New Organizations". Authors: Loi, M., Barbieri, B., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C.;

16-02-2018 to 17-02-2018.

Organization of the Professional Development Workshop of the Journal of Management Studies held at the University of Cagliari on May 07, 2018. Keynote speaker Prof. Gerardo Patriotta, Warwick Business School, Editor of the Journal of Management Studies:

07-05-2018 to 07-05-2018

Seminar organization entitled "Firm technological responses to regulatory changes: A longitudinal study in the Le Mans Prototype racing" held at the University of Cagliari on May 25, 2018. Keynote speaker Prof. Paolo Aversa, CASS Business School, City University of London (UK);

from 25-05-2018 to 25-05-2018

Organization of the Professional Development Workshop of CREE - Research Center on Entrepreneurship Education - EmLyon Business School entitled "Exchange Experiences and Research on Entrepreneurship Education" held at the University of Cagliari from July 2 to 4, 2018. Keynote speaker Prof. Alain Fayolle, Professor in Entrepreneurship, EmLyon Business School;

02-07-2018 to 04-07-2018

RENT Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Participation in the conference RENT Sustainable entrepreneurship: A win-win strategy for the future" held in Toledo (Spain) from November 14 to 16, 2018. Title of the paper presented: "Entrepreneurs' Practical Wisdom: Entrepreneur-Event Nexus in the Entrepreneurial Learning Process". Authors: Loi, M., Castriotta, M., Marku, E., Di Guardo, M.C. (2018);

14-11-2018 to 16-11-2018

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - "Identity and Pluralism across Organizational Studies and Practices", Palermo (Italy). Title of the paper presented: "Entrepreneurial Learning Mechanisms: How and What Entrepreneurs Learn from Their Experience". Authors: Loi, M.;Castriotta, M.; Di Guardo, M.C.;

07-02-2019 to 08-02-2019.

Seminar organization entitled "Support for Innovative Entrepreneurship: science parks, incubators, accelerators and student entrepreneurship initiatives" held at the University of Cagliari on May 28, 2019. Keynote speaker Prof. Mike Wright, Imperial College London (UK);

from 28-05-2019 to 28-05-2019.

Seminar organization entitled "Understanding (and successfully surviving) the review process" held at the University of Cagliari on July 10, 2019. Keynote speaker Prof. Gerardo Patriotta, Warwick Business School, General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies;

10-07-2019 to 10-07-2019.

AOM - Academy of Management - Participation in the conference "Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Understanding the Inclusive Organization" held in Boston (USA) from August 9 to 13, 2019. Title of the paper presented: "General Purpose Technology: The Blockchain Domain". Authors: Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M.C. (2019);

09-08-2019 to 13-08-2019.

ISSI 2019 - Participation in the conference "International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics" Rome. Title of the paper: "Drawing the conceptual structure of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Authors: Castriotta, M., Loi M.; Angioni E.; Cabiddu F.;

from 02-09-2019 to 05-09-2019

AIDEA - Participation in the National Conference "Identity, innovation and impact of Italian corporatism-Inside the digital economy" held in Turin (Italy) on September 12-13, 2019. Title of the paper presented "Disentangling the emergence and evolution dynamics of the blockchain technology". Authors: Marku, E., Castriotta, M., Di Guardo, M. C., Loi, M. (2019);

12-09-2019 to 13-09-2019.

Seminar organization entitled "Extra-curricular Incubation Programs for Students: Entrepreneurial Learning as Social Practice" held at the University of Cagliari on October 25, 2019. Keynote speaker Prof. Diamanto Politis, Lund University (Sweden);

25-10-2019 to 25-10-2019.

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - "Will employees dream of electric sheep? Impacts of digital technologies within and beyond the workplace", Milan (Italy). Title of paper presented: "More Than Words: Theorizing Corporate Entrepreneurship through the Research Community Lexicon". Authors: Loi, M.;Castriotta, M.; Di Guardo, M.C.;

06-02-2020 to 07-02-2020.

Babson College Entrepreneurship Research - Participation in the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (Knoxville, online). Title of paper: "Everyday Experience And Entrepreneurial Learning: When Ordinary Events Trigger Learning". Authors: Loi, M., Castriotta, Marku, E., Di Guardo, M.C., Patriotta, G.;

03-06-2020 to 06-06-2020.

Member Organizing Committee of the International Conference EGOS - European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium - University of Cagliari, July 2023;

from 06-07-2020 to date

AOM (Academy of Management annual meeting) - Participation in the conference "Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Broadening Our Sight" (Vancouver, online). Title of paper: Strive or avoid: a motivational perspective of growth and independence-oriented intentions". Authors: Loi, M.; Barbieri, B.; Castriotta, M.; Di Guardo, M. C.;

07-08-2020 to 11-08-2020

WOA (Workshop of Professors of Business Organization) - "ORGANIZING FOR WHAT? MEANING AND PURPOSE IN HUMAN ACTION", Genova (Italy). Title of paper presented: "A Bibliometric Lens on Conducting, Writing, and Theorizing from a Literature Review: Organizing Meanings in Puzzle Synthesis". Authors: Castriotta, M.; Di Guardo, M.C.;

06-02-2020 to 07-02-2020.

AOM (Academy of Management annual meeting) - Participation in the conference "Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (online). Title of paper: "Prospecting, balancing and reversing: entrepreneurial learning from positive and negative events". Authors: Loi, M.; Castriotta, M.; Di Guardo, M. C.; Patriotta, G.

30-07-2021 to 03-08-2021

XIV PuntOrg En Attendant... Inteernational Meeting - Università di Bologna- Relatore invitato. Titolo del contributo: "A polyamorous lens on creative hubs: a co-leadership perspective". Autore: Castriotta, M.

dal 16-12-2021 al 17-12-2021


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