Recycled Aggregates, Mechanical Properties and Environmental Sustainability

Luisa Pani
Lorena Francesconi;James Rombi;Stefano Naitza;Ginevra Balletto;Giovanni Mei


This paper highlights the possibility of using structural concrete debris, also with modest mechanical performances (Rck ≤ 20 MPa), in order to obtain coarse recycled concrete aggregates to produce new structural concrete with higher performances. A specific case study concerned the recycling of the debris deriving from the total demolition of Cagliari football stadium concrete structures, to obtain coarse aggregates to produce new concrete. The results of the study point out the possibility of organizing recycling plants of secondary raw materials to produce coarse recycled aggregates deriving from only concrete, with the same size distribution of natural aggregates, without necessarily having additional performance information of the parent concrete. The alternative use of recycled aggregates in place of natural ones for concrete production aims to preserve natural resources and, in consequence, to reduce the extension of landfills.
Recycled Aggregates, Mechanical Properties, Recycling
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