The Steering Committee (C.I.):

  • provides guidance on the directions of the world of work and productive activities in general;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations concerning the cultural and productive needs of the world of work;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations on training needs and the resulting curricula of students;
  • formulates opinions and recommendations on the appropriateness of the graduate profile defined by the educational pathway;
  • formulates proposals for the definition and design of the educational offer and its learning objectives;
  • promotes contacts for student internships in companies.

(see PQA, Operational Guide for Consultation with Interested Parties)

The Steering Committee generally meets annually.


Pichiri Giuseppina
Phone: 070/675-2487

Coordinatrice dei tirocini C.d.S. Fisioterapia
Coordinatrice dei tirocini C.d.S. Educazione Professionale
Coordinatrice dei tirocini C.d.S. Logopedia
Rappresentanti mondo del lavoro

Dott.ssa Roberta Loche (Rappresentante ASL)

Dott.ssa Alessandra Perra (Albo Tecn. Riabil. Psichiatrica)

Dott. Valerio Leonetti (Albo Logopedisti)

Dott.ssa M. Beatrice Foddis (Albo Educazione Professionale)

Dott. Gino Serra (Albo Fisioterapia)

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