UniCa EDUC Connected Projects EDUcardS project

EDUcardS project

EDUcardS project

The Educards project : implementing the European student card among EDUC alliance

In the spirit of the digital alliance and innovative approach, the Educards project implements the European Student Card (ESC) to the universities in the EDUC consortium, as a first step to digitize all administrative procedures related to Erasmus student mobilities

What is the European Student Card?

The ESC is a digital European framework which allows the students to use their current card, be it ISIC, university card or other, to access facilities and services at the host university in the same fashion as the local students do, thus minimizing the administrative and paperwork. The European Student Card Initiative will enable every student to easily and safely identify and register themselves electronically at higher education institutions within Europe when moving abroad for studies, eliminating the need to complete onsite registration procedures and paperwork.

Via this process, the visiting student will have established digital identity in the information system of host university, making the whole transition process easier for all parties involved.

The approach of the partners will make it possible to transpose this experience so that other higher education institutions can benefit from its results. Ultimately, we hope that the 160,000 students of the EDUC alliance will benefit from the European student card and will have easy access to various services within EDUC universities, thus allowing a simplified management of their student paths on a European scale.
The Educards project is a strategic partnership project (KA203) funded by the European Erasmus + programme.

Educard has 3 main objectives:
1. Experiment a methodological framework for implementing the European student card
2. Facilitate the use of the card by students
3. Optimize and improve the implementation of ESC

Activities under the Educards project

1. Organization of 4 mobilities for joint learning and practice exchanges aimed at increasing the skills and expertise of the staff involved in the project
2. Collaborative work on the implementation of the card and production of deliverables:
- Development of a methodology for the implementation of ESC applicable to all HEIs
- Development of a « user manual » for students
- Experimentation within partner universities and report on the 1st year of experimentation of the ESC in order to help the implementation of the card in other HEIs.
3. Organisation of a dissemination seminar on the implementation of the ESC within HEIs.


University of Rennes (coordinator of the project)

  • Potsdam University (Germany)
  • Université Paris-Nanterre (France)
  • Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
  • University of Cagliari (Italy)
  • University of Pécs (Hungary) 

CONTACTS: Anna Maria Aloi (Project Manager Educards) educ.amm@unica.it

Giuseppe Murtas (Digital Officer Educards)


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