

PhD students and Post-Docs

  • Claudio Crobu

Research Interests

  • Manifold Learning e Manifold Optimization
  • Metodi di Decomposizione e Rilassamenti Lagrangiani
  • Metodi di Ottimizzazione per l’Analisi di Dati (classificazione, riduzione dimensionale, etc.)
  • Ottimizzazione per problemi combinatori (location, routing, timetabling, etc.)
  • Ottimizzazione Non-Differenziabile Convessa e Non-Convessa


  • ODS 2021 – International Conference in Optimization and Decision Science (Roma)
  • Odysseus 2018 (Cagliari)
  • Verolog PhD School 2018 (Cagliari)

Research Collaborations

  • Annabella Astorino, ICAR CNR, Rende
  • Teodor Gabriel Crainic, CIRRELT and ESG- UQAM, Montreal
  • Antonio Frangioni, Università di Pisa
  • Bernard Fortz, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Manlio Gaudioso, ICAR CNR
  • Claudio Gentile, IASI CNR
  • Martine Labbé, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Leo Liberti, CNRS LIX Ecole Polytechnique, Parigi
  • Ishwar Murthy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
  • Pierre-Louis Poirion, Riken Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo
  • Giuseppe Stecca, IASI CNR

Selected Publications

  • Baldacci, R., Caserta, M., Traversi, E., Wolfler Calvo R. (2022). Robustness of solutions to the capacitated facility location problem with uncertain demand. Optimization Letters.
  • Liberti, L., & Manca, B. (2022). Side-constrained minimum sum-of-squares clustering: mathematical programming and random projections. Journal of Global Optimization, 83(1), 83-118.
  • Astorino, A., Di Francesco, M., Gaudioso, M., Gorgone, E., & Manca, B. (2021). Polyhedral separation via difference of convex (DC) programming. Soft Computing, 25(19), 12605-12613.
  • Delle Donne D., Furini F., Malaguti E, Wolfler Calvo, R. (2021). A branch-and-price algorithm for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 303, 39-56.
  • Casazza M, Ceselli A., Wolfler Calvo R. (2021). A route decomposition approach for the single commodity Split Pickup and Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 289, 3, 897-911,
  • Di Francesco, M., Gaudioso, M., Gorgone, E., Murthy, I. (2021). A new extended formulation with valid inequalities for the Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem European Journal of Operational Research, 289 (3), pp. 975-986.
  • Ghezelsoflu, A., Di Francesco, M., Frangioni, A., Zuddas, P. (2021) A multiperiod drayage problem with customer-dependent service periods. Computers and Operations Research, 129, art. no. 105189.
  • Baldacci R., Lim, A. Traversi E, Wolfler Calvo R.  (2020) Optimal Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Fractional Objective Function. Transportation Science 54(2): 434-452.
  • Manca, B. (2020). DPW potentials for compact symmetric CMC surfaces in S3. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 156, 103791.
  • Nannicini, G., Sartor, G., Traversi, E., Wolfler Calvo R. (2020). An exact algorithm for robust influence maximization. Mathematical Programming 183, 419–453. 
  • A. Frangioni, B. Gendron, and E. Gorgone (2017). On the Computational Efficiency of Sub- gradient Methods: a Case Study with Lagrangian Bounds. Mathematical Programming Computation, 9(4):573–604.
  • B. Fortz, E. Gorgone, and D. Papadimitriou (2017). A Lagrangian heuristic algorithm for the time-dependent combined network design and routing problem. Networks, 69(1):110– 123,.
  • A. Frangioni and E. Gorgone. Generalized Bundle Methods for Sum-Functions with “Easy” Components: Applications to Multicommodity Network Design (2014). Mathematical Programming, 145(1):133–161.


Former Members

  • Paola Zuddas

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