UniCa Geology Course Presentation



This Bachelor’s degree aims at teaching the theoretical and practical foundations of the geological discipline. After the completion of the three years curriculum, the next generation of geologists will be ready to enter the job market and/or proceed to the Master’s degree in Geological sciences (Laurea Magistrale LM-74), where they will acquire more specific skills in the different fields of the Earth sciences.

The course covers a vast array of topics, from basic elements of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science to fundamental knowledge in the different fields of the geological sciences. Practical exercises both in the field and in the laboratory figures prominently among the training activities. Through these activities the students learn experimental and analytical methods and how to process data of geological interest.

Knowledge of the territory is fundamental for a geologist in order to acquire a complete skill set. For this reason, fieldwork and geological mapping have a crucial weight in the planning of the training offer. During the third year the students undertake training internships in public and private professional facilities both in Italy and abroad (within the framework of international agreements), in order to ease their entrance in the job market. For the final exam (4 CFU) the students prepare an original paper and present it  before an Evaluation Board during a public examination.

The Bachelor’s degree in Geology offered by the University of Cagliari is the only one existing in the Region of Sardinia and complies with the National Syllabus of Degree Courses in Geology.

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