UniCa Unica HRS4R Strategy HRS4R Initial Phase Timing

HRS4R Initial Phase Timing

2021, December  UniCa formally established the Internal Structure for the implementation of the HRS4R and started the preparation of the complete dossier.
2022, November   The European Commission accepted  UniCa commitment letter. According to the procedure, UniCa will have 12 months to prepare the complete dossier (Process Description, GAP analysis, Action Plan and OTM-R checklist).
2022, December   Institutional Workshop " Towards UniCa application to the "HR Excellence in Research label" 
2023  Progress of the HRS4R Organizational structure on the application dossier.
2023, February 

 Seminar "Presentation of the HRS4R strategy and its implementation in the University of Cagliari to the PhD candidates in UniCa" within the activities of UniCa Doctoral Advisory Council

2023, July  Presentation of the Action Plan to the Council of Department Heads.
2023, September  The Governing Bodies (Academic Senate and Administrative Board) approved the dossier.
2023, November

 Submission of the dossier to the European Commission via Euraxess e-tool. 


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