The pedagogical supervision and the video-observation in the training for inclusive educators = La supervisione pedagogica e la video-osservazione nella formazione rivolta agli educatori inclusivi

Andrea SPANO


Are the strategies I use in reading workshops appropriate to the cognitive characteristics of the pupils? Can I keep the attention of children affected by attention deficit? During participatory reading, do I consider the emotional dimension of children who are affected by reading difficulties or learning disorders? These are some questions that educators who conduct reading workshops in schools and extracurricular educational services often ask themselves. This article shares the experience of pedagogical supervision to a group of educators in which the critical analysis of the professional practice was based on their reading workshop’s videotape. Analysing educational practice from a different perspective has allowed the educators to gain greater awareness of the key elements that are necessary in educational planning for heterogeneous groups in which there areseveral boys and girls affected by neurodevelopmental disorders.
Reading workshop; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Reading difficulties; Pedagogical supervision; Video-observation
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