Accesso ai Corsi di Laurea Magistrale

A.A. 2023/2024

To be admitted to a Master's degree course, the candidate must be in possession of:

  • a university degree or three-year university diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad that is recognised as suitable.
  • curricular requirements
  • adequate personal preparation in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and didactic rules of the individual study courses.

All the requisites necessary for enrolment in the Master Degree program must be acquired by the student prior to enrolment.

Date per le prove di accesso

Data Science, Business Analytics e Innovation: 21/09/2023 ore 9.30am- written exam (online)

Economics, Finance and Public Policy: 08/09/2023 h 10am- written exam (online)

Management: 12/09/2023 h 9.30 am- written exam 

Sustainable Tourism Management and Monitoring: 14/09/2023 h 3pm - inteview (online)

Social Innovation and Communication: 19/09/2023 h 3pm - interview  (h 5pm online)

International Relations: 25/09/2023 h 10am - inteview (online)

Public Administration Sciences: 20/09/2023 h 3pm- interview

All the useful information and documents are published on the Courses's websites.

Questionnaire and social

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