Metabolomic profiling of Fiore Sardo cheese: Investigation of the influence of thermal treatment and ripening time using univariate and multivariate classification techniques

Sibono, Leonardo;Manis, Cristina;Errico, Massimiliano;Tronci, Stefania;Dedola, Alessio;Caboni, Pierluigi
Grosso, Massimiliano


The effect of different sub-pasteurization heat treatments and different ripening times was investigated in this work. The metabolite profiles of 95 cheese samples were analyzed using GC–MS in order to determine the effects of thermal treatment (raw milk, 57 °C and 68 °C milk thermization) and ripening time (105 and 180 days). ANOVA test on GC–MS peaks complemented with false discovery rate correction was employed to identify the compounds whose levels significantly varied over different ripening times and thermal treatments. The univariate t-test classifier and Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) provided acceptable classification results, with an overall accuracy in cross-validation of 76% for the univariate model and 72% from the PLS-DA. The metabolites that mostly changed with ripening time were amino acids and one endocannabinoid (i.e., arachidonoyl amide), while compounds belonging to the classes of biogenic amines and saccharides resulted in being strongly affected by the thermization process.
Classification; Metabolomics; Ovine cheese; Ripening time; Sub-pasteurization process
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