Tutor (Lectures)

The Degree Programme facilitates the orientation of students at various stages of their studies through its ad hoc structures.

The following staff are in charge of guidance activities:

  • The Cohort Tutor, who deals with the overall needs of students in the Economics & Finance Degree Programme;
  • The Internship Tutor, who deals with all internship-related issues to enable students to carry out their work placement to the best of their ability. S/he assesses the adequacy of training objectives when students choose and organize their own placements;
  • The Lecturer in charge of Incoming Students, who is responsible for supporting students in the successful start of their university experience;
  • The Entry Requirement Tutor, who is responsible for catch-up modules and any issue with entry requirements.
Tutor per le attività di recupero e riallineamento delle competenze in ingresso
Tutor Tirocini

Bella Giovanni
Phone: 070 675 3340
Email: bella@unica.it

Tutor Double Degree

Pinna Anna Maria
Phone: 070/675-3320
Email: ampinna@unica.it

Tutor accompagnamento al lavoro e interazioni Ufficio Placement

Paglietti Paola
Phone: 070/675-3355
Email: ppagliet@unica.it

Tutor di Coorte 2020 e 2021

Bella Giovanni
Phone: 070 675 3340
Email: bella@unica.it

Tutor di Coorte 2018 e 2019

Rinaldo Brau
Phone: +39 070 6753315
Email: brau@unica.it

Tutor di Coorte 2016 e 2017

Sulis Giovanni
Phone: 070/675-3421
Email: gsulis@unica.it

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