The spacer block technique in revision of total knee arthroplasty with septic loosening

Capone, A.;


Five cases of septic loosening of total knee arthroplasty were treated by two-stage revision using a cement mixed with antibiotic. The spacer block was responsible for greater mechanical stability of the joint in the interval between the two stages of the operation, and the association of the antibiotic favored resolution of septic complications, allowing at the same time for systemic antibiotic treatment at doses lower than usual. In all of the cases treated reimplantation was performed in conditions of apparent sterility. The minimum amount of time between the first operation and reimplantation was 3 months, maximum was 5 months. Four to 18 months after reimplantation there was no recurrence of infection. Despite the short follow-up, the technique used appears to constitute a valid solution for septic complications in total knee arthroplasty.
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