A Double Degree is awarded when students complete a Degree Programme whose curriculum has been jointly designed by two Universities and regulated by a specific agreement. Double Degree students will alternate attendance between the two Universities, within set parameters of course content and duration, and will be awarded both degrees after their final exams, which can also be held jointly.
Double Degree
The Economics & Finance Degree Programme activated a Double Degree with el Grado en Economía and el Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad of the Universitat Jaume I - UJI (Spain).
Following the agreement between the two parties, students who began their course in Economics & Finance at the University of Cagliari and meet the requirements set out in the agreement, are admitted at UJI as students of the Grado en Economia.
Similarly, students enrolled in the Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad (FICO) and the Grado en Economía (ECO), who meet the requirements set out in Article 3 above, are admitted as third-year students of the Degree in Economics & Finance.
Exchange students under this agreement follow a Study Plan as set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the Agreement.
Upon their return, these students are awarded the Economics & Finance Degree after passing the final examination. The graduates who then enrol in the Economics, Finance and Public Policy Postgraduate Degree and acquire 60 credits are also awarded a Degree in Economics from UJI.
All information on the Double Degree can be found in the Bilateral Agreement, in the Learning Plan and the Regulations published below.
Spanish Language Requirement
All students who do not have basic knowledge of the Spanish language can attend the following courses to achieve the required B1 Level (using their elective credits):
A2 Level – Spanish Language 1, held by the Political Science Degree Programme (6 CFU credits), normally in the first semester;
B1 Level – Spanish Language 2, held by the Postgraduate International Relations Degree Programme (9 CFU credits), normally in the second semester.
Students are advised to check the timetables regularly, as this calendar may vary.
How to activate the Double Degree option
Double Degree selections are based on the rules set out in the Regulations for the Double Degree.
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, a maximum number of 5 students regularly enrolled in the third year of the Degree Programme in Economics & Finance may be admitted to the Double Degree Programme, provided they meet the following two requirements:
- they have acquired all 120 credits relating to the first two years of the Degree Programme. Students who are no more than 18 credits short of the 120-credit threshold may also be admitted, provided that the missing courses are not basic or core subjects;
- their Spanish language proficiency is at least at B1 Level.
The selection for admission will take place by mid-March, with a special Commission composed of the Coordinator and two lecturers of the Degree Programme. Up to 100 pointscan be awarded according to the following criteria:
- number of credits acquired in the first year (first and second semester) and in the second year (first semester only);
- weighted grade average;
- language certifications;
- motivational interview.
All students regularly enrolled in the second year of the course receive a letter from the Coordinator inviting them to apply to the Double Degree selections.
Notices and results of Double Degree selections
Double Degree selection notices and results are published in this section.