Probability and Statistics



PhD students and Post-Docs

  • Mara Manca
  • Nicola Piras

Research Interests

  • Problema dei momenti e sue applicazioni (anche in dimensione infinita).
  • Problema della realizzabilità per funzioni di correlazione.
  • Uniforme distribuzione di successioni di punti e partizioni su insiemi frattali
  • Inferenza Causale
  • Metodi di inferenza parametrica basati sulla teoria degli “Scoring Rules”
  • Modellizzazione statistica e scelta del modello sia in ambito classico che bayesiano
  • Misure di difformità in ottica bayesiana
  • Distribuzione normale asimmetrica e sue generalizzazioni
  • Modelli di regressione quantilica e sue estensioni
  • Costruzione di indicatori aggiustati per la valutazione e confronto delle performance a livello universitario
  • Costruzione e stima di modelli di mistura finita e in classi latenti per strutture dati multilivello


Research Collaborations

Selected Publications

  • B. Cappelletti-Montano, S. Columbu, M. Montaldo, M. Musio, Interpreting the outcomes of research assessments: A geometrical approach, Journal of Informetrics, 16 (1), 101254, 2022.
  • S. Columbu, P. Frumento, M. Bottai, Modeling sign concordance of quantile regression residuals with multiple outcomes, International Journal of Biostatistics,, 2022.
  • A.P. Dawid, M. Humphreys, M. Musio, Bounding causes of effects with mediators, Sociological methods and research, 2022.
  • A.P. Dawid, M. Musio, Effects of Causes and Causes of Effects, Annual Review of Statistics and its Application, 9: 261-287, 2022.
  • M. Infusino, S. Kuhlmann, T. Kuna, P. Michalski, Projective limit techniques for the infinite dimensional moment problem, Integral Equ. Oper. Theory 94 (2): Art.12. 44 pp., 2022.
  • S. Columbu, V. Mameli, M. Musio, A. P. Dawid, The Hyvärinen scoring rule in Gaussian linear time series models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 212, 126 – 140, 2021.
  • S. Columbu, M. Porcu, I. Sulis, University choice and the attractiveness of the study area: Insights on the differences amongst degree programmes in Italy based on generalised mixed-effect models, Socio- Economic Planning Sciences, 74, 100926, 2021.
  • F. Corradi, M. Musio, Causes of Effects via a Bayesian Model Selection Procedure, Journal of Royal Statistical Society A, 183 (4): 1327-1348, 2020.
  • M. Infusino, T. Kuna, The full moment problem on subsets of probabilities and point configurations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 483 (1): 123551, 2020.
  • M. Infusino, T. Kuna, J. L. Lebowitz, E. R. Speer, The truncated moment problem on N_0, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 452 (1): 443–468, 2017.
  • E. Caglioti, M. Infusino, T. Kuna, Translation invariant realizability problem on the d-dimensional lattice: an explicit construction, Electronic Communications in Probability 21 (45): 1–9, 2016.
  • A.P. Dawid, M. Musio, S.E. Fienberg, From Statistical Evidence to Evidence of Causality, Bayesian Analysis, 11 (3): 725-752, 2016.
  • A.P. Dawid, M. Musio, L. Ventura, Minimum Scoring Rules Inference, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, 123-138, 2016.
  • A.P. Dawid, M. Musio, Bayesian Model Selection based on Proper Scoring Rules, (with discussion), Bayesian Analysis 10 (2): 479-521, 2015.
  • M. Infusino, T. Kuna, A. Rota, The full infinite dimensional moment problem on semialgebraic sets of generalized functions, Journal of Functional Analysis 267 (5): 1382–1418, 2014.
  • M. Drmota, M. Infusino, On the discrepancy of some generalized Kakutani’s sequences of partitions, Uniform Distribution Theory 7 (1): 75–104, 2012.
  • N.H. Augustin, M. Musio, K. von Wilpert, E. Kublin, S. Wood, M. Schmacher, Modelling Spatiotemporal Forest Health Monitoring Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104 (487): 899–911, 2009.


  • Valentina Mameli (Università di Udine)
  • Rossella Murtas (ATS Milano)
  • Patrick Michalski (Universität Konstanz, Germania)
  • Aldo Rota

Former Members

  • Francesco Bertolino
  • Walter Racugno
  • Maria Luisa Targhetta

Questionnaire and social

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