Communicating Actions for Sustainable Tourism Development. The Implementation of the European Tourism Indicator System for Sustainable Destinations in South Sardinia

Cannas, Rita


Sustainability communication plays an essential role in informing tourists about the availability of sustainable products and in addressing them to choosing eco-­‐friendly experiences, as well as in sharing awareness and responsibility within tourist operators about the urgent need to improve the sustainability of tourism offers. The European Tourism Indicator System for sustainable destinations (ETIS) looks a tool able to provide a holistic approach to improve the sustainable management of European tourism destinations, by encouraging stakeholder engagement and monitoring processes. Moving from the conceptual framework of the sustainable tourism, this qualitative study investigates the role of communication as a key strategy related to the ETIS’ implementation in the South of Sardinia, Italy, among the various stakeholders involved in it. Considering that research in sustainability communication and the ETIS outcomes are scarce, this study aims to contribute to filling this gap. The findings show clear weaknesses in the ETIS communication and stakeholders’ engagement, particularly at local level, and in the appropriation of the results. The study suggests to improving communication as a strategic lever to involve tourism operators and tourists while implementing sustainable actions like the ETIS, and to share the knowledge created, both at local and international level.
Sustainable tourism; development; sustainability communication; Sustainable Tourism Indicators; ETIS; Sardinia
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