Dynamic elastic characterization of carbonatic rocks used as building materials of monumental structures



This paper focuses on the dynamic characterization approach to evaluate the conservation state of carbonatic building stones of monumental structures. In particular, we report the use of the elastic waves in the ultrasonic range 24-82 kHz to define quantitatively some dynamic properties of carbonatic rock types used as building materials. Measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities have been carried out and the relationship between some physical properties of the investigated rocks and the above mentioned geophysical measurements have been carefully evaluated. The acoustic data were also corroborated by a mineralogical and petrological study of these rocks to correlate their petrophysical features with the elastic ones. On the basis of the results of the laboratory measurements, in situ applications on significant monuments in order to check zones of weakness, to assess the alterability of the investigated stones and evaluate the restoration effectiveness have been also carried out. The comparison of laboratory and in situ results confirms the usefulness of the dynamic characterization approach.
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