Geografia e filosofia: istruzioni per l’uso

Marcello Tanca
Writing - Original Draft Preparation


This article explores the relationships existing between geography and philosophy. The absence in the past of a serious reflection on the subject today gives way to vir-tuous connections where the two disciplines interact with each other. First of all, the paper analyses the different ways in which this relationship is studied: proceeding by themes and problems and identifying one or more keywords to link the investigation to a sufficient number of issues without over-wide generalizations; focusing on some concepts with a historical-diachronic reading in a long-term perspective; showing four dialectical categories: Geography of Philosophy, Philosophy of Geography, Geography in Philosophy and Philosophy in Geography. Then the article focuses on “cultural turn” and conflictual relationship between the “principle of evidence” and the “perti-nence principle” in geography. In conclusion, I talk about the philosophy of geographers through a reference to some theoretical positions in Italian geography.
Geografia; filosofia; teoria
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