To be admitted to the Degree exam it is necessary to have successfully passed the exams of all the teaching activities, and completed all other educational activities included in the study plan according to the regulations, including those related to the preparation of the final exam, obtaining the related credits.
The final exam consists in the discussion of a report (thesis) related to an individual work, carried out by the graduating student under the supervision of at least one professor of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari, regarding technical and/or scientific aspects relevant to the areas of computer engineering, or computer security or artificial intelligence. The topic of the thesis and the supervisor should be chosen at the beginning of the second year.
The work may consist of a critical analysis of the state of the art, or the development of a project, or the development of methodologies and techniques with a certain degree of originality, or a transfer of methodologies and techniques from different fields to computer engineering topics.
The thesis must be written in English.
The activities related to the preparation of the final exam can be carried out:
- within one of the research groups of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE) which provide teaching at the course;
- within a research group that collaborates with the groups defined in the previous point;
- abroad, as part of one of the various international programs offered by the university (Erasmus Plus, Erasmus Placement, Globus Placement, etc.) or as Free Mover;
- within a company that is based in the regional, national or foreign territory, provided that the same activity does not coincide with the activity carried out during a traineeship for which specific training credits have been awarded, unless these CFUs have been recognized only for a fraction of work performed overall.
Criteria for computing the Degree Grade
The degree grade is awarded on the basis of the academic career, the thesis and the defense with the thesis committee. The thesis is examined with respect to the completeness of the analysis of the state of the art, the adequacy of the materials and methods used, the correctness and completeness of the results obtained, the degree of in-depth analysis of the problems and the innovativeness of the proposed solutions. The presentation is assessed on the basis of the candidate's ability to translate the work done into a set of effective, complete and clear slides and the candidate's ability to answer questions in a competent and professional way.
Degree Grade = Thesis Mark + (Cumulated Grade Average x 110) / 30.
The Thesis Mark varies from 0 to 9 points.
As an indication for the assignment of the thesis grade, the following classification of the type of work carried out by the student is used:
Thesis presenting an overview of the scientific and technological state of the art: up to 4 points;
Thesis describing the design and development of a project: up to 6 points;
Thesis addressing an open Research topic: up to 9 points;
Honors can be assigned unanimously by the committee only if the sum of the thesis mark and the cumulated grade average is equal to or greater than 112.