Showing results 51 to 100 of 129
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Curved shell-supported footbridges 1-Jan-2015 Fenu, Luigi; Briseghella, Bruno; Zordan, Tobia - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)
Comparative experimental study of dynamic compressive strength of mortar with glass and basalt fibres 1-Jan-2015 Kruszka, Leopold; Moćko, Wojciech; Fenu, Luigi; Cadoni, Ezio EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES EDP Sciences
Energy absorption at high strain rate of glass fiber reinforced mortars 1-Jan-2015 Fenu, Luigi; Forni, Daniele; Cadoni, Ezio EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES EDP Sciences
Failure modes and resistance of k-joints of concrete-filled steel tubular truss structures 1-Jan-2015 Fenu, Luigi; Wenjin, H.; Bruno, B.; Baochun, C. - FVA srl
Evaluation of the fracture behaviour of a fibre reinforced earthen material using digital image correlation 1-Jan-2015 Aymerich, F.; Fenu, L.; Francesconi, L.; Fa, Guanzhe - ICCE
Ponte in curva sorretto da guscio in cemento armato di superficie minima 1-Jan-2014 Fenu, Luigi; Serra, C; Briseghella, B; Zordan, T. - AICAP
Shell supported curved footbridges 1-Jan-2014 Fenu, Luigi; Serra, C; Brisighella, B; Zordan, T. - Hemming Information Services
Disegnare il presente sulle tracce del passato. Restauro e riuso del Castello Siviller di Villasor 1-Jan-2014 Giannattasio, Caterina; Fenu, L.; Pintus, Valentina - Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese
Optimization of Calatrava Bridge in Venice 1-Jan-2014 Zordan, T; Mazzarolo, E; Briseghella, B; Chen, B; Feng, Y; Siviero, E; Fenu, Luigi - CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP
Experimental characterization of italian adobe bricks reinforced with straw fibres 1-Jan-2014 Parisi, F; Asprone, D; Fenu, Luigi; Prota, A. - -
Effect of fibre content on static and dynamic properties of fibre reinforced concrete 1-Jan-2014 Kruszka, L; Moćko, W; Cadoni, E; Fenu, Luigi - -
Ponti in curva sorretti da griglia di tubi con superficie media di minima area 1-Jan-2013 Fenu, Luigi; Serra, C; Briseghella, B; Zordan, T. - MCM Congressi
Dynamic behaviour of austenitic stainless steel used for rebars in tension 1-Jan-2013 Cadoni, E; Dotta, M; Fenu, Luigi; Forni, D; Riganti, G; Tesio, N. - -
An Application of Topological Optimization to Bridge Design 1-Jan-2013 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Lan, C; Mazzarolo, E; Zordan, T. JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING -
Strain rate behaviour in tension of austenitic stainless steel used for reinforcing bars 1-Jan-2012 Cadoni, E; Fenu, Luigi; Forni, D. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS -
Effect of reinforcing wool fibres on fracture and energy absorption properties of an earthen material 1-Jan-2012 Aymerich, Francesco; Fenu, Luigi; Meloni, Paola CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS -
Static behaviour of a prestressed stone arch footbridge 1-Jan-2012 Huang, W; Fenu, Luigi; Briseghella, B; Chen, B; Zordan, T. - CI-Premier Pte Ltd.
Topology optimization with eigenfrequency of concrete shell bridges 1-Jan-2012 Briseghella, B; Feng, Y; Fenu, Luigi; Siviero, E; Zordan, T; Chen, B. - CI-Premier Pte Ltd.
Resistance of Welded Joints of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Girders 1-Jan-2012 Huang, W; Fenu, Luigi; Chen, B; Liu, J; Briseghella, B. - Research Publishing
Innovative Stone Arch Footbridges 1-Jan-2011 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Huang, W; Zordan, T. - Hemming Group Ltd, 2011
Tensegrity Footbridges with Arch and Straight Deck: Comparison of their Structural Behaviour 1-Jan-2011 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Huang, W; Zordan, T. - Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne
Shape optimization of an arch bridge by an evolutionary procedure 1-Jan-2010 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Lan, C; Mazzarolo, E; Siviero, E; Zordan, T. - -
Tensegrity bridge with prestressed deck 1-Jan-2010 Briseghella, Bruno; Fenu, Luigi; Huang, Wenjin; Zordan, Tobia - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)
Tensegrity footbridges with arch deck: static and dynamic behaviour 1-Jan-2010 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Huang, W; Zordan, T. - Fuzhou University
Fully Stressed Piles and Beams in a Winkler’s Medium, End-loaded by an Orthogonal Force, and with Optimum Length 1-Jan-2010 Fenu, Luigi SHIGONG JISHU -
A new multi-span arch bridge over the Piave River in Venice: conceptual design and structural optimization 1-Jan-2010 Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Lan, C; Mazzarolo, E; Siviero, E; Zordan, T. - Fuzhou University
Topology Optimization of a Shell Supported Bridge 1-Jan-2010 Zordan, T; Briseghella, B; Fenu, Luigi; Mazzarolo, E; Lan, C; Siviero, E. - -
Funzione, struttura e architettura nell'arte di fare i ponti 1-Jan-2009 Fenu, Luigi; Siviero, E; Briseghella, B; Zordan, T. LE STRADE -
Notched columns made of quasi-brittle materials: stability analysis by means of R-curves 1-Jan-2009 Fenu, Luigi STUDI E RICERCHE -
Influence of different reinforcing fibres on the mechanical properties of an earthen material 1-Jan-2009 Aymerich, Francesco; Fenu, Luigi; Meloni, Paola - Edicom
Solaio composito parzialmente prefabbricato con soletta in calcestruzzo e travi in legno connesse a profilati in acciaio 1-Jan-2009 Fenu, Luigi; Bozano, E. - ACS ACAI SERVIZI srl, Milano.
Ageing and lifecycle of building envelopes and thin shells made of quasi-brittle conglomerates of glass and epoxy resin 1-Jan-2008 Aymerich, Francesco; Cossu, Gp; Fenu, Luigi - London:Crc Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group
Tenacizzazione di manufatti in terra cruda mediante fibre naturali 1-Jan-2008 Meloni, Paola; Massidda, L; Carcangiu, G; Fenu, L; Aymerich, Francesco - -
Solaio misto legno-calcestruzzo parzialmente prefabbricato 1-Jan-2008 Fenu, Luigi; E., Bozano - -
Mechanical behaviour of earth stabilised with different fibres for earthen construction 1-Jan-2007 Aymerich, Francesco; Fenu, Luigi; Meloni, Paola - -
Combined effect of geometric and fracture instability in the design of glass columns 1-Jan-2007 Fenu, Luigi - CI-Premier Pte Ltd.
Influenza sul tipo di fibre sul comportamento meccanico della terra cruda per costruzioni in muratura 1-Jan-2007 Fenu, L.; Meloni, Paola - Alinea Editrice
On the design of shells stiffened with ribs with fractal pattern 1-Jan-2007 Fenu, Luigi; Madeddu, T; Pusole, P. - -
Simplified analysis of the stability of quasi-brittle notched columns 1-Jan-2007 Fenu, Luigi - Taylor & Francis
Stabilizzazione di elementi in terra cruda con polimeri naturali 1-Jan-2007 Achenza, MARIA MADDALENA; Fenu, L. - Alinea Editrice
Architettura e Struttura. Le ‘light structures’ di Jörg Schlaich 1-Jan-2007 Cossu, GIAN PIERO; Fenu, Luigi LE STRADE -
Mechanical behaviour of soil stabilized with different fibres for earthen construction 1-Jan-2007 Aymerich, Francesco; Fenu, L; Meloni, Paola - -
Pali Multiton caricati lateralmente e con spostamento minimo 1-Jan-2006 Fenu, Luigi - -
Laterally loaded R/C bored piles with minimum horizontal top displacement 1-Jan-2006 Fenu, Luigi; Madama, G. - -
On earth stabilization with natural polymers for earth masonry construction 1-Jan-2006 Achenza, MARIA MADDALENA; Fenu, Luigi MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES -
On the conceptual design of R/C footbridges with the deck supported by shells of minimal surface 1-Jan-2006 Fenu, Luigi; Madama, G; Tattoni, S. STUDI E RICERCHE -
On the conceptual design of shell glass footbridges 1-Jan-2005 CORTI E., A; Fenu, Luigi; Madama, G. - -
Conceptual approach to the design of glass objects from a structural point of view 1-Jan-2005 Cadeddu, Barbara; Corti, Ea; Fenu, Luigi; Madama, G. - CI-Premier Pte Ltd.
Showing results 51 to 100 of 129
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