Exams can only be taken after the completion of the respective courses and in compliance with any prerequisites. The University's Educational Regulations stipulate that the annual number of exam sessions must not be less than six for each course, with a minimum interval of two weeks between subsequent sessions. Additional provisions are defined in the Educational Regulations of the degree programs, and specific information for each course on exams and assessment tests can be found on the websites.

The link below connects to the University's Exam Notice Board.

Calendario Placement Test di Informatica

Gli appelli del Placement Test di Informatica sono periodicamente inseriti e quindi disponibili all'interno della Bacheca Appelli di Ateneo.

Nell'area riservata del test nella Piattaforma didattica EFIS sono invece disponibili i calendari completi, nei quali sono indicate tutte le date disponibili distribuite all'interno dell'anno accademico.

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